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Weekly Wiki Update - Thursday, June 5th 2014

Yes I usually try and get these out on a Friday morning/afternoon, but getting up and heading to work at 5:30 A.M. pretty much prevents this from happening, so it is on Thursday night this week. This week was pretty bare from me in terms of wiki editing. I was expecting to get less done due to work ramping up but I was not expecting work to completely kick my butt. Normally I try to do at least a little basic work in the wiki every single day, but this week I probably got around to it only a few total days.


No goals this week besides the Steam cards. I still went poking around a bit and added some basic information and did some fixing here and there, but no set out plan.

Steam Trading Cards

This week I got to start out with the first game I needed to make a page for being a visual novel game. Visual novel games are pretty much an entire genre I have very little desire to play or have knowledge of. I TOTALLY let these pile up this week and had to power through a bunch of them Thursday night before going to bed. Not a lot of games with cards this week that really excite me too much, except for the fact that Dead Rising 3 is now listed on Steam, WITH trading cards. Once again here is the list of games I had to add because of the cards:

Well that is it for this week. This was a super short update, but I just did not have time to do very much, as a matter of fact I am almost falling asleep while writing this. I really want to try and do more next week, but I am not too sure that is going to happen. But whether or not that happens I will still do one of these next week. As always, what are you other wiki editing duders up to?


Weekly Wiki Update - Friday, May 30th 2014

Alright here it is, the first week of my much more crazy summer work schedule. I am not sure if I will be able to do much more than smaller edits and fixes and probably keep up with the Steam Trading Cards. I will try however to still do what I can.


This week I decided not to give myself any specific goals to meet. I have a few specific goals I really want to work on, but with the time I have right now I decided it might just be best to work on whatever comes up.

I started this week by doing quite a bit of work filling out the page for Escape Rosecliff Island. Rosecliff Island is a hidden object game that I picked from my Steam library to actually play through so I figured I should work on the page for it as well. I also ended up going through and adding basic info or fixing things on a bunch of pages, but did not get to dig in and really fill in any pages.

Steam Trading Cards

So this week I kind of let these build up until over halfway through the week. Luckily for me this week a lot of the games were already in the wiki and just needed a little more information added to them. Once again here is the list of games I had to add because of the cards:

So there is another week down. Sorry that this week was pretty sparse, I really wanted to do some more this week but it did not work out. We shall see what the next week will bring, especially since I start not only working way more but I also start jury duty. As always what are you guys and gals working on in the wiki these days?


Weekly Wiki Update - Friday, May 23rd 2014

Another Friday means another weekly wiki update. This week is the week of Steam. I actually did not mean to focus on all these PC games, it just kind of happened. Most all of my updates to the wiki this week involved PC games.


Steam Mania

Apparently I just can’t get enough of adding games because of the Steam cards that I needed to add other Steam games as well. I decided to go through Steam and see what games are there that are not in the wiki yet. Steam has recently been having games dumped on there like crazy, and it is hard to keep up on it.

Hidden Objects

So I decided after looking over the large amount of hidden object games I have acquired that it was time to finally make sure they are all in the wiki. I have a pretty sort of like/hate relationship with the games in that I actually do like some of them, but I have added so many of them on here. These games all start to blend together. The reason for acquiring so many of these is two-fold, one is because my wife loves them and plays them all the time and the other is a morbid curiosity I have for them. I have a lot more to add, but here are the ones I had to add to the wiki since they weren't already here.

Steam Trading Cards

The theme of Steam continues with even more games with Steam cards. Nothing really too interesting this week except for that new Gauntlet game jumped out at me as a surprise. I had totally forgotten that thing even got announced, let alone already is listed as having Steam cards. Here are the games I had to add to the wiki because they got cards.

Another week down and I can’t believe I have stuck to these. This week started with a bang for me but then got super busy. Speaking of which starting next week I will probably not be able to do very much wiki editing as summer brings a shift in my work hours.

I have been noticing people editing a wide variety of pages this week which is awesome. As always what are you fellow duders working on? Also I have been hearing that Steam has already had more games added to it this year than all of 2013, and I totally believe it.


Weekly Wiki Update - Friday, May 16th 2014.

Another Friday means another weekly wiki update. I got kind of a late start to really working on anything this week, but managed to play through some more Game Boy games. I am really enjoying picking a theme for each week and trying to focus on that, but now I have so many ideas I think I need to write them down somewhere.


