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I didn't actually finish the game, but I did watch Jacob Geller's video about it (which I thought was great) even though I personally didn't enjoy the game. I bounced off hard from it, which I found odd as it's a really impressive piece of production and I really enjoyed "Her Story".

However, I think the biggest issue I encountered with it was brought up on the Waypoint podcast as well, where the non-linear nature of the game design can radically change people's perspective of the overall story. I was enjoying exploring the old films, but some of my first "ghost" encounters were images of the Others as clear biblical figures, coupled with the title, it really felt like amateurish storytelling. Lots of presentation and pomp of the desire to immortalize yourself through the art you create regardless of the costs, finding humanity through artist pursuits, yada yada yada. Very Narrative 101 storytelling which didn't have the depth I was hoping for because it never really felt like it had a strong overall point to make about it. It just felt like a reflection on the creation of art as opposed to having a clear point.

As for the T&A bits, I'm a bit torn. Hollywood certainly has a major problem with the exploitation of women and their bodies, but again, I never felt like there was a strong point being made about. It's possible I missed certain scenes that addressed it more in-depth, but it felt like it was really just doubling down on the main problem instead of addressing it in a meaningful way.

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@ben_h said:

Also, if you haven't listened to the main Waypoint podcast since the announcement, you probably should. They've done the Conan post-cancellation announcement thing and fully allowed it to go off the rails in the best way possible. A couple shows ago Patrick joked that they need to finish answering every question from their question bucket email, which led to Rob sorting the question bucket by date in reverse order and asking 5+ year old questions from it between literally every segment of the podcast. It's pretty silly.

Double shout-out for this. I only occasionally listened to the podcast as my time was reduced, but these last few episodes have just been a wonderful time and makes me hope that they're able to scrap something together in the future with this type of energy.

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Cool. Very interested to read about other people's experience with this one with how divisive the game is.

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@ev77 said:

There’s a reason everything is now “free” but hosted on twitch/youtube and only slowly brought over to here.

Except the change for more free content was made when they were still owned by RV, so your line of thinking doesn't make any sense. As mentioned above, no one really knows what's going on behind the scenes so stop being part of the doomer community on this website or just leave.

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There is absolutely no reason to feel bad about leaving. With how much of your life you are going to spend working, the bare minimum should be that a job isn't terrible, and it sounds like this one is currently failing at doing that. The reality is that the situation is only going to get worse for you overall, both in your mental health and potentially your relationships. My wife was in the same situation and trying to tough it out for company loyalty is not the way to go.

Look for something else, and if asked about why you left after only a few months, it's ok to be honest and say that the work environment wasn't the best.

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#6  Edited By DrGonzo456
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I wouldn't say it had a "good run" but in games like Valkyria Chronicles and Transistor there was a unique mechanic where using certain people or abilities unlocked more lore directly related to them. So in VC, if you used specific soldiers in battle you would unlock more of their history and backstories. It was a small mechanic, but I thought it was a great way to encourage players to mix up their styles and systems and still be rewarded in some way. It also helped build out more realized worlds and character backstories without just dumping them on you. Sadly I feel like it was never picked up by other games.

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Because you really meticulously research every little thing you spend your money on

I don't know if this is suppose to be some kind of "gatcha" but researching what you spend your money on is typically a normal adult thing to do, yeah, especially when something is making headlines. Changing up your spending habits based on your research is also something completely normal to do as well...

But to add to the conversation, +1 for the Broken Earth series. It's fantastic! Also out side of just authors, We're All Going to the World's Fair is a really great horror/drama movie about trans identity.

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I've overall been very happy with how things are shaking out, and I hope it continues. I think as people have mentioned, I think there's just a strong desire for more. More content, more series, more faces and meet-ups, but I've been really enjoying what I've been seeing being tested and put out in the meantime.

I have noticed this community becoming fairly negative in terms of the direction, and people do bring up understandable points, but it feels like it's going pretty well and I hope it continues. I'm really looking forward to the GOTY discussions and to see what they do overall.

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Honestly you should be running out of boosters before you're running out of credits. The "quick boosts" are a bad value to go for, so as long as you stop using those to boost your collection level and just focus on doing dailies and the season pass challenges, you'll quickly rebuild a huge amount back.

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