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Games on the iPhone or other mobile platforms

To answer the question as simple as possibly (Do you care any more about games on iPhone or other mobile platforms than you did a year ago), I'm going to have to go with yes and no.  
No, because there's still a shit ton of crap out there where people are still thinking that they can turn an easy buck. There's also those developers out there who had a great entry game but have just been giving the world carbon copies of their first game with little or no change in them, but upping the price. 
Yes, because there are those developers out there who are starting to get better and better with working with the hardware. Its easier to point out the iPhone, in this regard, but overall phones are starting to have some nice hardware to go along with making phone calls. Its also great to see some of the big name companies actually making real games on those platforms instead of none or extremely watered down versions of their game.