Game Boy

So I just could not let these little Game Boy games go and decided to go for another week of focusing on them. I tried to complete some of these pages as much as I could, but I decided to go with a few Japanese games and can’t read much Japanese, so I could only fill some basic stuff in. I think this might be my last week concentrating on Game Boy games for now as I have some other ideas I think I want to try and tackle. Anyway, here are the couple of Game Boy pages I spent a little more time on this week:

Steam Trading Cards

Another week means another bunch of cards added to games on Steam. There seemed to be quite a bit more of these this week. This also marks the return of creating a page for a hidden object game for me, something I did a lot of at one time but the monotony of those games drove me away. It was actually a pretty varied week on the types of games that got cards, which is always fun. I am not totally sure why this is something I keep up on, but I guess I figured it was easier to keep up on it rather than try and fill in what is missing later. Here are the pages I had to add because of the useless virtual cards:

So there it is for this week. I got a little more work done than I did last week, but I was still hoping for a little more. I’m not sure if I am just going crazy or not, but it seems like there have been more people updating some of the older games in the wiki (such as @mento) which makes me happy. As always I would love to hear about what you fine folks editing the wiki are working on so let us know!


Weekly Wiki Update - Friday, May 9th 2014.

Alright so with this being the third week of doing these blogs I am actually confident I can keep this up. So I have been trying to figure out lately how we can really pump this wiki up and get more people working on it. I’ve tried bringing it up as much as possible and tried tweeting it out and such. I figure bringing the wiki tasks back will help somewhat, but does anyone else have any ideas? I would love to see more folks doing regular work on it, even if it is just small details.


Another week means another week of trying to work on some more release dates and basic data, BUT I decided to do another week on trying to work on the good old Game Boy games. There still seems to be a lot of forgotten games out there for the old brick, but I love it. I really did not get around to nearly as many games this week as I wanted to because of not feeling too good and work ramping up. I have not decided if I am going to focus on Game Boy games again next week or start on what my next idea is. Anyway, here are the couple of Game Boy pages I spent a little more time on this week:

Steam Trading Cards

Who would have thought that this week there would be more games adding Steam Trading Cards? This marks the second week in a row with a farming game, whoo hoo. This week I did not think there would be much for games adding Steam Trading Cards, then it seemed like there was a sudden glut of them. This time around however quite a few of the games that added cards were already in the wiki. Once again here is a list of games I had to create so that I could add them to the Steam Trading Cards concept.

And that is it for this week. It was not nearly as productive as I was hoping it was going to be, but next week I hope to pick it up a little bit. Coming up in a couple of weeks will be when I have to slow down on some of the wiki stuff as summer for me is far more busy for work than the rest of the year. Let me know what kind of stuff you guys are doing or interested in doing in the wiki.


Weekly Wiki Update - Friday, May 2nd 2014.

Holy cow I actually managed to do this for a second week in a row?!? I actually went in to this week with a boosted interest in working on pages after last week. I think these blogs are a real motivator when it comes to really focusing down on some objectives.


This week I still decided to do some work on the pages that are empty or have no release date, which I will probably be working on for quite some time. BUT this week I decided to do a little more focused work on a few pages to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Nintendo’s Game Boy. The Game Boy is a system that I have a ton of nostalgia for. I still remember opening up my brand new Game Boy for Christmas in ’89. Besides just going through and adding basic information on a lot of Game Boy games, some of the games I took a little more time on to celebrate this occasion. Some of those were:

Steam Trading Cards

Another week means more games released that have Steam Trading Cards. There did not seem to be quite the deluge of titles this week as there have been in the last couple of weeks, but there sure was still some. This week I decided I am going to start keeping track of not all the pages I add Steam Cards to, but the ones that I had to create because of them. This week there was only three games that got cards added that were not already in the wiki.

Well that is it for this week. I am having some fun doing this so I plan on doing another one next week, let us see if I follow through with it. I already have an idea for next weeks goals, but I do still want to do more work on some of those Game Boy games.


Weekly Wiki Update - Friday, April 25th 2014

Alright so this is the first entry in a blog series I am going to attempt to do on a weekly basis. I want to try and sort of chronicle some of what I am doing each week while working on the wiki. I think it will be fun to look back on these later down the road and see what I was doing.


Each week I am setting goals for myself to accomplish. As of right now, and the past few weeks I am really trying to make sure a lot more games have their release date on the page. So many pages here in the wiki seem to be missing the release date, along with other basic information that I decided rather than try to fill out a single page or two I would try and at least get a basic functioning page on as many games as possible.

I did get through quite a bit of games this week, but keep getting side tracked by new games getting Steam Trading Cards (and for some reason the page for RBI Baseball 95), which brings me to....

Steam Trading Cards

I have been trying to keep up with making sure the games that have Steam Trading Cards are updated. The problem is now they are coming out at a rapid pace and many of the games getting cards are not even in the wiki yet so I have to go through and create and fill in basic information on them as well. I still have a few more games to go to be all caught up, and will continue to try and keep up.

