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arbayer2's List of Games I Never Completed and Wish to Finish *Low-Fat, High-Shame!*

Like anyone else, I have a list of games I feel I need to actually complete once to understand both the value each game has had to the gaming community at large as well as its historical importance, and to provide for myself a complete memory to judge it from after the fact.

As I've grown up and so has my personal game collection, I've slowly adapted from re-attempting a game completion once every couple of days to cycling between a bunch of random or predetermined games I may or may not have already beaten just because of how much I enjoy their gameplay. I usually play for up to a couple of days and then move on unless I find myself with a ton of momentum for emergent gameplay or notable memories or accomplishments.

Here, in no particular order is a list of games, on any platform, I've started and never finished, either due to scheduling, ergonomic, interest or other reasons. It's a living list -- I'll try to update it more or less whenever I have to and am logged into the site. I hope for it to eventually be comprehensive as far as owned games go.

Feel free to give suggestions or feedback on how I might complete the game, given my (admittedly perhaps imperfect at times) reasoning for not going back and finishing the darn thing. I'd love to eventually use this list to base my game library's organization on or something. Thanks!

List items

  • This game is amazing. That said, for some inexplicable reason I couldn't beat Malak during the final boss battle. Also attempted to skip this and start KOTOR II: TSL, but that's practically blasphemy given how important the story is to this franchise.

    Oh well. HK-47 is always ready to serve, whenever I am.

  • I think I got closest to beating either Warhead or the original, but practically all of them seem to run together in my memory except 3, since I never actually played it. Each game can get very tedious at times for me, especially during sections later in the game where you need to travel a vast distance. I guess you could call this disease "open-world blues". Not to be confused with Fallout New Vegas' "Old World Blues" DLC, which is much easier to stomach than this particular form of burnout.

  • Well, the game's technically beautiful, and really captures a novel setting, and has pretty solid gameplay. Unfortunately, I never really clicked with how linear the gameplay was early on and barely made it past the first couple of missions. I'm not really emotionally invested like I perhaps should be with the exploits of Artyom and the rest of the Metro survivors, and with how bleak the game is, I feel rarely compelled to complete the campaign.

  • I know this game is a work of genius, but see my above whine about the Metro franchise, you could probably copy-paste most or all of it here. It was enjoyable enough to play, however, and re-captures a bit of the immersion I feel in the Fallout franchise. I am compelled to see what the actual NPP's level design looks like, though, and that of Pripyat, so I suppose I could look forward to that.

  • So... this franchise is very weird in the way it seemed to completely fundamentally change in design from installment to installment, and because of this I've logged a bit of time in each one. They're all very enjoyable (fucking Geo-Mod!) but at the time the gameplay wasn't enough (except, perhaps in Red Faction, except for the puzzles) to keep me going until story completion.

    I did recently mod RF: Guerrilla, though, to see if I could beat the game with less limitations in environmental destruction/repair. If it weren't a bugged-out version I'd beat it, but there's a lot of lighting and other issues that detract from gameplay I need to solve first.

  • I've already beaten its sequel, Arkham City, I just need to stop caring so much about 100-percenting the game so I can get past the section with Harley Quinn and the room of electric torture. It's probably really early in the plot.

  • Phil Fish politics aside, it's evidently a poster child for modern indie development, right up there with Minecraft, Darwinia, Braid, Super Meat Boy, Hotline Miami, etc. but my brain definitely can't think multi-dimensionally to save its life in this game. Playthrough/FAQ material in the making.

  • Somehow I managed to play through this franchise in order so far!

    I think I stopped playing this right around the start of the second half of the "suicide mission". Jeez, I hope that isn't too spoiler-y a description, there's few ways to reword it.

  • Okay, so these tutorials seem to make sense, and-

    Hey. They disappeared.

    What the hell do I do again?

  • Again, began it on PSP, probably made it about a third of the way, but burnout took hold since I wasn't using a walkthrough or FAQ (Yes, I'm /that/ kind of opportunist with RPGs sometimes).

    One of the more quality JRPGs on PSP and it's in a historic franchise, which already is motivating, but... meh. I feel like there's a large gap between Ys I and Ys Seven I'd need to cover chronologically, too, to get full enjoyment.

  • Great game, reminiscent of both Halo and Metroid Prime in varying ways, with pretty competent squad tactics built in.

    But man, when those Geonosian elites come in (guys with the massive fucking lasers), you can lose the game REAL fast. I basically ragequit and I can probably sack up at some point for the sake of completing a very good Star Wars game, which is a commodity.

  • Pretty much all of them. The most progress I've made is in the PS2 version of Blood Money, and that was about as far as A Murder of Crows, probably. Excellent franchise, and dumb in a good way, but brutal at times.

  • I only have Thief: Gold so far. Game is understandable as far as merit is concerned, but I don't have the slightest clue how to determine what each guard's range of sense/line of sight is due to the poorly-aged graphics, so I fail pretty much every time I attempt to play the game earnestly.

  • So, I have the 10th Anniversary Collection retail DVD boxset, The First Decade.

    These games are timeless and I know that alongside a lot of other games I've not beaten it's all down to time investment and maybe a bit of research, but an RTS is an RTS and I often only play a mission or two at a time at random from each of the games in this collection.

  • Regardless of the rehashing of the game's noir setting and Max's bitter, melodramatic inner monologue getting a little grating sometimes, the game is phenomenal as far as production values go. And pretty damn difficult. First Max Payne I got nowhere close to beating -- completed the first, got to probably the last mission in the second.

