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Games I considered for my second Let's Play.

My first Let's Play was the classic PC game American McGee's Alice. As I approached the end of Alice, I began looking into other games to take its place once I defeated the Queen of Hearts. Eventually, I picked The Saboteur, which I picked up on a whim from a bargain bin in an off-brand electronics store, but there were several titles I considered before that. Some of these still might make appearances in the future.

List items

  • This game, from the same era as Alice, ran properly and recorded nicely, and it would probably have been entertaining because I'm a wuss and don't normally play horror games. But it turns out there's a bit too much reading involved in the game to make it interesting as a video series.

  • I found this in the bargain bin with The Saboteur, and I thought it would make a better Let's Play than an open-world game. The only, and I mean ONLY reason I didn't go with this one is that Fraps, my recording program, seriously hindered the framerate, to the point where it interfered with gameplay and looked super shitty.

  • I was told by a veteran LPer that the most popular Let's Plays are done with obscure titles, because people will watch just for the sake of seeing the game, and not just to hear your commentary on it. Not to mention that I have a friend who's CRAZY for the books, so he would have loved it. Too bad it didn't run properly. Still looking for ways to get it to run on Vista.

  • Like Alice, this was a game that I played a long time ago and never beat. It was also somewhat less mainstream than American McGee's Alice, though not to the extent of The Wheel up there. Unfortunately, it didn't run either.

  • This one failed right out of the gate, the installation program crashed. Come to think of it, I thought that might be because the disc was dirty, and I never re-tried it after a good cleaning. Maybe this one's on for the future.

  • Not really. In fact, this is just an inside joke with a friend of mine.

  • Crysis is a game that I know runs well on my computer, so I considered it if all else failed. However, I was relieved to not have to fall back on it, since there are a surprisingly large number of 'Let's Play Crysis' series on YouTube.

  • Simply because there are fewer LPs for Warhead than for original flavour.

  • Like Outcast and TWoT, this one still might come to pass. The program boots up okay, and plays the company logo videos just fine, but crashes when it gets to the actual game part. Hmmmm...

  • I've had this game since 2004, and it's never run on any of my computers, which is why it would be great if I could get it running for a video series. Alas.

  • The LP veteran I mentioned earlier told me specifically that this game was really too long to do an LP of.

  • Also very very long, and had the added "bonus" of being stat-intensive. Not the most thrilling gameplay.

  • This game was totally rad back in the day, but I have a sneaking suspicion the gameplay and graphics haven't held up very well.

  • Didn't even get to install it. If this one works, I still might do it, but I didn't really enjoy this game back in the day, so now it would just be a slog.