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    Merlin's Walls

    Game » consists of 1 releases. Released 2000

    Merlin's Walls

    sbc515's Merlin's Walls (Atari 2600) review

    Avatar image for sbc515

    Why would Merlin of all people want these atrocious looking walls!?

    A homebrew Atari 2600 maze game released by Eblivision long after the console was discontinued, this game revolves around you trying to escape the maze, using items along the way to help you out on your quest. The title screen music is very annoying, especially when compared to other music made on the system. The in-game music for when something is about to attack you is even worse as it's just a short bunch of drum beats playing over and over and over again. The graphics are hideous to look at, and the smooth framerate makes it look even worse than ever before. Plus it's sideways. This was because the 2600 could process things faster horizontally than vertically; however though, even if one must consider flipping the screen right side up, it still looks hideous. Not only are the graphics hideous, but also confusing. You'd think that you encountered another path, but instead you just get knocked by going into a wall. The opposite can also happen. Both of these will happen a lot. The paths can also be tough to squeeze through, which further add into the confusing graphics. The controls feel off-putting and twitchy. Combined with the graphics and the confusing example, and you're going to have a hellish time. The gameplay is rather barebones. Just walking around an area, trying to get to the exit, and finding some items to help you out, the latter 2 of which are nearly impossible to do. The items, while decent looking, barely have any animation, or anything else to make them unique from other games on the system. The maze is randomly generated, which could mean that the maze you're in will be literally impossible to escape from. Once you actually beat the game, you just get a blue screen before quickly going back to the title screen. This is the last ever release for Atari's 2600, and it all ended horribly.

    Other reviews for Merlin's Walls (Atari 2600)

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