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    Xbox One

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    The Xbox One is Microsoft's third video game console. It was released on November 22nd 2013 in 13 countries.

    My Quick Thoughts one the Xbox One X

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    Edited By BlackRedGaming
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    The Xbox One X is just around the corner, so I decided to talk about my final thoughts on the system. I want to keep in mind that most of what I say will be an opinion, and that I could be wrong on everything. If you think I am wrong on anything, tell me in the comments and lets have a discussion. Anyways, here are my quick thoughts.

    My general opinion of the console is still the same as it was back when this machine was announced. Honestly, I don't think it is a good machine. And recent news stories have come out that make my opinion for the console a little worse. That being said, I don't think this console is entirely bad. So let's start with the positive.

    I think this is a really dumb quote for the new machine, but it does hold truth: "The Xbox One X is the world's most powerful console." I think that quote is so dumb because of course the newest console is going to be more powerful than any other previous console. Anyways, that quote holds true for this console, because this thing is a powerhouse in terms of console hardware. The hardware is pretty far ahead of the PS4 Pro (all of those teraflops), and its no wonder why the E3 press conference had a heavy focus on the tech. Another thing that is good about this console is its backwards compatibility. Not all of it is out yet, but the X promises backwards compatibility of their games from their previous two machines. I think that having backwards compatibility is great, even if the backwards compatibility for the Xbox 360 so far has not been used that much. Finally, more games can run at native 4K resolution than with any other console.

    With the positives out of the way, I want to look at what is bringing my opinion down on this console. Lets start with the games. Microsoft promised a lot of exclusives for the console, but that number is actually a lot smaller than it should be. They say that twenty-two of the forty-two games announced at the press conference are going to be exclusives, but leave it to Xbox to make the term 'exclusive' murky. Most if not all of these 'exclusive' games will at least be on PC, and some of these games will be on PS4. They call all of these games exclusives by making up their own terms like "console launch exclusive" for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds when the game is already out for PC and will come out for PS4. Technically, none of these terms are wrong; I just find this as a scummy way to bloat exclusivity numbers when in actually the number for true Xbox One exclusives are close to zero.

    Round One. Fight!
    Round One. Fight!

    The Xbox One X can render 4K better than any other console, but that doesn't stop it from going head-to-head with its biggest competitor: itself. And by itself I mean the Xbox One S. Yes, the S doesn't do as good of a job as the X in 4K, but this console still does 4K. This is still a viable console to purchase that was only released a year ago that is meant for 4K TVs, which means that the S is in competition for the X. But why buy the S when the X is so much better? That reason is down in the next paragraph where I talk about the next big issue: price.

    The Xbox One X is 500 USD. I personally don't think that number is a bad number for a console, but the situations surrounding it make the price bad. For starters, the console they only released a year ago that also does 4K and will come bundled with a game is at 250 USD. This is the big reason that these two consoles are in clash with each other. The second issue with the price is the history of the 500 USD price tag. Back when the PS4 and Xbox One were announced, Xbox started at a 500 USD price tag. Yes, many other issues plagued the console, but the price tag was one of the biggest things that lead to PS4 coming out of the gates strong. Even to this day, PS4 has outpaced Xbox in overall sales. Despite that, Xbox has been recouping, and they have been on top with monthly sales. Ever since Phil Spencer took the reigns, the Xbox has been heading in the right direction. It's just seems so backwards to me that right when they were coming out on top, they decide to price their product at the same price as their initially failed console.

    The final issue that has come up recently is about their storage. The console is sold with a one terabyte hard drive, but that is not proving to be enough. All of the additional files needed to upscale the games for the X are chewing through its storage. This is a problem that also exists with the Switch, and that is one of its biggest flaws. So to see how much storage is really being used is a little disheartening.

    Killing Floor 2 is a game that cannot run 4K on the Xbox One X, instead running at an 1800p resolution.
    Killing Floor 2 is a game that cannot run 4K on the Xbox One X, instead running at an 1800p resolution.

