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Average score of 9 user reviews

Arkham City is a place everyone should go to. 1

As someone who saw Batman Arkham Asylum as one of the greatest games of all time, and also as someone who absolutely loves everything Batman, it was hard not to have hype to the heavens for Arkham City, it’s also a little hard not to be a bit bias on just exactly this game that I am reviewing. But none the less, Arkham City delivers in every way that matters and delivers on what it sets out to do. It’s a thrill ride of an adventure with so many twists and turns you won’t know what to do with you...

4 out of 5 found this review helpful.

Zeke still sucks, but that's about all that does. 3

Infamous 2 is a hard game to place, they’ve changed so much about it while leaving so much of it the exact same. Yet it still manages to feel like a unique open world experience with a ton of content and a lot of replay ability. It’s a game for comic fans, open world fans, or even to some extent third person shooter fans. It reaches a broad audience and it mish mashes all these different genres and play styles into one gorgeous, fun to play and well told story. Cole's Character Model still loo...

14 out of 18 found this review helpful.

Furiously Addicting but a Ton of Fun. 0

Hard to believe you start off with just a pick and an axe.  Terraria is a hard game to classify, it’s also a hard game to spell but that’s all beside the point, Terraria is great fun, painfully addicting, and has a ton of depth both literally and figuratively. Most of all, it sets itself apart from the other crafting games out there right now to put together one simple, easy to pick up,  and fun to play experience that’ll keep you busy for dozens and dozens of hours. It’s a charming experience,...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

There's nothing quite like it. 7

L.A Noire is a hard game to classify, from some minor observation it could’ve easily been misinterpreted as GTA in the 1940’s with impressive facial tech, but if you look at anything past the obvious it’s a game with depth, an incredible story, unique gameplay and a giant sprawling open world. L.A Noire has not only set a new standard for its technology but it’s completely rewritten the book on the adventure game and open world game alike, it’s not without its flaws but it’s an incredible well ...

22 out of 24 found this review helpful.

Good showing on Crytek. 8

I've never been much of a Crytek guy, I've found their tech impressive but the games behind them less impressive, the original Crysis gave people a different feel to the shooter genre but was always overshadowed by its stellar visuals. Crysis 2 reverses what once was, the setting while a bit generic is one of the most immersive settings out there but it's in it's gameplay that Crysis 2 truly shines, With loose ties to the first game this game is a beast all on its own.     Set in 2033 it begins ...

20 out of 25 found this review helpful.

One Final Send Off. 4

            A lot of games could be classified art, after all games are a mixture of all the mediums we celebrate today, music, art itself, acting, and so forth. Ōkami was one of those games that always stuck with me with its vibrant world and colorful characters that truly made that argument for games as art point valid. A good 5 years later, its sequel arrives and not only that but it’s one of the games that sends off one of the most memorable handhelds in quite some time. Ōkamiden delivers...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A long Awaited Return!!! 3

Dawwww, swinging on a flower petal!   My uncle got an early copy of this game and as a result of that it lead me and him playing the entire game together, me as Prince Fluff and let me tell you, this is one of the most entertaining, cute, adorable, fun, addicting I have played in years, I thought I was getting sick of gaming and needed a break from it, so I have toned down the amount of gaming I had done, who knows, everyone needs a breather. This game reminded me why I play games in the first ...

9 out of 12 found this review helpful.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent Review!!! 1

Heres a game that just came out of nowhere and knocked my wind out, went to my cousins to watch his dogs for the weekend and in return for doing that he gave me this, daring me not to get scared and to play through it all by the time he returned, so, I took that dare and I played this game non stop all the way through, and let me tell you, I loved every minute of it. From the creators of Penumbra brings another first person survival horror game, except this time its set in a castle in the middle...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent Review!!! 0

Heres a game that just came out of nowhere and knocked my wind out, went to my cousins to watch his dogs for the weekend and in return for doing that he gave me this, daring me not to get scared and to play through it all by the time he returned, so, I took that dare and I played this game non stop all the way through, and let me tell you, I loved every minute of it. From the creators of Penumbra brings another first person survival horror game, except this time its set in a castle in the middle...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.