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    Character » appears in 13 games

    Po is a Giant Panda and martial arts fan who dreams to become a master of Kung Fu. He eventually becomes a martial arts master, and defeats Shifu's old apprentice Tai Lung.

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    The son of a noodle salesman, a goose named Mr. Ping, Po lives and works in his father's restaurant all his life.  Despite his father's enthusiasm for the craft, Po would much rather be a kung fu master and live in the Jade Palace with the Furious Five, the five protectors of the Valley of Peace.  When it is announced that Master Oogwai is going to choose the Dragon Warrior who will be destined to defeat Tai Lung and bring peace to the valley, Po rushes to the palace and, following a series of unfortunate mishaps, Po somehow becomes chosen as the Dragon Warrior, much to the dismay of the Furious Five and their master Shifu. 

    Learning Kung Fu

    Po is run through a cruel training regimen designed to get him to quit.  Master Shifu resents him and Po shows absolutely no natural talent in kung fu, but his tenacity and resilience lead to newfound respect from the Furious Five.  Regardless, when it is discovered that Tai Lung has already broken out from prison and is on his way to the valley to enact revenge, Po is terrified and attempts to escape.  Master Shifu manages to stop him and, with renewed efforts, endeavors to teach Po no matter what.  When he discovers that Po responds to food with super-Panda feats of strength and speed, Shifu designs a new training regimen which utilizes food as motivation.  Through hard training, Po matures and becomes and above-average martial artist. 

    Defeating Tai Lung

    Upon their return to the Jade Palace, Po and Shifu find that Master Tigress had led the Furious Five in an attempt to stop Tai Lung leaving the five masters grievously injured.  Shifu uses this opportunity to show Po the Dragon Scroll, which legend tells will endow the reader with mystical powers beyond comprehension.  When Po reads it, however, he finds it is blank, and he and the rest of the Five are ordered to evacuate the Valley of Peace while Shifu confronts Tai Lung.  Po returns to his father's noodle shop, and sensing his great disappointment in his endeavors to become a kung fu master and great hero, Mr. Ping entrusts Po with the secret ingredient to his famous Secret Ingredient Soup.  It is here that Po realizes that there is no secret ingredient, and to make something special, one merely has to believe that it is special.  He now realizes this is the case with the Dragon Scroll, and rushes back to the Jade Palace just in time to save Shifu from Tai Lung.  Although Po stumbles through much of the fight, he shows his trademark unorthodox style and tenacity to match Tai Lung's ferocity and skill.   
    Tai Lung still manages to wrest the scroll away from Po, and upon reading it, he is furious and attempts to paralyze Po with a nerve strike.  Po's girth, however, shields him, and utilizing his weight in conjunction with unorthodox kung fu, thoroughly beats a baffled Tai Lung.  He finishes the fight with the extremely powerful Wuxi Finger Hold.  Po is hailed as a hero, is accepted by the Furious Five, and manages to finally succeed in bringing peace to the troubled soul of Master Shifu.

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