    In the end, this is what I see: A console that has a lot of power, but with no other selling points. It is a machine that doesn't have any game to stand behind because it has no true exclusives and is in direct competition with itself. When the One S and the PS4 Pro released, it was jokingly said that the consoles are acting like phones in terms of releases. Now, it is actually true, with this new console only one year after the One S.

    So what is a good replacement? I would actually say a PC. Normally, I would say that if you don't like one console, stick to the other console. But I actually think saving up for a high-end PC would be a better fit. I think that power and 4K is the big selling point for this console, and what better place for those two aspects than a PC. On top of that, the PC has recent Xbox 'exclusives' for those looking for those exclusives, and has a lot of older games for those looking to play older games. I know saving up for one isn't cheap, but if you are someone who has payed for two Xbox One consoles so far and is planning on paying for the third, then I think that could've been money saved for a PC.

    Well, those are my not-so-quick thoughts. I would love to hear your thoughts on the console or if you have one and haven't read this until you got one. In the end, I think that this is an underwhelming console, but I also think it will do fine financially. But only time will tell.

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    Speaking as someone who has spent a ton of money on their gaming PC, I kind of think that the XBOX ONE X at 500 bucks is a pretty decent value for people with 4k TVs. Even my 1080ti doesn't do 4k as well as it "should" and it costs a couple hundred bucks more than the XBOX. The weakness has always been the lack of exclusives, unfortunately, so now that I do have a nice PC I'm not sure I'll ever get one. Still, I think it's an intriguing device for people who so far haven't bought into this console gen (if any of those exist) or have an older PC that they want to upgrade from. Nice blog!

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    @rorie: Thank you! It's cool to see a face I have seen before read something I have written.

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    My whole family is a true gaming lovers. We mostly spent most of our time on weekends playing video games with friends and family. We have a collection of most of the gaming consoles and PS3, PS4, 3DS, Xbox one, combined collection of all the family members.

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    #4  Edited By ripelivejam

    When you say the Xbox One S does 4k, you do realize this is only for playing Ultra HD Blu Rays and not for gameplay? (No resolution change and I believe a 7% performance improvement in general for games) Maybe that's what you meant and I didn't understand or it wasn't clear.

    I think there's a market for it, but it's (probably) not me. Considering how rarely I power on my OG 'bone lately, I don't think I'll be tempted even though I'm a huge impulse buyer.

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    I'm picking one up, because I make bad decisions with my money. Bought PS4, then PS4 Pro. Guess I'll keep that train rolling with Xbox.

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    I wonder if the typo in the title was a Freudian slip.

    I went out yesterday to get an HDTV as part of my visual upgrade for the x. I honestly believe there's never been a better time to play video games.

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    #7  Edited By ninnanuam

    I picked up an X today and am in the middle of installing shit on it right now.

    I have a pro and a decent PC, so why did i buy it?

    I wanted a decent living room console for games.

    Dont get me wrong the pro is good but its not as great as i was expecting and alot of games dont seem to get much of a boost. I feel like MS is baking more of those small improvements into the system. And most reviews seem to be showing this.

    I also want to play woth friends in the Xbox ecosystem.

    As an aside I used to play PC games from my couch but then i got a decent monitor and it moved back into the study. I tried the steam link but it didnt really work for me. So that really isnt an option.

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    @ripelivejam: yea I was about to jump in and say the same thing. Wolfenstein 2 on the One S runs at 810p which is insane and makes for a horrendously blurry image. Even base PS4 runs at 1080p. I think the X is a much better value for people who only own an Xbox than it is for someone who owns literally anything else. Through trades and points I only had to pay $80 of my own money for my X. That’s good because I rarely play my Xbox One. I have a really nice 4K tv so I am seeing a nice upgrade especially in Gears of War 4 but I seriously question the value for those that don’t.

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    Hmm, roughly a year ago I built a pretty beefy PC with an i5 6600K and a GTX 1070, I only have a 1080p ASUS PG248Q monitor and don't have a 4K TV so I can't display 4K content, and I've had an Xbox One since 2014.

