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Amateur Endurance Run: Dragon Quest VIII

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Update 3/5: The Amateur Endurance Run has concluded! I had a lot of fun playing through Dragon Quest VIII, it has personality and charm in spades. And there were plenty of memorable moments: Jessica in a bunny costume, Yangus riding a sabrecat, and of course, who can forget the puff-puff club. Thanks to every who watched/will watch, and a big shoutout to Twitch chat for the continued support. It made playing and streaming this game for 66+ hours a lot more fun.

Playlist: YouTube

@epicsteve has made some wonderful videos under the "Amateur Encyclopedia Bombastica/Quick Look" name. After watching his recent look at Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout, I was inspired to follow suit. So starting today, this blog will catalog my Amateur Endurance Run of Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King.

When I think of Endurance Runs, I think of lengthy games and daily content (among other things obviously). Well, Dragon Quest VIII is pretty damn long, and the plan is to update this blog every weekday with new content. I'll also be streaming my entire playthrough, because as Bill O'Reilly says, we'll do it live! This means I'll interact with chat – if someone wonders who I'm talking to while watching the archived videos, there's your answer. In general, watching the videos later will be a different experience because of that interaction, but hey, I need something to keep me interested for the 70+ hours. Think of it as an amlabella/chat duo, just as we had Jeff/Vinny, Brad/Ryan, and Patrick/Ryan.

As for the whole "new content every weekday" thing, that doesn't mean I'll be streaming every day... let's just say life gets in the way of things. But I do have the added benefit of weekends, unlike the GB staff when they did Endurance Runs. So if I stream on Saturday and Sunday, those videos will be archived here on Monday and Tuesday. This gives me a little bit of wiggle room, and lets live viewers get an early look at each new part of the Endurance Run. It's not an ideal setup, but such is life.

As I mention in the first part of the Endurance Run, I did play Dragon Quest VIII back in 2005 but failed to finish the game. The 2005 release date coupled with my often-terrible memory allows me to go into the game relatively fresh.

I hope you guys enjoy the Endurance Run, and I always welcome any feedback. Thanks duders!