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BioShock 2. It's more BioShock, but prettier, bigger, more inventive.

No, it didn't tear a corridor like BioShock, but it widened it, painted it, and hung beautiful pictures on the wall.

@beachthunder said:

@whatshisface: You mean the game that has a 94% on Metacritic and was #1 on GB's community GOTY list?

People liked that game for about 2 weeks after release and then suddenly everyone turned on it real hard. I don't know what the fuck happened but I still love that game.

It's a great game. That happens to every piece of media that deals in the mythical and tries at all to explain. There are always cracks, there have to be cracks; we're literally writing about something no-one understands. The only successful time travel movies have said, "No, forget it, it just works, we're moving on here."

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#2  Edited By audiosnow

@koolaid said:

@bojackhorseman: As a liberal trying to destroy free speech (/sarcasm) and someone who thinks the folks who lit UC Berkeley on fire to stop Milo from speaking are damn heroes (/not sarcasm) I'm going to respond to some attitudes in your post that constantly find frustrating so that maybe you can understand where people like me are coming from.

1. Outrage. It seems "outrage" is the only emotion we are allowed to have when we push back on someone. When we see a tweet like the one last week you are referencing, we can't be annoyed. We can't be disappointed. We can only be "outraged" like we are all crazed. And then it gets worse, we get accused of "phony outrage" We are accused of being "addicted" to outrage, as if we have no control over our emotions. It's dehumanizing.

Here's the thing, we are all people. People with thoughts and emotions and reactions. So when somebody tweets something that we find insulting, don't call it "phony outrage" like you are in charge of choosing what we can and cannot be upset about. When we find something distasteful, don't call us outraged like we want someone's head on a pike all the time. There is a entire spectrum of emotions and when you blend them all together and group us all together it becomes really easy to dig our heels in and pick a side. And then it's just a battle. So yeah... I don't really appreciate being told I'm making something out of nothing. It might be nothing to you, but it could be quite something to someone else. Which is why you listen to what other people are saying

2: Freedom of speech. Freedom of speech usually means the government cannot literally censor and arrest you. Though there is much debate over how much freedom of speech you have if your speech causes "harm." Freedom of speech DOESNOTMEAN I have to like or agree with what you are saying just cuz it's like... your opinion man. So when someone comes up with an attitude or an idea or a tweet that I don't care for, I'm not shutting down their freedom of speech for not liking it, or for publicly disagreeing with that person. When a lot of people together don't like what someone is saying, they are not shutting down their freedom of speech by not putting money into their pateron anymore. When a co-worker tells me his sexist opinions, I'm not being the thought police by calling him an asshole. I'm calling him an asshole because I think he is an asshole. And if he doesn't want me to think that, then he can stop being an asshole! Freedom of speech does not mean I have to like what you say. It does not mean I have to respect what you say. It is not a shield which you can hide behind, protecting yourself from any responsibility for your words and deeds.

So I guess in closing for this little rant, stop calling our emotions phony, and stop hiding behind freedom of speech as freedom from criticism. Cuz it ain't.

How does the text I've emboldened and underlined at all work with the entirety of your second point? The protesting students caused the school leaders and Milo to call off the event due to the threat of increasing violence and property destruction. It's much more than vocal and persistent disagreement, it's textbook terrorism. I don't use that word lightly either. The appreciation of threats of violence against fellow students and destruction of school property is diametrically, blindingly opposed to any belief in freedom of speech. It's particularly sad considering Berkley's role in the FSM.

Freedom of speech is the right to hold--and publicly share--the opinions of an asshole. It's also the right to call out people who hold and share those opinions. I think Milo Yiannopoulos is one such asshole. But he's not half as awful as the people who violated his First Amendment rights and the rights of the UC Berkley leadership.

EDIT: I've looked through page 2. This might be the fastest derail I've ever seen. See you soon, Rorie.

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Everyone's a Fan of the Man, when that man is Drew Scanlon.

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#4  Edited By audiosnow

I'm in the Giant Bomb bubble, but not consciously intentionally. Once I found the site, I didn't and don't visit any other sites for games coverage. I'm a find-the-brand-and-buy-forever kind of guy, even if there's good stuff elsewhere.

Drew as a camera-facing creator elsewhere I think I could break the mold to follow. I watched him play through the entirety of Halo 2, after all.

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#5  Edited By audiosnow

I came to the site in 2010. During the years that followed, Drew grew from the cool behind-the-scenes tech guy with the fascinating hobbies, to Drew Scanlon who showed up in videos on occasion and played through Halo for charity, to one of the major personalities who shared stories of those fascinating hobbies with us.

You'll do great wherever you go, Drew, because you're talented, naturally curious-- and strikingly handsome. ;)

Change is not comfortable, but it's inevitable. Giant Bomb will never be the same without you, and you will never be the same without Giant Bomb. So let's see what happens next!

EDIT: Just so long as whomever GB hires can tell jokes like Drew: slyly.

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"Give me six minutes with the smartphone of a man with good taste in music and I'll find cause to hang him."

Nickelback was never that bad. Generic, sure, but everyone who derided them liked music as bad or worse.

In fact, the whole "you enjoy something a group of us have decided has no artistic merit" thing is absurd. If you enjoy something, enjoy it. If you don't, don't. I think the Metal Gear Solid's story is hot garbage. But I don't let that affect my esteem of people who like it. Screw anyone who tries to make you feel bad about the harmless things you like.

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Dislike beer and wine, can't stand browns with mixers. And I never had the 'learning curve' associated with brown liquors. Straight tequila, rum, bourbon, scotch, or whiskey, always neat. I'll take a Screwdriver, and I used to love a gin and tonic until food poisoning ruined them. If it's clear and it isn't tequila, it has to be over ice. If it's brown, don't you dare.

I'm slim, didn't drink as a teenager, and still don't drink much, so I'm pretty lightweight. I'll nurse a finger for forty-five minutes. I'd like to learn to enjoy beer, though; it sure would come in handy for lunch with friends...

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"You don't have to specialize, so you can use any weapon."

You said that like you expected a positive response from me.

@mrhadouken said:

Gameplay looks incredible, however I'm still extremely worried about the story... there just doesn't seem to be much there. I hope I am very wrong, besides Tekken 7 and Ghost Recon: Wildlands, this is the only other game im interested in this year.

It's still pretty difficult to market an open world game by its story. But I share that concern, and it's why I haven't paid Andromeda any attention. I was ignoring it completely until I see multiple reviews I can trust.

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Micro-transactions are the antithesis of art.

Go ahead and put them in, but do it knowing you're just another video game assembler.

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#10  Edited By audiosnow

I bought myself Google Wi-Fi. Insert that sly emoji here, I guess.

EDIT: Is there a bowling memo I missed? Do they tell you about the bowling thing when you start going steady?