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cozmicaztaway I bought Arcanum tonight...

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#1  Edited By cozmicaztaway

Who's that off-brand Tim Schafer looking mofo?

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@vulpius said:

Took me a moment to realize that this thread wasn't created in response to the latest delay.

Anyway. Give it another ten years and Black Flag will be in that 20 year nostalgia sweet spot.

Yeah, I was really surprised reading "sixth", because we're up to 7 at this point. See you all in 9 months for number 8?

It's funny, I thought this was for sure coming out last November because of contractual obligations, then it slipped to March and I went "Oh, maybe Fiscal Year shenanigans then", and now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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These continue to be a good read. Japanese imperialism and trying to perpetuate the "clean Wehrmacht myth" continues to be an icky proposition.

When are you getting to SEGAs soccer games, I remember those being pretty legit? November that year or thereabouts, I think

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There's no platform page for the Pocket PC, later renamed Windows Mobile. While not exactly a gaming console, it did host some games (see Wikipedia, and that's not a complete list), including some that were seemingly exclusive to the system, like 3 weird Everquest single-player RPG spinoffs.

Does this make it worthy for inclusion to the wiki so games can be added to it?

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Great write-up, some info that was new to me in there, although I did skip the final segment because I've been intending to play my European copy for... gosh, 12 years or something at this point (it was around €180 when I bought it, I think? I'mm not sure if PDS or my collector's edition of Bioshock 2 is the most expensive game I've bought..). I just need to, err, hook my Saturn up to a SCART to HDMI converter, hook that up to the TV, pray the lag ain't terrible, switch the battery in my Saturn (...again..) and figure out how that Action Pak which will let me play European games on a Japanese Saturn works.

..Midnafen, eh?

Also, I think they've admitted to losing the Japanese source code to Saga, to make everything extra annoying.

As for writing everything on their own: heresy now, but that seems to have been how Sega did things back in the day. Yu Suzuki mentioned needing to write their own debuggers and stuff for the arcade games, saying the console teams were lucky because they already had tools. I think EVERY Sega game might have been a hot mess development wise...

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#7  Edited By cozmicaztaway

The thing about Hyenas is that, if you look at it very cynically, everything about it seemed designed to be monetized in very "this is popular" kind of ways. The setting of stealing old pop culture is (admittedly a somewhat decent) excuse to do tie-ins to monetize nostalgia. The gameplay is Tarkov-like because of course it is, that's about to blow up. "What if funky characters like Overwatch/Apex/Valorant etc etc?"

The whole thing felt very designed by Committee, like "if we just take these parts and throw money at it, we'll make even more money!" I think Sega said about one of their "super games" "this has to potential to make half a billion dollars a year" or something to that effect. I dunno if Hyenas was that game, but the attitude is certainly there, and if the goal was just "make money" and not "make a game that is cool because THIS" that also attracts a large audience... well, I'm not surprised it never seemed to come together or be interesting.

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Apparently Shark Shark on Switch doesn't run at a particularly stable framerate, it doesn't really hit 30 FPS, and in news I thought would make you fail technical certification, the button to pause is B.

...I am at a loss for words

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#9  Edited By cozmicaztaway

Wow, what an amazing launch! Not since the heady days of the Sega Saturn has such a bold move been made, and it's so incredibly successful too! There might actually be close to a billion Amicos out there now, and that's a good start on the road to 3 billion!

I just wish they had been a bit harsher on the commandments, for instance Tales of Berseria is both in 3D AND lacks multiplayer, but I guess that gets grandfathered in now. Long live the new age of the Amico!

(@bigsocrates, this one might be your best yet, it's fantastic!)

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Recency bias speaking, but I feel like right now it's Lars Wingefors (Embracer) and John Riccitiello (Unity) wrestling in a puddle of mud over a trophy inscribed with "most incompetent CEO"