    I'm seriously contemplating trading in the 'Bone for credit on an X.

    Main reasons: firstly, apparently I can get AU$200 credit on the trade-in right now. In a few years' time that'll probably be zero, so if I strike now I preserve some of my initial investment. Secondly, I don't have a lot of space for hardware right now, and the Xbox is big and bulky and currently taking up a big chunk of desk space that I'd really like to reclaim. The X is friggen tiny, and stands vertically, so it should slot neatly between my book shelf and PC speaker on my desk. The prior two reasons might seem like good reasons to flip the 'Bone for cash and stick to PC, but I'm bought into the ecosystem, my Witcher 3 save is on Xbox, there are games like Sunset Overdrive and Forza Horizon 2 that I really like and don't expect to see on PC anytime soon, it plays most 360 games, etc., so I still want to hold onto a unit and I may as well have the best one. Thirdly, having a second system is useful for when I finally move out of the parents' house and want a main machine under a screen (maybe a 4K TV?) that isn't my desktop monitor. It's about as performant as a PC that's three times its price (the comparison to my own machine seems like a hard one to make, 12GB of unified memory could beat 8+16GB separated for Arkham Knight-esque reasons). It doesn't give me access to my entire PC games library, but it does okay (Xbox Play Anywhere helps, as do regular deals) considering that it isn't three times the price.

    The final reason I have is that it's shiny and new and I'm curious and have the expendable income.

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    I also have a 1080 and a nice PC but I have come to discover I’m a console gamer at heart and would rather play most games there with some obvious exceptions like PUBG. Also my tv is WAY better than my monitor.

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    Considering the 1X target audience is a small subset of existing Xbox owners who care about graphics a lack of compelling exclusives isn't going to be a negative.

    X1 isn't by design gonna sell big numbers but if MS move ~3-5 million before next generation generating good PR with Xbox with being the best place to play MS would be very happy with a job well done, also every 1X is being sold at a profit its an easy profit deal plus locking a few folks into the ecosystem before next gen has even started.

    Alot of Xbox One games are sub 1080p and blurry as hell if Xbox was my main I wouldn't hesitate to buy one money be damned I hate looking at X1 games.

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    #12  Edited By notnert427

    $500 is arguably a steal, considering the hardware in the One X. It's basically impossible to build a PC that's capable of what the One X is at that price point, so it's pretty hard to question its value. That is, unless people are harboring some weird holdover petty grudge from the Xbox One arguably being initially overpriced due to the Kinect and unrealistically expecting MS to sell a way more powerful console now for cheaper than they did then. The 4K Blu-Ray player in it alone is worth a good portion of the One X's asking price.

    The whole "no exclusives" thing is so damn overblown. It's just a "what have you done for me lately" thing. Many of the Xbox One's quality exclusives simply came early on, when people were largely ignoring/trashing the console. At minimum, OG Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, and Forza Horizon 2 are all fantastic games, and people basically pretend they don't exist because they don't fit the preferred narrative. Nor do they fall under this bullshit "criticism" of being able to be summarily dismissed as exclusives for also coming out on PC (as if the Play Anywhere stuff is somehow a bad thing for anyone), because only Titanfall of those games did and was way-too-quickly abandoned by the PC community, seemingly out of spite.

    So that's three great games that really can only be played on a One, S, or X. I could make a decent argument for Forza 5 as a solid launch game as well. Also, Ori and the Blind Forest was a gem. Now, let's discuss the Play Anywhere games. Halo 5 and Gears 4 were solid. Forza 6 and Forza Horizon 3 were both exceptional. Forza 7 seems 100% quality if you can compartmentalize the loot crate stuff which is finding its way into most games these days. Cuphead is rad. So, what's that, 11 quality first-party games this generation out there to play? Not too shabby at all, as it turns out.

