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  • digthedoug created a list GOTY 2021.
  • digthedoug posted a message in the forum topic Was anyone there for the Whiskey Media Happy Hour?. on the General Discussion board

    You can go back all the way to where it began in all its production issue glory and then fast forward a few months till it really hits its stride. Loading Video...

  • digthedoug posted a message on the post Casey Malone's Top 10 Games of 2020.

    @knightdehumidifier said:Please look up if you haven't the potato in the golf hole challenge because I have never seen what started as jubilation turn so quickly into heartbreaking tragedy so quick.U...

  • digthedoug posted a message on the post Casey Malone's Top 10 Games of 2020.

    +1 to the "Discovered Taskmaster in 2020" crew. Watching Taskmaster with my significant other was (and still is) one of the highlights and sanity saviors of the year for us.

  • digthedoug posted a message on the post Ep. 288 - The Giant Beastcast.

    @mechanized said:Abby you brought a lot to the site with your perspective and personality and we're all better for it, it's a shame to see you go. Like Vinny said, I hope the good outweighed the bad....

  • digthedoug posted a message on the post Rhythm Hell Fever - Part 1.5 [MONKEY WATCH REMATCH].

    CRUSHED that remix! 👏

  • digthedoug posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 362.

    @fleasquire said:Dumb question, but is there an easy way to listen to this on iTunes from my phone instead of listening through a web browser? Whenever I hit download it redirects it to another windo...

  • digthedoug posted a message on the post We Be Drummin'! 05/21/2020.

    Wow, those 'free form fills' on rock band 1 sound terrible. They really couldn't use the sample from the same song at the same volume huh?Anyways, as usual, love these streams, thanks!

  • digthedoug posted a message in the forum topic If the Play button is not working for you on videos, please report here. on the Bug Reporting board

    Just chiming in with another case that whitelisting '' on my pi-hole solved the issue for me (was getting no background art and play button that does nothing).That was the only domai...

  • digthedoug posted a message on the post We Be Drummin'! 05/14/2020.

    I love these streams, thanks so much for continuing to do them.

  • digthedoug posted a message on the post 100 Baby Challenge - Part 1 [Live!].

    Yes, love me some Sims videos! People will always have different tastes; I don't care about the fighting games videos, but I just don't watch 'em! Also +1 for a Sippin' on Jan and Juice feature.

  • digthedoug created a list GOTY 2019.
  • digthedoug posted a message on the post Episode 08.

    Sad that it's over, but what a ride. Honestly possibly my favorite set of videos this year, maybe even longer. Great work everyone, especially Dan!

  • digthedoug posted a message on the post Part 16.


  • digthedoug followed Quick Looks .
  • digthedoug followed Playdate .