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We're going to be talking over this morning's Nintendo Direct. Going live in about 10 minutes at

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Hello Giant Bomb folks! A quick note.

Hello Giant Bomb!

I wanted to make a quick post to disclose some good news. You may not have heard, but I had a very private, quiet, not-at-all-connected-to-a-fast-food-brand wedding earlier this year! My wife Bianca has been on a couple of Giant Bomb things with me, so you may be somewhat familiar with her.

Anyways, she recently got a job working as a game consultant. I’m very happy and proud of her, as she very much knows her shit about games and I know she’s gonna kill it. The reason I wanted to disclose it publicly is so that the Giant Bomb audience knows about the situation and doesn’t think I’m doing anything shady in trying to hide it or whatever.

She’ll be consulting on various games in the future. As it’s my job to talk critically about games on this website, I wanted to assure you that the things I say about games will not change whatsoever based on whether or not she’s done any consulting work on it. Fans of the site are aware that we have relationships with many people in the industry, and we always remain critical of their work.

I’ll be doing my best to stay uninformed about what she’s working on (and vice versa) to avoid potential conflicts of interests between our jobs. She’s not a developer, she’s not making these games, she’s just giving feedback to companies that hire her company for consulting work. If she has any connection with games we’re covering, that will have no impact whatsoever on how I cover those games on our content.

Let me know if you have any questions regarding the situation! I’d be happy to be as transparent as possible.