    Also, let's throw in backwards compatibility as a nice bonus. Games from the 360 and OG Xbox continue to be put out there, typically in their best versions ever. Want to play a version of Red Dead Redemption that doesn't run like ass? Burnout Paradise? How about a higher-res version of Halo 3? Dark Souls? Crimson Skies? GTA IV? Bully? CoD: 2, 3, World at War, Advanced Warfare, Black Ops & Black Ops II? Battlefield 3, 4, and Bad Company 2? The entire Assassin's Creed series? Bioshock, Bioshock 2, and Bioshock Infinite? Dead Space 2 and 3? Mass Effect? Even if you somehow think none of the Xbox One first-party stuff this generation is worthwhile, you can still play some pretty great, classic games and re-live the "good ol' days".

    I further disagree that MS pushing the power of the console in its marketing is "dumb". A fuckton of people bought PS4s because of its ability to play "the best" versions of third-party games (even though that turned out to be some really negligible 1080p vs. 972p differences in reality), because it's not like people were buying PS4s for their incredible exclusive lineup during the first few years of this generation of Bloodborne and uh....."greatness awaits". MS made the Xbox One X to address that minimal power deficiency in spades, and has. It not a remotely disingenuous message to tout the console's power (unlike the 4K* thing Sony is doing), nor is it out of line to point out the undeniably superior hardware over any other console.

    As for the "build a PC" argument, it's a non-starter for anyone who wants this. The Xbox One X is for people like myself who prefer couch/TV gaming to desk gaming and don't want to deal with the hassles of PC gaming. Yes, I could carve out some corner of one of the rooms in my place, put an unsightly desk there, spend way more money building a beefy PC and getting a 4K monitor that wouldn't be very practical to also watch TV on, hope and pray the oft-late PC versions of games I want to play aren't broken, waste a ton of time troubleshooting if/when that happens, constantly update hardware and spend as much on video cards as people do on consoles, etc., etc., but I want no part of any of that. If that's your preference, cool. It isn't mine, and the Xbox One X fits the bill perfectly for what I want to do.

    Those are my not-so-quick thoughts on the Xbox One X.

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    The Xbox One S has 4k Blu-ray and HDR. It does not play games in 4K, as is inferred in the op.

    I think if you have a 4K TV, this Xbox One X is a steal, and an easy buying decision. Every game will look and play better, be it games that are just enhanced, and/or HDR capable, or 4K,...and you'll be future proofed for at least a few years. It really is an easier and much cheaper solution compared to pc.

    And @cindyespy: TY for sharing. :-)))

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    Has anyone seen a straight confirmed story on Destiny 2 in 4k?

    All I have seen is screenshots that it was sent with the review console but I haven’t seen anyone say for sure that it ran in 4k.


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    @notnert427: Arguments about "first-party exclusives" always break down into pithy lists where the writers try to justify their console of choice by naming off every game that has ever come out for their system but nobody else's. I realize that comes off as a little harsh towards you, and I don't mean it that way. I'm just trying to say that you shouldn't feel the need to list exclusives because every system has plenty and all that really matters is which exclusives cater more towards your interests.

    Though I think arguing about exclusives is a non-starter, I do think you are right to bring up the Xbox 360 and OG Xbox libraries in defense of the Xbone. It wasn't a feature that I used very often when I owned the console, but it was certainly one of the reasons I was able to justify keeping one around for so long. Usually consoles make you choose between keeping around the older equipment for a handful of classics or abandoning those games until they get a remaster; the Xbox One sits nicely in the middle on that issue in a way that I find much more appealing than Sony's position on backward compatibility.

    Overall, I think the Xbox One X is a weird sell. I don't think it will do well in the mass market, but if I were heavily invested in that ecosystem then I can see spending $500 for this upgrade.

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    The lack of exclusives is a valid knock against MS they've been lackluster this generation no matter how good the hardware is Halo Wars 2 & Forza 7 ain't selling it. MS reliance on third-party exclusives is the reason why support gets weaker over time Sony's dominance only compounds the problem.

