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    LEGO Battles

    Game » consists of 1 releases. Released Jun 09, 2009

    Developed by Hellbent Games for the Nintendo DS, LEGO Battles is a strategy game in which players will build and defend bases, mixing and matching units from medieval, pirate and space thematic sets.

    lukeyk's LEGO Battles (Nintendo DS) review

    Avatar image for lukeyk
    • Score:
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    • This review received 1 comments

    It has some key errors that just bring the whole game down

    Right here we go, my first review so lets try and make this a good one. Lego battles has many key problems that just bring the whole game crashing down.

    Right off the bat there is a major issue with lego battles and that is its graphics, I understand that it is "lego" and so to some degree it isnt going to look like some other games that are free to delph in and try new things with the graphics, yet with Lego batlles I got the feeling that they hadn't even tried somthing new they thought that they would be able to get away with the old stuff.

    But once you get passed you get passed the terrible graphics you are left with a basic game, It is a simple Build and conquer game, with a few different classes of people, The combat I felt was dodgy espiciall when in conrol with ships and just generally I got the feeling that it was missing somthing, that little "oomph" in its mechanics that would boost it up a lot.

    Lego Batlles is a game I would recommend not to listen to outloud or at all to be precise. The music is bland and is very little of it, I'm not excatly asking for a Burnout Paraise style playist with tons of choice of music, but Just some viarety in music would have been nice. Also the sound of your characters is Awful apsolutly aweful, all you can hear is " Chunk " "chunk" "chunk" while you look for the enemy then you find one andits " chunkchunkchunkchunk pow" then you get back to the "chunk" of  your character moving.

    It is extremly hard to dismiss all of these factors but if you do your left with a reasonably fun game, Once you see past its many problems it can be quite fun. But that may not be due to the game itself and more likely is more to do with the ataul merchandising and the popularity of lego, There is always an enjoyment in my heart of watching little lego people bashing up other little lego people with sticks, but I always found myself asking, Is this the right way to express the lego franchise?

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