Well there you have it for the first installment of this blog series I hope to keep doing. I am not real confident in my writing which keeps me from doing blogs more often, even though I would like to. I am hoping this one will stick and I can get better at doing these.


Goodbye Ryan Davis for you will be missed.

I am not great at taking what I am feeling and putting it into words, but I am going to give it a shot. The news of Ryans passing hit me like a ton of bricks today while I was on my lunch break at work. I got on my phone to see what was going on at the website that has become the one true staple website for me. When I first read the headline I thought it could not be true, that this was some kind of joke or hoax. I was absolutely shocked when I found out that the news was real, how could this have happened?!

Giant Bomb has become the website for me that I visit constantly throughout the day, between wiki editing, seeing what people I like are up to, and the video content it feels like I spend 90% of my internet time here.

Ryan Davis was one of the personalities that not only pulled me into this crazy corner of the internet, but also kept me here. It has become an almost soothing sound to hear "Hey Everybody It's Tuesday!" every Tuesday, and that is something that will now be missing.

I never met Ryan in person, or even had a lot of interaction with him on this website, but in some weird way I still felt like I knew him. I have never felt this upset about someone I never met dying, so that is saying something to how great a person he really was.

Ryan Davis, you will be missed greatly.

Start the Conversation

1000 Wiki Pages Down, A Look Back.

So as I have been sitting here toiling away at the wiki, a thought popped into my head. I knew that I had been getting close to reaching 1000 pages I created on the wiki (not counting people for credits), so I decided to go and check the list. Well as it turns out the last page I had created before checking was lucky number 1000. Here is the list of all the pages I created so far.

What was that 1000th wiki page you may ask? Well I will get to that in good time, but first:

The beginning

So when I first came to Giant Bomb (on August 8, 2010) I was super excited about the idea of an approachable video game wiki, which up to that point I felt like sites like Mobygames and Gamefaqs were not. At first I will admit I had no real direction or idea of what I was doing, I just knew that I could finally help with something like this with my massive love of video games.

The First Page

Jumper Two, The First Page I ever Added
Jumper Two, The First Page I ever Added

I had no idea where to start when I decided I wanted to help fill out Giant Bombs wiki, so I filled a small amount of information here and there on some random games I had played. Well finally I had recently played a little PC game called Jumper Two, decided I was going to go fill in a little information about it but found that there wasn't a page for it on Giant Bomb. I had decided to leave it alone at the time, not knowing how to go about submitting a new page.

Well a few days later I decided I would figure out how to add a new game page, and that I did. Once I got that message that my request to add the page was accepted I was hooked from then on out.

The Addiction Starts

After that first page I was addicted to seeking out and adding any kind of information I could that wasn't yet present. I went on to add a page for the Jumper series main character, Ogmo (who made an appearance in Super Meat Boy), a franchise page for Jumper, and the third game in the series as well. I ended up adding some character, object, and location pages that I am honestly not sure why I took the time to do, and frankly when I go back to some of the early pages I created I probably wouldn't take the time for anymore, but I was sure having fun pouring info into the wiki.

Focusing Up

A couple of times over the couple years I have been working on the wiki here on Giant Bomb I have gotten into a groove with editing and adding specific types of pages. The first of these focuses that I had was pinball machines. Pinball being something that I love, I started adding credits for folks who worked on pinball machines and noticed that there were tons of machines that were missing from the wiki. Well that started what I like to call my mass pinball initiative where I added a TON of pinball machines to the wiki.

Another area in which I have worked on adding a lot of pages is the Game Boy games, or more specifically Game Boy Color games. I noticed the Game Boy Color was lacking quite a bit of not just information, but entire game pages as well. I still go back from time to time and try to go through a good chunk of the GBC games, but it is a pretty big task.

Another series of games that I for some reason decided to add to the wiki is a Japanese pachi-slot series called Slotter Mania. I started by adding one of the games I found some information on and noticed it was a series, however I had no idea just how large this series was when I started.

Lately my masochistic obsession with hidden objects games has led me down a rabbit hole that I honestly had no idea was as massive as it was. There are literally hundreds of generic looking hidden objects games out there, thanks Big Fish Games.

Page 1000

Page #1000
Page #1000

Since I didn't realize before hand that I was this close to hitting 1000 I ended up not being able to plan out at all what my 1000th page was. So I have been sitting here all morning adding these hidden objects games and the companies that develop them to the wiki and my 1000th page happened to be one of them. Strange Cases: the Secrets of Grey Mist Lake was my 1000th page, a generic hidden objects game that is the third in a series.