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    This console generation has showed that the PC is the best place to play games on because the individuality and personality of the systems (Nintendo excluded) is lacking. While there have been some good exclusives on Sony (Uncharted, Persona 5, Until Dawn) and some half-hearted attempts by Microsoft (Dead Rising 3, Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall 1), the distinction between Sony's and Microsoft's system is not that big. However, some titles were developed with these consoles in mind (Overwatch, see here But if I want to play Overwatch, Ill play it on PC and thank the suckers who bought it on console for funding it. The same can be said for Destiny; 60+ frames on PC is the way that game should be played.

    I'm not all about frames and refresh rates either. Nintendo is on track to making a great system with the Switch. While the Xbox one-x is the best console by the numbers (and if I didn't have a PC, I would buy), why wouldn't I just get a PC instead?

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    I've bought one. Already I love it.

    I bought it for 2 reasons. I do play games on PC, but my PC is pretty old and wheezy now, as in the motherboard supports pci express 2, not 3 so I will need to do a full rebuild if I want high end performance, basically an i7, an rog mobo and a shit load of ram, ssds and the most expensive bit, a 1080ti.

    £450 instead of £1500 plus I already have 200 games for this thing. No brainer for me. My original xb1 which is shared with someone else is the mk1 version...I don't have to share this one. :)

    I could've bought Sony, but I won't as they royally pissed me off and when a company pisses me off, I won't buy their shit ever again. I'm stubborn like that.

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    @notnert427: Arguments about "first-party exclusives" always break down into pithy lists where the writers try to justify their console of choice by naming off every game that has ever come out for their system but nobody else's. I realize that comes off as a little harsh towards you, and I don't mean it that way. I'm just trying to say that you shouldn't feel the need to list exclusives because every system has plenty and all that really matters is which exclusives cater more towards your interests.

    Well, people are consistently claiming the Xbox doesn't have any good exclusives when it does, so I feel that it's worth addressing that and supporting it with examples. Also, I didn't just name off a bunch of random exclusives (which there are nearly 200 of); I listed the more noteworthy first-party stuff that objectively reviewed well. I intentionally didn't try to claim some middling games like Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, and ReCore were better than they were, didn't mention remasters like the MCC, didn't include timed exclusives like Rise of the Tomb Raider, etc. I just pointed out some legitimately good games that people seem to actively avoid acknowledging.

    I wholly reject the concerted, ridiculous efforts to discount/marginalize the good Xbox exclusives. Yeah, let's pretend that Titanfall somehow wasn't good, but agree that Titanfall 2 was fucking awesome because it was multiplatform. Sunset Overdrive? Didn't happen. Forza Horizon 2 couldn't have been worth a shit because it was only on Xbox One, but Horizon 3 sure was cool because that came out on PC, which also means that the Xbox One version of that game doesn't count, so scratch that off the exclusives list. Gotta penalize the Xbox for making their games more accessible, after all, and that also allows Gears 4, Halo 5, Ori, Cuphead, etc. to be ignored. Excellent. Uh oh, turns out there are actually a bunch of good games in that Forza series, so those conveniently don't count because, um, "oh! I'm not into racing games", which means they can't be quality. Yep.

    Also, I'm not trying to "justify" my console of choice; I'm defending it from an onslaught of bullshit. Interestingly enough, this very thread is largely an attempt to justify PC ownership, as if the people interested in a One X want to do their gaming on PC or should. Please. Frankly, there have been way too many of these threads full of thinly-veiled trashing of all things Xbox because people clearly enjoy doing it. They're negative as fuck, and I don't see how they help anyone or anything. Moreover, it's beyond irksome that the main reason everyone seemingly bought a PS4 this gen is further realized now with the One X, and yet people are choosing to blast the One X at launch for a shortcoming they ignored for years with the PS4. It's asinine.

    Guess what, people? You don't have to buy an Xbox One X. If it's not for you, cool. It's definitely not for everyone, and I don't expect it to be a sales darling. However, I do expect it to be a pretty great system for people like myself who enjoy the Xbox ecosystem and want the most capable console out there. I'm not sitting here starting threads to tell everyone why I don't want to game on a PC or PS4 (or worse, intimate that others shouldn't), but I guess it's too much to ask for the same courtesy. I suppose I should just sit idly by while people incessantly throw out erroneous criticisms of a platform I enjoy and tell me my chosen method of gaming is wrong because it's not their chosen method, but let's just say I struggle with that.

