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  • Douglassouthwic followed Steal My Sunshine .
  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post Episode 311.

    I love you all beasters and Vinny you are my hero.

  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post 683: Nier Automotive GP.

    MK movie was........ Lol well the streak continues for hollywood baby! Let it burn!

  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post Episode 308.


  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post Episode 269.

    Im loving GoT. Makes sense the crew hates it then 😂

  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post Ghost of Tsushima.

    Just want to say...... Hope you're all having a fantastic day!!

  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post 643: Save the Truck for Last.

    Yup yup. Kassandra was my girl and made that game pretty much a wonder woman title. Story I thought was solid, gear well done and fun ways to earn sets with the assassination tree, and it is just beau...

  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post 643: Save the Truck for Last.

    I feel like I'm in the minority with loving Odyssey and not caring for origins. If this game is just Odyssey but samurai then I'm sold. Can be my guilty pleasure game so to speak.

  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post 643: Save the Truck for Last.

    Still pumped for GoT. But good to know to go in with tempered expectations and maybe I'll get a better experience with it.

  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post 643: Save the Truck for Last.

    First 🤯

  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post The Great Pokemon Walk-A-Thon.

    Anyone open to helping me evolve my Scyther to Scizor? Thanks!

  • Douglassouthwic posted a message in the forum topic Sword & Shield Trading!. on the Pokémon Sword/Shield board

    Anyone still on here could use some trading :)

  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Review.

    @FreiGuy86: yeah I get that and that is why I like reading there reviews because they are very upfront on how they feel about a game and it's well written. Sometimes it just feels like in Death Strand...

  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Review.

    I'm curious what Brad would rate the game if it didn't have all those bugs. I haven't encountered any glitches yet but the frame rate drops are rough (ps4pro). I also find it interesting that this gam...

  • Douglassouthwic followed Premium Podcasts .
  • Douglassouthwic followed The Giant Beastcast .
  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post Mass Effect 2 - Part 15.

    I will say I played through male shep my first couple times and it's really not that bad. Certain lines don't come off as well said but the romance with Tali is so cute and deserving that it's worth i...

  • Douglassouthwic posted a message on the post Mass Effect 2 - Part 15.

    I thought romancing Thane and then going back to Liara was very touching. Thane is just awesome. But I would say the real MVP is Tali ? girl will always have my heart.