Beyond 1000

I am sure nobody out there really cares about reading all of this, but for me it is something I want to be able to look back on later when i'm at 1500 or 2000 pages and laugh at how I posted a blog about getting to 1000. I am dedicated to trying to make Giant Bomb the best gaming wiki out there, and encourage anyone else out there who hasn't taken a shot at wiki editing to do so.


100k Wiki Points and counting.

So as of 9/18/2011 I have hit a milestone I am very proud of, hitting 100,000 points on the Giant Bomb wiki. I haven't been a member of this site for as long as a lot of the other people around here, but have come to love this website a lot. One of my biggest passions in life is video games, not just playing them but knowing about them, the industry, the people who make them, and the people who write about them. There has been other video game wiki sites out there, but Giant Bomb was the first one that I really got hooked into.

I love the sense of community involvement by the staff here. When I first started to think about working on the wiki I was nervous. I was nervous that I would not do something right or that I would screw something up so at first I just read through the wiki. However once I started reading through it and finding things I could write about that weren't on the site yet I started to want to work on it even more.

I started working on it finally and I was hooked immediately. The thought of being able to take pride in my work and that I was helping out a great website at the same time is what really hooked me. Once I started doing my editing I was amazed at how helpful the mods were in giving me tips and pointing me in the right direction, which honestly helped me out a lot in my wiki editing.

Personal Initiatives

Over the course of my time here working on the wiki I have given my self some tasks or initiatives to work on. I have found that doing these has really helped me not only fill in a lot of missing info here on the wiki, but has really bolstered my knowledge on some subjects.

Fallout New Vegas

Fallout New Vegas was the first thing I really set out on. I started to add a lot of information on locations, characters, and even specific objects from the game. I was fairly obsessed for a while on working on this, and speaking of which I need to go back and work on some more.


I had noticed in my time here on Giant Bomb that there was a section for pinball machines. Well after doing some reading I also noticed a lot of information was absent from pinball machines, so I decided I would try and find a bunch of pinball machines that were missing from the wiki. I ended up adding a ton of machines, as well as filling in credits for many of them. By filling in the credits I also learned a ton about not only the machines but the interesting people behind them.

Game Boy Color

Working on Game Boy Color games is my newest and current initiative. My ultimate goal is to have some sort of page for all Game Boy Color games I can find that exist. I have already made it through quite a few game, but I have a long, long way to go. Because of this initiative I have already found some games that I quite enjoyed playing, while on the other hand I have discovered quite a few stinkers as well, I am looking at you Arthur's Absolutely Fun Day!

Wiki Tasks

For a while I was intimidated by the wiki tasks. I would always find one that seemed interesting, but would worry I wouldn't do a good enough job at it so I wouldn't do it. Fast forward to now I think some of my best work has been because of a wiki task. I especially love it when classic games get a wiki task because I like to think of that as more of my specialty. Perhaps my favorite and the wiki task page I am most proud of would be Donkey Konga 3: Tabe-houdai! Haru Mogitate 50 Kyoku. I started working a little on the page, then I would do a little more and a little more until it ended up being a lot more in depth than I had originally planned.

Theres also the wiki task I did for the PC game Team Yankee. That game turned out to be a game that I did not really enjoy at all, but I did enjoy working on the wiki page for it. That is however the page that made me start copying my work before submitting it as I had almost the whole thing done and I got an error and had to start all over again.

Some of My Favorite Pages

So since it seems to be the cool thing to do now days I will make a list of some of my favorite wiki pages I have had a hand in working on.

  • Pokémon Pinball - I spend so much time working on this game it's not even funny. I had the game and manual out and I documented pretty much everything I could possibly find to.
  • Pokemon Gym - Another one I spent quite a bit of time working on. However this is also one that I still have more information to add, someday I guess.
  • Arthur's Absolutely Fun Day! - While this game was incredibly boring to play through, I am proud that I slogged through it for Giant Bomb. This game was also the inspiration for a blog series I am thinking about starting.
  • Nellis Air Force Base - This is one of the Fallout pages that I spent a lot of time working on. I would like to go back to this now with the new editor and tweak the layout, but I am still proud of the content.
  • Game Chest: Solitaire - This is one I put more work into than I ever thought I would considering it's pretty much a compilation of very common solitaire games.

The Wrap Up

I just have to say thank you to the awesome community and staff who are on this site. Without this place being the cool place it is there is no way I would have ever put this insane amount of time into something that I do completely for free. I feel like I have grown and improved as a wiki editor a great deal since starting and have many people who offered advice and help to thank for that.

Any other possible budding wiki editors out there if you have any questions or need any help feel free to PM me any time and I will try my best to help.

Heres to another 100k.