  • Before you ask, yes, I'm insane, and yes, I have a die-hard, often irrational devotion to Simpsons fanhood. This game's among the better cash-ins that Fox Interactive's ever done, probably beaten by The Simpsons Game (which I sadly never got) and nothing else.

    Got to Alien Auto-Topsy Part III, the final mission, and never could beat it. The timer's just too damn short given the controls and explosiveness of the radioactive barrels. Very much a game that ripped off the ending from Tony Hawk's Underground/American Wasteland as far as around-the-world-in-one-try tension goes.

    Close friend of mine schooled me, though, and beat it easily enough in front of me years after I last attempted, but it's not the same.

  • There's no excuse... there's just no excuse.

    Someone get me a mapbook or something. I usually get stuck at E1M3 or thereabouts.

  • This game is stylish, Japanese and reminds me of a more action-y sequence from MGS4. The tutorial, however, sucks, especially when it comes to learning how to Zandatsu. I still to this day have no idea how to do this, and it's probably necessary to beat the game for all I know. Died on the first boss and have yet to go back to it.

  • Completed Ys I. Ys II incomplete basically at beginning due to burnout and the fact that I originally started playing it on PSP and battery limitations/save migration due to console modding prevented its completion back in the day.

    DO have it on PC via Steam, so I really have no excuse not to play it other than the fact that I've experienced over half of it already. But Ys II is gently calling...

  • Roughly 50-70% through the campaign, if memory serves. Game's pretty fantastic, but as much as a perfectionist I am at open-world puzzle RPGs like this one, I'd probably have to use a walkthrough/FAQ to complete it, and that's just spoiler-y as hell.

  • Played a bit at a friend's house, and it's probably the one game I don't have access to yet from Rockstar's GTA-esque ludography (except Manhunt, I guess) since it was console-only.

    Damn shame, that, I have a 360 but can't update it since it's JTAG-able. Apparently. Maybe some day.

  • Recently made it further than I ever have -- the airport level. But damn, if that level design isn't open and treacherous as all hell when you make it to the hangars. I know there's a lot of game left, too...

  • You know, it's got so much content, that I probably don't even need to worry that much about /how/ I approach a completionist playthrough as long as I do it, but that's a lot of time investment when you're not using mods to help facilitate it. No sense of direction for progression at all, which I lament every time I see the name in my Steam list.

  • Okay, this game's just massive. I'm sure if I had the inclination (which I might, now that it's summer 2015 as of writing) I could beat the campaign, but with ownership of only the Hearthfire DLC, I really /don't/ want to beat it yet. I bet there's a ton more I could experience and I could load a save just before the end of the campaign, but we'll see. It takes way too long to travel in this one early-game, and that's both a great and terrible thing.

  • Well, just X3 in general, if not the entire X series. X1's really damn difficult due to the archaic controls and X2's not much better in my opinion, but I bet there's great story there that ties into X3.

    I typically just play X3 to make oodles of money and try again in an abortive attempt to make a space station that puts all other commercial/industrial installations in-sector out of business. I always fail, though, because the game's depth is out of the league of my tiny, weak brain most of the time.

    Economic hegemony, mo'f'er. It's comin'. Eventually... may have to settle with just fast food joints

  • Pretty much every home console title up until Adventure 2 DX I'm considering, after that it's basically the occasional retro-pandery and portable classic-esque titles like Sonic Advance.

    It's weird how I managed to grow up playing this franchise all the time and I never beat a single one. Actually, it isn't, that happened a lot.

    For the record, this franchise ties with the Mario franchise (probably) for the first one I ever played in my life. Hooray for pointless trivia!

  • Boy... I might be incorrect but I think this is probably the one 3D GTA story I have yet to complete, with the exception of Liberty City Stories. It gets extremely difficult at times, though, partially hampered by its... "experimental" control scheme (especially camera), so I may have to get creative at some point

  • See above. Plus, frankly, it's really hard to play this on PSP to be honest with the one control nub. I may have to find a PS2 copy somewhere.

  • There's not a /ton/ of pressure to complete this, but it's addictive and exhilarating at times enough to want to try.

  • (and basically every other DN game minus Forever)

    There's this sense I get after playing a few levels of a classic campaign FPS where I'm satisfied and utterly too lazy to get past some puzzle or map obstacle. Again, ripe for a walkthrough-assisted play.

  • (and Fallout 2)

    The game, overall, has aged extremely well, in the sense that I still dig just how beautifully-ugly it intentionally looks and how deeply it plays.

    The UI and controls, though... it's as slow as playing X-COM to win, but without the pacing. I expect a lot of time investment in each, as is probably more than acceptable with Fallout games.

  • I think I got to the point where you have to deal with the werewolves shortly before the Harrier battle, actually. I don't quite remember what held me up, but I probably owe it to myself to check.

  • I've gotten to the first Volgin fight, where I hit an obstacle and quit last time. Metal Gear Scanlon really helped me cope with that, so perhaps one day I'll go back and complete it for myself.

    And then I can work on getting a PS3 for MGS4, beating Portable Ops/+, Peace Walker, etc. And beating the MSX games, of course.

  • I've beaten BL1's campaign, albeit once, but not the myriad DLC. Have yet to complete Bl2's campaign for the first time. After that it really got samey and I usually only install and play it with close friends who want to collect loot until they can quote every character's dialogue in Swahili. Other than the storyline, which is fractured across all the DLC packages, what am I really missing?

  • Eh... I have it on PS2 and PC, but the 360 version was the only version I'd consider playable. I've gotten about as far as capturing 2/3 of the island before just giving up on the concept since the game wasn't that fun to play off the Xbox 360.

  • Somehow I managed to beat this game multiple times without starting Lonesome Road. This needs to happen sooner rather than later.