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#1  Edited By AV_Gamer
@broshmosh said:

@atheistpreacher: Thanks, I appreciate that. It's less confusion, more trying to understand the value of the metric itself. Statistics can be viewed to mean a lot of things. I'm not trying to catch anybody out, moreso seeking original context to the graph. Seeing that the source didn't really provide much context either it seems to just be a discussion point, which is fine.

That said I'm not totally sure on the accuracy of its proposed game costs for the time. Chrono Trigger was $80, after all, and I don't think it was the only costly cart of the era.

It wasn't. Phantasy Star IV for the Genesis/Mega Drive was $100, because the game used a lot of megabits and it showed. The same thing with Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. Most 16-bit games had between 8-16 megabits in them for data storage, which allowed developers more creativity. Anything higher usually made the game cost more than standard price, because carts were expensive to make. And of course there was the Neo-Geo and their games costing between $100 - $300, because those games had between 100 and 300 megabits in them.

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#2  Edited By AV_Gamer

Microsoft killing the studio that did Hi-Fi Rush right now is number one with a bullet for me. It's going to have to take something else catastrophic to replace that... but the year is still young.

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Spencer is proof how much charm and charisma can go a long way. Everyone by this point knows he is not fit for the job of running the Xbox division at Microsoft, and perhaps never was. But he comes across as a very friendly and down to earth guy, who gets the gamers, in a "one of us" kind of way. Not some sleazy guy in a three-piece suit, when in reality, he is not much different. It's served him well.

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Hopefully, it's a holiday release. The only thing I want from Nintendo is a more powerful Switch that is fully backwards compatible with the current Switch. No BS where you have to buy the exclusive Switch 2 re-release version of a Nintendo first party game in order to get the benefits of the game performing better. I stopped playing my Switch for the most part, because I can't stand the outdated performance of the current one. Which is the reason I didn't get Tears of the Kingdom, and they were charging $70. No, thanks. One of the great things about the PS5, was how a lot of PS4 games immediately performed better, whether the game now played at a perfect, smooth, 30FPS if the framerate was locked, to a buttery smooth 60FPS if the framerate was unlocked. And coming from a based PS4 like I did, the improvement was very noticeable. Days Gone was barely playable on the base PS4, but was great on the PS5, simply because of better framerate.

As far as price, if it's just an improved Switch that can now upscale to 4K, then it should be within the $400 range. But if Nintendo really goes all out and makes it like another Gamecube, then I can see it being in the $500 range.

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@ben_h: Yeah, this is pretty much what I was trying to say. Like I've said many times before, if it wasn't for the indie scene, gaming would be dead today.

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It seems like the lesson with all of this, is these developers quick to cash out to big time publishers don't seem to work out in the long run. One of the go to examples of course is Bioware and how awesome they were before they joined EA. Of course, developers want to make money so, it's clear why they do it. But once the big corporations take over, the heart and soul of something tends to get lost in the process. This is with all most everything, not just video games. And once the big wigs own something, they can trash it whenever they feel like it.

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Glad to see that uprising from the gamers can still make a difference. All hope is not lost. But let's see what happens in the future.

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I actually second Erica. I don't remember much about the characters and the storyline at all. All I remember is later in the game you have to go through an underground cave that is also a secret laboratory. And I also played it on PS Plus around 3 or 4 years ago.

Another game would be the first Outlast, which I actually liked. But it's been years since I played it and I only remember the stuff that happens during the end, which was the best part. I tried getting into Outlast 2, but It's just not as good. Mainly, because you see the supposed plot twist coming a mile a way. Heard the latest one is a return to form, but I haven't played it yet.

Singularity would be another example. I only remember how fun the gameplay was, despite the presentation being low budget. They really need to make another one.

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#10  Edited By AV_Gamer

I played Little Hope thanks to PS Plus, which has all except the latest Dark Pictures game on it so far. Sadly, I was a victim of the game breaking bug, where the game crashed near the end of the story, and the save file became corrupt beyond repair. It wasn't until I tried searching for a solution, that I found out it's a widespread problem the developers never fixed. Too bad, because I was enjoying myself with its story, and I've never played another Dark Pictures game since. Had to watch YouTube videos to see the endings.