    I "dared" to buy an Xbox One X. Everyone commence the public stoning, I suppose.

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    The main reason I don't want an Xbox One X is the main reason I don't want an Xbox One S.

    I can play all of the games on it that I want on the PS4 or PC I already have (aside from Halo 5 and The Master Chief Collection), so if I were going to buy a console for those two games, I'd buy the cheapest one I could get, not the high-spec version. Odds are, I'll just wait it out and see if those games ever come out on PC. People didn't love Halo 5, so that makes it even easier for me to hold out.

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    I had X360 as a main console and bought PS3 years later.

    I switched to PS4 and upgraded to PS4 Pro, selling the original console and paying for 75% price of the new one with that money (and extended the warranty to another two years by that move) and I am glad I did that.

    Now I saved up and bought One X, it's been awesome so far, there is a good catalog to go back to + the back compatibility is gratly appriciated.

    I am one happy customer of both companies now, best time to play them vidigames!

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    @notnert427: When it comes to the exclusives I talked about, I was talking about the new ones announced from E3. I am fully aware of great exclusives only on Xbox One before the play anywhere program. I didn't talk about those exclusives not because they are bad, but because I want to talk about what is new that can be exclusively played on the X, not what already came out. Also, I know where you come from when I say 'just go get a PC.' I said in my blog that normally I would recommend going to the other platform because I know that playing on a PC is a different experience than playing on a console. I said PC because I see this console as a machine for people who are into better hardware, so I see a like mindedness more towards PC than PS4. I'm not saying this to go on the counter-attack, only to clarify.

    If you like the Xbox One X, then that's fine. I wasn't trying to attack anyone's opinion, just stating my own. If my blog came off as attacking, then I apologize.

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    X1s owners to get a 4k up-scaling bump. It's not "4k" 4k, but it's better than nothing.

    When you say the Xbox One S does 4k, you do realize this is only for playing Ultra HD Blu Rays and not for gameplay? (No resolution change and I believe a 7% performance improvement in general for games) Maybe that's what you meant and I didn't understand or it wasn't clear.

    I think there's a market for it, but it's (probably) not me. Considering how rarely I power on my OG 'bone lately, I don't think I'll be tempted even though I'm a huge impulse buyer.

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    @notnert427: When it comes to the exclusives I talked about, I was talking about the new ones announced from E3. I am fully aware of great exclusives only on Xbox One before the play anywhere program. I didn't talk about those exclusives not because they are bad, but because I want to talk about what is new that can be exclusively played on the X, not what already came out. Also, I know where you come from when I say 'just go get a PC.' I said in my blog that normally I would recommend going to the other platform because I know that playing on a PC is a different experience than playing on a console. I said PC because I see this console as a machine for people who are into better hardware, so I see a like mindedness more towards PC than PS4. I'm not saying this to go on the counter-attack, only to clarify.

    If you like the Xbox One X, then that's fine. I wasn't trying to attack anyone's opinion, just stating my own. If my blog came off as attacking, then I apologize.

    It's cool, duder. I tend to get a little feisty about the Xbox One because I really have enjoyed the system and think it's wildly underappreciated overall, and it gets pretty old having to defend it so often. I'm aware that I'm part of a small market of people who the One X is for, but I've wanted something like this for a long time. PC performance minus the headaches fits my needs perfectly.

    They said from the get-go that One X wasn't going to have games made only for it, and that's a good thing. I imagine there will come a time several years down the road when that necessarily stops being the case simply due to original Xbox Ones becoming incapable of running things the One X can, but it would have been a huge mistake to fragment the Xbox userbase at this point by releasing games exclusively for the One X. Scaling performance to the capabilities of the One, S, and X is the way to go for at least the next few years.

