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The Superman Archetype

Widely recognized as the very first superhero (or at least the oldest one anyone remembers), Superman has inspired countless parodies, analogues, and equivalents, even within DC itself.

Aspects of the Superman Archetype are as follows:

  • Has the "FISS" power-set (Flight, Invulnerability, Strength, and Speed), as well as heat vision or some other kind of "eye beam" power.
  • Form-fitting costume that has a cape and a prominent chest-symbol (sometimes a letter, but often not). Red and/or blue colors preferred.
  • Secret identity, especially one where they pretend to be bumbling or dorky.
  • Romance with an ordinary human woman who is a reporter or some other kind of newswoman and a frequent damsel-in-distress (the "Lois Lane Archetype").
  • Arch-enemy is a wealthy, super-intelligent, egomaniac with vast resources and who often does not have a supervillain name, instead using their real name (the "Lex Luthor Archetype", if you will).
  • Founder, heavy-hitter, and often leader, of the setting's premiere superhero team.
  • Looks human, but is in fact an alien. Alien examples are often the last of their kind or one of the last of their kind, and were sent to Earth as infants or children.
  • Raised by a kind, elderly farming couple somewhere far from any big cities (so a rural area).
  • Weakened or harmed by a specific mineral, often a fictional one.
  • Widely beloved by the people

Please note that characters can and do fit this archetype without checking off every single item on the above list.

List items

  • Obviously.

  • The Earth-2 version of Superman. And in fact, because DC's Pre-Crisis Earth 2 was where their Golden Age comics took place, this ironically means we got Earth 2 Superman first!

  • Another alternate reality version of the archetype's originator, this one a champion of the Communist way.

  • The Superman of Earth-23 in DC's Multiverse

  • Father of Superman

  • Most prominent female version

  • The other most prominent female version, and is meant to BE Supergirl from another universe (Earth-2, usually).

  • The junior version

  • The other junior version

  • The FUTURE junior version.

  • Son of General Zod (to be discussed below), but raised by Superman like a son, causing him to take more after Kal-El. He'd count as a Superman figure regardless.

  • One of four figures who replaced Superman during the Reign of the Supermen event, and did so while wearing a variant of Superman's costume. Even after that, he's still basically a Superman knock-off.

  • Superman stan who often wears the "S" symbol on his armor, and even a red cape to go with it. Plus, he was one of the four "replacement Supermen" during the Reign of the Supermen story.

  • She has held the mantle of Superwoman in some continuities, such as in All-Star Superman.

  • Yes, ironically. For a time, Lex wore a suit of blue armor with Superman's "s" symbol, and sometimes even a red cape to go with it!

  • One of many, many evil counterparts/equivalents to Superman. Who better than to serve as worthy foes for a hero so powerful?

  • Probably the single most famous and iconic of all of DC's "Evil Supermen".

  • Another one of the more infamous evil Supermen. His origin also makes him a dark twist on Mr. Fantastic too.

  • One half Superman, one half Batman.

  • Evil, Crime Syndicate version

  • Doubles as an evil Wonder Woman figure (and an evil Lois Lane too!)

  • By way of being an evil counterpart to the below one:

  • Like Superman, he has a form-fitting, bright-colored costume with a cape and chest logo. Like Superman, he's incredibly powerful and has many of the same powers to boot, and even has a similar physical appearance and idealistic, boy scout personality.

    If all of that wasn't enough to convince you, he's also a member of a team of various DC characters who are all Superman analogues...showing that even DC themselves acknowledge the similarities between the two.

  • Jr. Version of Shazam who, as stated, is a Superman figure. So effectively that makes Freddy here the Superboy to Shazam/Captain Marvel's Superman.

  • Especially since, Dr. Manhattan is ALSO a parody of / equivalent to, Captain Atom, who is himself a Superman analogue. On that note...

  • Incredibly powerful, cape-wearing superhero? Check. Flight, strength, invulnerability, and red eye beams? Check. Last of his kind? Often check.

    J'onn's similarities to Superman were such that Greg Weisman, one of the creators of the Young Justice show, cited it as a justification for having J'onn NOT be the last Martian in the Young Justice cartoon, and also taking away some of his comic powers (like the aforementioned red eye beams).

  • Another evil alternate version of Kal-El from DC's multiverse(s), and this one one of the most powerful.

  • And as a younger hero who balances High School / teenage troubles with heroics, he also has a good deal in common with Spider-Man.

  • At this point one of the most iconic 3rd-party (not DC or Marvel) parodies of Superman...and also one of the most iconic villainous ones too.

  • The OTHER most infamous evil Superman parody at this point, though also having elements of Captain America as well as a blonde, ultra-patriotic guy in a blue costume with red gloves.

