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  • Dude559 posted a message on the post GIANT BOMB WINTER GAMES 2019.

    RIP my headphones

  • Dude559 posted a message on the post Episode 233.

    @terik: ehhh it kinda was since there was a heavily advertised $60 edition that was pushed as the 'default'

  • Dude559 posted a message on the post Episode 233.

    Not sure if it gets covered, but to Alex, you have an option to turn off all of E.Gadd's tips in Luigi's Mansion very early on in the Settings Menu.Honestly saved the game for me. Couldn't stand his c...

  • Dude559 posted a message on the post Control (PC) Review.

    @s5n8k3: This was literally my only complaint with the game as well. I can count on two hands how often I got confused with the verticality of the map - it could really benefit from a levels to cycle ...

  • Dude559 followed Burgle My Bananas .
  • Dude559 posted a message in the forum topic UPF Giveaway - 7/3/2019 - Dying Light 2 Statue. on the General Discussion board

    Hey alright.

  • Dude559 posted a message on the post E3 2019: Don't Take Crap from These Otters in Heroland.

    Hey alright

  • Dude559 posted a message in the forum topic Voice acting, Claptrap, and Randy Pitchford. on the General Discussion board

    Imagine being a GBX employee that poured your heart, soul, and time into Borderlands 3.Now imagine everyday being a Randy Pitchford gaffe story. Taking all that hype and channeling it into confusion ...