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A Post just to have at least one post on the site

I think I can handle writing one post as I do tend to write at least one hopefully more a day over at Don't worry though, I'm not going to start cutting and pasting what I write there here into a blog format, much like my reviews. As much as I would love to pepper another location with all that goes through my head I'll refrain for sanity sake, and also if I pull too much stuff off my side and redistribute the need for a site in the first place dwindles that much more. So if you're curious to see what is going through my head, probably 24/7 you can follow the twitter feed that is connected to this account alteredconfusio, or you can follow my more random one which is more than just an RSS feed @wizothorns. 
And with that I have writing a blog entry, and tried out yet another feature within the GiantBomb site.