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  • cabelhigh posted a message in the forum topic I Think Staff Tweets Need To Go. on the General Discussion board

    @zeik: lol my dude its clearly a subversion of the way the right uses it. Most people use it because the right is so obsessed with calling people snowflakes but are so fragile themselves. Come on.

  • cabelhigh posted a message in the forum topic I Think Staff Tweets Need To Go. on the General Discussion board

    @zeik: adopt the language of the right.......what are you TALKING about? Calling cops white supremacists is the opposite of the language of the right

  • cabelhigh posted a message in the forum topic I Think Staff Tweets Need To Go. on the General Discussion board

    @zombie2011: Fuck are you on about. Do I need to link the hundreds of videos from the protests that prove her point or are you going go stay ignorant?

  • cabelhigh posted a message in the forum topic I Think Staff Tweets Need To Go. on the General Discussion board

    @cornfed40: ACABStaff can say whatever they want. Many staff have posted political tweets in the past. If you've seen the footage out there and can't understand why the NYPD is a white supremacist org...

  • cabelhigh followed Burgle My Bananas .