  • For those who want a Superman/Captain America hybrid who's actually, you know, a HERO, Statesman here (mostly) fills that role. He'd hate Homelander without a doubt.

  • Statesman's evil counterpart, which means that City of Heroes still has its own evil Superman analogue.

  • With the added twist of also being a villainous parody of Jimmy Olsen (and with a name that references two of the Green Lanterns to boot!)

  • Parody of Superman AND Elvis. No wonder people love him.

  • More loosely than many examples, but consider:

    1) He was considered one of THE premiere superheroes in his world.

    2) Has a chest logo with a letter as part of a form-fitting costume.

    3) Has superhuman strength and endurance

    So he's got some of Superman in him.

  • The Simpson's equivalent, though also with some elements of Adam West Batman sprinkled in as well (particularly in his Robin-esque sidekick, Fallout Boy). His origin, meanwhile, is clearly based off of the Hulk's.

  • A mix of Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man, and the Fairly Oddparent's creator has (I think), admitted as much at one point.

  • As "Mighty Mom" in one episode, where Timmy turns his parents into Superman parodies.

  • As "Dino Dad" in one episode, where Timmy turns his parents into Superman parodies.

  • MHA's Superman analogue, and like Statesman and Homelander also having elements of Captain America too (though WAY more heroic than the latter).

  • Commonly compared to (and pitted against!) Superman, and in fairness there are definite parallels:

    -Last son of a dying world/race that look like humans but aren't

    -FISS power-set plus a signature energy projectile attack (Ki blasts in his case)

    -Married an ordinary human woman (Chi-Chi and Lois Lane) and had a son with them who is a Jr. version of them (Gohan/Goten and Jon Kent Jr.)

    -Died fighting a superhuman, nigh-unstoppable monster created to be the ultimate life-form (Cell and Doomsday)

    -Friends with a green-skinned alien who often wears a cape and is comparably powerful (Piccolo and Martian Manhunter)

    -Has several evil counterparts. On that note...

  • ...the evil version

  • Doing the whole "Bizarro/Ultraman to Goku's Superman" well before Goku Black was a thing.

  • The Superboy to Goku's Superman

  • The Jon Kent Jr. to Goku's Superman (and predating Jon Jr. by quite a bit!)

  • While the 2011 reboot largely avoids this, Lion-O in the original cartoon riffs on Superman HARD. One of the last survivors of a dying world sent to a new one? Check. Superhuman strength and speed? Check. Weakened by a glowing, colorful mineral named after his destroyed homeworld? Check. That last one really clinches it for me.

  • And worth noting that he and Lion-O above have both fought Superman at different points!

  • A spiritual predecessor to Superman, in many ways. Of special note...

  • the Disney version, who feels VERY Superman-esque. He was raised by a kindly old farming couple from infancy, as a young man leaves home and travels to a distant place where he reconnects with his biological, non-human father, is set on the path to becoming a hero by said father, and then moves to a big city where he becomes a celebrity hero of immense strength who wears a cape.

    Oh, and he ALSO falls in love with a normal woman with a sharp-tongue who he rescues at one point. All sounds pretty Superman-esque to me.

  • Red-caped, godlike MVP of the Avengers, much as Superman is the red-caped, godlike MVP of the Justice League. Both also have green-clad arch-enemies that fancy themselves the "brain" to their heroic foe's "brawn" (Lex Luthor and Loki). And of course, both look like humans but aren't.

    For added similarities, their romances with normal human women (Lois Lane and Jane Foster), and at one point dying fighting nigh-unstoppable villains with immense strength (Doomsday and Destroyer Armor), before getting resurrected shortly after.

  • OK, admittedly I'm really reaching with this one. But he IS basically another Thor, and I think Marvel's Thor is definitely somewhat equivalent to Superman for the reasons covered above.

  • VERY clearly and explicitly meant to be a Marvel Superman. He's even got an "S" on his costume!

  • The Squadron Supreme's equivalent to Superman, the Squadron Supreme as a whole being clear analogues to DC's Justice League.

  • He's even compared to Superman in the Eternals movie!

  • Idealistic, human-looking alien superhero with a red and blue form-fitting costume. Sounds Superman-esque to me.

  • Another one!

  • Can also be seen as analogous to Mon-El specifically, given that the Shi'ar Imperial Guard that he leads is sometimes likened to the Legion of Superheroes.

  • Begins taking on Superman characteristics at the end of the series when he reaches his most powerful.

  • Admittedly, I might be reaching a bit with this one. But thing about it: last survivors of dead peoples, immensely powerful, super-idealistic, iron-clad codes against killing, fight against powerful despots who rule over fascist domains (Ozai and Darkseid)...I think there's enough there, personally.

    And in fact, Sokka's voice actor voiced Jimmy Olsen once!