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  • colemanfrancis posted a message in the forum topic Jess and Jason have been laid off (Updated). on the General Discussion board

    I feel really bad for giantbomb, it has again and again been fucked into the dirt by big corporations. I really don't want to give fandom or red ventures or any of them any of my money anymore

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post Game of the Year: Day 1.

    Why was so much time wasted trying to decide whether deathloop, a game that takes place over a set of repeating days (like some sort of loop in time), was a time loop game or not? I got so frustrated...

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post Voicemail Dumptruck 000.

    Is there no audio version?

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post Episode 311.

    I don't think I can listen to this episode cause I don't want to start crying at work...I'll never forgive red ventures for taking this from us.Thank you to all the gb crew for the blood, sweat, tears...

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town.

    Mining has been with Harvest Moon since almost the beginning. Harvest Moon for the SNES had a cave you could collect herbs from but nothing more than that.Harvest Moon 64 had a mine that was only acc...

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post Harvest Moon: One World.

    It's like someone left a harvest moon game out on the street and got stripped for parts. All thats left is a frame.

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post A Relaxed Valheim Stream - 02/19/21.

    The Dark Engine has never looked better.

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post Part 01.

    This is awesome. Giant Bomb is teaching me Rogue, Mahjong, all sortsa things.Would love to die in rogue.

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.

    What I'm REALLY looking forward to is Jeff Bakalar's Fridge Constructor

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post Nancy Drew: Legend of the Crystal Skull - Part 2.

    Nancy Drew : Black Ops : Cold War

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post Episode 02 [Vinny's View].

    The adventures of Flat & Pointy

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post GTFO (04/15/2020) - A 2nd Vinny Screen Experience.

    Is the game actually that dark, I can't see a damn thing

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post Gettin' Special w/Jeff Gerstmann.

    This is a crime. The people who made this should be in jail.

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island - Part 1.

    My name is Scoto and I looove to get blotto

  • colemanfrancis posted a message on the post Wilmot's Warehouse.

    What are the odds that this game is actually just controlling a robot in an amazon warehouse somewhere? Is bezos behind this?

  • colemanfrancis posted a message in the forum topic UPF Giveaway - 5/3/19 - Indie Game MEGAPACK. on the General Discussion board

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