    I get what you're saying about the One X perhaps being slightly more appealing from a marketability standpoint if it launched with games made only for it, but I personally have never really needed to be able to say "I can play something you can't" to validate my console. I much prefer that my buddy who isn't buying a One X and I still get to play games together. I have the same feeling towards the Play Anywhere stuff. It doesn't negatively impact my experience in any way if a PC gamer who has never played a Forza game finally gets to and enjoys it. In fact, that makes me happy.

    However, I'm apparently supposed to feel like the One X is worthless if people have the ability to play most of the same games I do. I don't subscribe to that at all. I don't have that smug, Apple "if it's not an iPhone, it's not an iPhone" mindset when it comes to this stuff where I need to look down on people because their product can't do what my product can do. I bounce so hard off that shit and derive zero added value when someone else gets stuck in a "have-not" category.

    I want a kid who gets an dusty, used original Xbox One, a PC gamer with some uber-rig, and myself on my One X to all be able to play Forza and high-five about Forza being rad. Based on what happened early on in this generation, quality Xbox exclusives didn't effectively impel people to buy Xbox Ones anyway; it just meant people missed out on some good games. So when people say the One X needs exclusives, I don't know that I necessarily agree. I think it's simply a punchline that people who don't want a One X are using, and I don't think these same people would be buying a One X if it were launching with multiple great new exclusives.

    FWIW, Phil Spencer did just state that that they're investing more in first-party development. Based on his track record, I imagine he'll deliver. They came out of the gate hard on exclusives with the Xbox One and few cared, so they shifted resources towards optimizing performance via axing Kinect and responding to feedback to address issues and ultimately make the Xbox One into a pretty great console, and now have dropped this beastly, reasonably future-proofed machine out there to where they can get back to focusing primarily on making awesome games for it.

    I expect that we'll thus see much more quality first-party stuff from MS in the coming years, but will it get people to buy the One X if/when they do? That I'm not so sure of. People seem far more interested in telling everyone they don't want an Xbox than they do in opening up their wallets when Microsoft gives them what they supposedly want. And as a satisfied Xbox user, I'll probably continue to find myself just trying to say, "hey, this thing's actually pretty cool" to a mob carrying torches that's already made up its collective mind. It's frustrating and tiresome. Still, I'll enjoy my One X regardless of what others think of it, just as I did with the Xbox One.

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    Using the X for two days just reminds me how much I HATE the interface compared to my PS4.

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    @disco_drew22 said:

    @notnert427: Arguments about "first-party exclusives" always break down into pithy lists where the writers try to justify their console of choice by naming off every game that has ever come out for their system but nobody else's. I realize that comes off as a little harsh towards you, and I don't mean it that way. I'm just trying to say that you shouldn't feel the need to list exclusives because every system has plenty and all that really matters is which exclusives cater more towards your interests.

    Well, people are consistently claiming the Xbox doesn't have any good exclusives when it does, so I feel that it's worth addressing that and supporting it with examples. Also, I didn't just name off a bunch of random exclusives (which there are nearly 200 of); I listed the more noteworthy first-party stuff that objectively reviewed well. I intentionally didn't try to claim some middling games like Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, and ReCore were better than they were, didn't mention remasters like the MCC, didn't include timed exclusives like Rise of the Tomb Raider, etc. I just pointed out some legitimately good games that people seem to actively avoid acknowledging.

    I wholly reject the concerted, ridiculous efforts to discount/marginalize the good Xbox exclusives. Yeah, let's pretend that Titanfall somehow wasn't good, but agree that Titanfall 2 was fucking awesome because it was multiplatform. Sunset Overdrive? Didn't happen. Forza Horizon 2 couldn't have been worth a shit because it was only on Xbox One, but Horizon 3 sure was cool because that came out on PC, which also means that the Xbox One version of that game doesn't count, so scratch that off the exclusives list. Gotta penalize the Xbox for making their games more accessible, after all, and that also allows Gears 4, Halo 5, Ori, Cuphead, etc. to be ignored. Excellent. Uh oh, turns out there are actually a bunch of good games in that Forza series, so those conveniently don't count because, um, "oh! I'm not into racing games", which means they can't be quality. Yep.

