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Games I love and will probably never play again

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  • Every Tony Hawk game, ever. Once I discovered the magic and simplicity of skate, these games just didn't cut it. So, despite my Fond memories of the warehouse and the spike pits, I won't be returning to this franchise unless skate really goes downhill and THPS steps it up.

  • The pokemon series repetitive, This is a fact, but they change it up enough each release to make the last feel completely obsolete, So i lose interest in them after I've completed the pokedex.

  • No because i dont love it still, but because microsoft had to be the bad guy for once and shut down original XBL...goodnight sweet prince.

  • I only bought DOOM [again] on XBL for co op, But as i soon found out (after almost beating it on co op with a friend) You don't get achievements in co op, which pretty much takes away the last bit of replay value it had left.

  • This game was charming, the first time i took pictures out of a helicopter, and cursed an old lady for her love for a dumb fucking dog, and wrecked zombies with a katana, but it gets old, fast. Hopefully DR2 solves the biggest problem in the original: Boredom.

  • I loved the single player, but the story wasn't very engaging, and the multiplayer felt tacked on and weak. I will continue to love the BioShock universe, however.