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  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic I've started getting into Twitch and it's a crazy place. on the General Discussion board

    @humanity: Oh god, this is not good to know, my productivity will crash if you say that I can watch Sarah stream now. But from my limited interaction with her, she seems very down to earth, not surpri...

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    @dizzyhippos: I think its the only way it could actually work tho.

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    @retris: I think she wanted to AEW, but burning bridges like that won't play out super well to AEW management.

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    Fuck its hard being a wrestling fan right now.

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    Goddamn WWE is managed by out of touch, dumb people.PAC did a lot of things yesterday, but jobbing is the last one of them.

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    @shiftygism: Or maybe you have a heavy anti AEW bias and can't conceive that people want to support a product that they love? I know that you are used to be hostage to bad wrestling, but you should ge...

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic Pizza Pizza is good Pizza. on the Bombcast board

    I only order from Pizza Pizza because they have vegan options and my girlfriend is vegan, so if we want to eat Pizza, its the only option that we have sadly.But yes, it is garbage.

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    @retris: BAR Wrestling is also doing really well in PWG's territory. That probably doesn't help.

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    @gundato: I love Kris's promo, she came off as weird and her tone was off, but she's an alien trying to communicate with humans, so that fits for me.

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    @shiftygism: I think he's talking about Liv's new gimmick.

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    @hansolol: I wonder if this all a setup to freshen up his whole moveset. Like if his old NJPW moves keep getting countered since everyone watched his Okada matches over and over, he will probably have...

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    So... I think AEW did their first error in term of booking.They just announced that Cody vs Jericho will have a 3 judge panel to make sure that the match doesn't end in a Draw, if the match end at the...

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    @niko_of_death: Last thing I saw from Cedric is that tweet about "telling the truth shouldn't come with hate" or something like that.

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    @niko_of_death: Cedric took his distance after his comments on Lethal. I think his support will drop a lot now...I mean, I loved ACH in NJPW and I think he can be pretty entertaining, but let's be hon...

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    I'd be okay if Nick goes solo and goes all-in on this Merch Freak gimmick haha

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic Astral Chain - Reviews & Impressions. on the Astral Chain board

    @efesell: I fucking love Austin, that's why I'm so harsh on this review. I think he has a very unique viewpoint and we love a lot of the same things. But sometimes he goes on some weird tangents and g...

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic Astral Chain - Reviews & Impressions. on the Astral Chain board

    @gundato: We are not asking him to be objective, just talk about the game, not how it compares to other games. It's lazy shorthand reviewing. It's like the "The Dark Souls of Genre X" meme.

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic Astral Chain - Reviews & Impressions. on the Astral Chain board

    @epidehl: I find Austin's review really misguided. He's been in the biz long enough to know that directors and writers matters in this industry, and for him to expect a Platinum game to be as well wri...

  • Drakoji posted a message in the forum topic The Wrestling Discussion Thread. on the Wrestling board

    @drdarkstryfe: I think they want to give him a proper feud with someone that he has history with.I'm not saying they done that well.