    Also, I'm not trying to "justify" my console of choice; I'm defending it from an onslaught of bullshit. Interestingly enough, this very thread is largely an attempt to justify PC ownership, as if the people interested in a One X want to do their gaming on PC or should. Please. Frankly, there have been way too many of these threads full of thinly-veiled trashing of all things Xbox because people clearly enjoy doing it. They're negative as fuck, and I don't see how they help anyone or anything. Moreover, it's beyond irksome that the main reason everyone seemingly bought a PS4 this gen is further realized now with the One X, and yet people are choosing to blast the One X at launch for a shortcoming they ignored for years with the PS4. It's asinine.

    Guess what, people? You don't have to buy an Xbox One X. If it's not for you, cool. It's definitely not for everyone, and I don't expect it to be a sales darling. However, I do expect it to be a pretty great system for people like myself who enjoy the Xbox ecosystem and want the most capable console out there. I'm not sitting here starting threads to tell everyone why I don't want to game on a PC or PS4 (or worse, intimate that others shouldn't), but I guess it's too much to ask for the same courtesy. I suppose I should just sit idly by while people incessantly throw out erroneous criticisms of a platform I enjoy and tell me my chosen method of gaming is wrong because it's not their chosen method, but let's just say I struggle with that.

    I "dared" to buy an Xbox One X. Everyone commence the public stoning, I suppose.

    I am not trying to slam the Xbox One X; however, its in a middle ground where it is the most expensive console out there, yet it is developer dependent on whether they release enhancements for this lineup. I had the 360 with over 100 games and tons of free ones. The 360 seemed to be better playing games because games were developed with that system in mind, and PC ports were terrible back then. I love how Microsoft is trying to support their fans with backwards compatibility. If they had one exclusive for the system that blew me away, or would promise all games are upscaled, you may have an argument. However, they cannot. While the specs are great, it seems beholden to whether the developers will put the time and effort to enhance the system. Further, the Xbox is an ecosystem so I can play all of my old games on the xbox one.

    If its between Sony and Microsoft, this would definitely be it. If you have kids, or a wife who is nagging at you to spend time with her, this is a good middle ground. This is definitely a better value proposition than a ps4 pro because it actually displays games in 4k. But it makes me choose whether I want 60 frames or higher resolution. Its the weird middling ground of if I want to change my settings, I'd rather do it on PC.

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    I am not trying to slam the Xbox One X; however, its in a middle ground where it is the most expensive console out there, yet it is developer dependent on whether they release enhancements for this lineup. I had the 360 with over 100 games and tons of free ones. The 360 seemed to be better playing games because games were developed with that system in mind, and PC ports were terrible back then. I love how Microsoft is trying to support their fans with backwards compatibility. If they had one exclusive for the system that blew me away, or would promise all games are upscaled, you may have an argument. However, they cannot. While the specs are great, it seems beholden to whether the developers will put the time and effort to enhance the system. Further, the Xbox is an ecosystem so I can play all of my old games on the xbox one.

    If its between Sony and Microsoft, this would definitely be it. If you have kids, or a wife who is nagging at you to spend time with her, this is a good middle ground. This is definitely a better value proposition than a ps4 pro because it actually displays games in 4k. But it makes me choose whether I want 60 frames or higher resolution. Its the weird middling ground of if I want to change my settings, I'd rather do it on PC.

    Development-wise, the One X versions of games are going to be pretty similar to the PC versions in most cases anyway, so it's not like it's a ton of extra work. And as far as third-party developers go, I'd think most would inherently want to take advantage of the hardware's capabilities to make their game run/look as good as possible, and it certainly wouldn't hurt their relationship with MS to do so. In fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see another Rise of the Tomb Raider situation where some studios get brought under Microsoft's wing to make games that are co-showcases for the studio and the One X. Also, I'd imagine most, if not all first-party stuff from MS going forward is going to utilize the One X's extra power. However, if a dev chooses to make a lesser game than they could out of laziness, budgetary/time constraints, or whatever, that's on them. I'm sure that will happen in a few cases, but I expect most to put the One X's hardware to use.

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