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"I'm not bad, I just play that way"

A spin-off of my earlier "widely hated characters" list, this one is specifically for characters who are widely hated or disliked not so much because they are considered bad characters, but rather for gameplay related reasons like being considered too OP/broken.

List items

  • Get used to seeing a LOT of fighting game characters on this list.

  • As a character, she's got a following, and her interactions with Leon are generally considered well written. But her AI and role as a constant escort mission are both so utterly terrible, that they've ensured she's still one of video game's most widely loathed characters, however fun her banter with Leon.

  • Don't worry; there will be a few other Overwatch characters making this list. Notably, he was very resistant to balance patches throughout the original game's lifespan, usually remaining extremely powerful no matter what.

  • In her turn in the Super Smash Bros. franchise. Folks DID get booed playing as her in one tournament after all.

  • Not the last fighting game final boss to be on this list. They're somewhat infamous for being this in general, really.

  • One of many League of Legends characters whose gameplay is perceived as broken/OP by most and is thus hated for that reason.

  • Usually one of fiction's most iconic and celebrated tragic villains. But less so when one has to play as him in his terrible solo video game.

  • In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II / Warzone on account of his heat vision special move being seen as infuriatingly broken and cheap.

  • In TMNT: Tournament Fighters, where she becomes yet another example of a notoriously broken final boss in a fighting game.

  • Gameplay-wise due to being seen as overpowered by most League players.

  • Her Anniversary quotes even reference this.

  • In Super Smash Bros Brawl

  • Well, pre-nerfs anyway. But there's a reason those happened in the first place.

  • Among Goldeneye players due to being broken in that game.

  • In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future

  • A particularly infamous case of an overly difficult boss battle.

  • Mostly on account of being one of the most infamous examples of a broken final boss in Fighting Games, though it probably doesn't help that he's also a combatant who goes out of his way to trash talk constantly. Now, this one is more "polarizing", since people do recognize that Shao Kahn is cool...but for every person who thinks that, there's another person who hates him.

  • In numerous video games, to the point that Superman and video games not mixing has been a common idea in gaming circles for many years. Superman 64 is obviously the most infamous example of this.

  • General consensus seems to be that he's one of the worst/most annoying League of Legends champions. Or at least that's the impression I've gotten.

  • Lot of it has to do with how his kit is considered badly outdated by modern League of Legends standards.

  • To this day, he's still one of the most prominent cases of a League of Legends champion being hated for being OP.