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Average score of 30 user reviews

Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing with Banjo Kazooie Review 0

   It’s about time someone made a sequel to Sonic drift!Who doesn’t like kart racing? Lots of studios have used them to show off their mascots over the years: Bomberman, Mega Man, Sims, even Mortal Kombat. This type of game tends to score quite a few more misses than hits as the various studios attempt to dethrone Nintendo’s esteemed Mario Kart franchise. As kart racers go, Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing has a lot going for it, over twenty SEGA characters racing across twenty four tracks, you...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Army of Two: The 40th Day Review 0

The adventures of the two overgrown teenage frat boys continues, but now all the dude is a little more subdued and although much of the attitude is still around, EA have changed enough in the 40th day that it’s close to being a series reboot.Army of Two: The 40th day stars Tyson and Elliot as the muscle for a PMC (Private Military Corporation) performing a routine mission in Shanghai when explosions start to wreck the city and the two partners are torn between escaping the city and getting to th...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Darksiders Review 0

The world of Darksiders is a world of Demons and Angels locked in an endless battle. You play the role of War, one of the four horseman of the apocalypse, tasked with bringing balance back to the war now being raged on earth. The story is not made especially clear in any way but since you're not on the side of good or evil, slaughtering whoever or whatever stands in your way is perfectly acceptable and encouraged behaviour.The feeling from the gameplay is much closer to a darker Legend of Zelda ...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

The Sims 3 Review 0

When a sequal is announced for the followup to the two best selling PC games of all time, expectations are beyond high. Fans of previous games will notice that The Sims 3 doesn't break into a lot of new ground and graphically there haven't been very substantial changes. What EA have included are some much wanted features that do change the game enough to make The Sims 3 more than just an expansion pack.On the surface, Life in The Sims 3 isn't that different from the previous games: Build a house...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Bully: Scholarship Edition Review 0

Bully is based in and around the schoolyard of one of the roughest schools in the world, at the beginning you'll be dropped off outside Bullsworth academy by your Mother and stepdad, this will be your home for the next year while they are on a very long cruise. After some brief introductions you are left to make your own way in the school, you have two classes a day to attend and various side missions and a main quest to follow to advance the story. The game has a very open feel and there is muc...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Street Fighter IV Review 0

The Street Fighter name has been stretched pretty thin since Capcom started releasing spin offs and long titled updates until they ran out of Supers and Turbos to stick on their games. Over these years the audience for the Street Fighter games has dwindled along with the rest of the fighting genre. As the difficulty rose, it became even harder for new players to even get started. Street Fighter IV is the first completely fresh title to hit the streets in over ten years and it works hard to bring...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars Review 0

It might be surprise many to find that GTA: Chinatown Wars is actually the forth forth GTA game to appear on a Nintendo system. Really, it's true. You could well be forgiven for forgetting the previous titles, GTA1 and GTA2 were developed by Tarantula Studios (now owned by Rockstar and used for game testing) and GTA Advance was the work of Digital Eclipse (Now found porting old arcade games). Not a great legacy for those who know the series from it's portable versions, because they were an unpla...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

The Godfather II Review 0

Back when the current generation of consoles were still dubbed 'next gen', EA dared to release a game based on one of the highest rated movies of all time, The Godfather. The game fared reasonably well and offered the novelty of being one of the first open world games available on a Xbox 360. It shouldn't be much of a surprise that EA returned with a sequel based on The Godfather part II they've taken the focus a little more towards strategy to set itself apart from its open world brethren. The ...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Review 0

Call of Juarez shows of its beginnings in the new prequel: Bound in BloodWestern themed games have never gotten the same attention as modern day shooters or World War 2 games. Perhaps it's the unattractive and clumsy guns that turn people off, after all, who'd want a rusty ladies gun when you could be vaporising aliens with a Spartan Laser? But western games such as 2006's Call of Jurez shouldn't be dismissed so quickly. Both the locations and dialog of these 19th century themed games offer a lo...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Borderlands Review 0

Why have twenty guns when you could have - millions?That's the question behind role-playing-shooter Borderlands. But Borderlands brings more than just an excessive amount of choice for blowing your foes away. Vehicles, classes and quirky characters are all present in this Science-Fiction role player that feels like a first person Diablo.Far in the future, Pandora is a planet reported to be packed with riches, but later found to be a barren wasteland. But there's still one legend left on Pandora:...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Forza Motorsport 3 Review 0

The Forza series has taken pride in being one of the most technically advanced racers on the market. It's hard to argue with that fact when one of the most talked about features of this sequel is something like tire deformation & flex. Such features may irrelevant to the layman but it leaves the 'gearheads' salivating. Perhaps the greatest feature to the rest of us who don't know our axles from our elbows is the added focus on accessibility. While Forza 3 will never be mistaken for a classic...

11 out of 11 found this review helpful.

Cities XL Review 0

Cities XL may not be as in depth and as refined as such games as Sim City 4K but with the online features that promise a lot of upcoming content this average game has the potential to be great.City-building games aren't as common as they once were after SimCity set the bar and the market was flooded with 'Tycoon' games, but Monte Cristo's City Life series continues to try and breathe new life and new features to this stagnant genre.At it's core, Cities XL is like any city building game you may h...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time Review 0

Rachet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time is the final part of the PS3's Rachet and Clank trilogy and despite some small deviations it's about as pure of a platformer as you can expect to find. There are not many games out there that have the timeless charm of the Rachet and Clank. Perhaps it's the simple nature of the games and their lack of innovation that keeps their games comfy and familiar, like an old pair of trainers.As a Crank in Time is part of a trilogy a little knowledge of previous ga...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii Review 0

There's a charming simplicity to seeing Mario run across the screen in a two dimensional platformer. New Super Mario Bros Wii keeps this simplicity that has made the Mario series so popular while adding just enough to justify calling it NEW Super Mario Bros WiiEver since Mario chose to become Super Mario back in the eighties, the flat two dimensional Mario games have been pretty simple platformers where the challenge usually lies in reactions rather than any kind of problem solving. In each game...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The Saboteur Review 0

The Saboteur takes place in Nazi occupied Paris with you in the shoes of Sean, an Irish race driver with a talent for scaling buildings, playing with explosives and making life miserable for the Nazis. The open ended play style here works out much as you'd expect: There's a main storyline, side missions to complete, cars to steal and buildings to climb, so you can safely check off all the boxes on your open world check sheet. What really sets The Saboteur apart from most other open world games i...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Review 0

A couple of years ago before Phantom Hourglass was released it was easy to be skeptical of a purely touchscreen Zelda game, especially after the wagglefest of Twilight Princess on the Wii. Despite almost universal apprehension Phantom Hourglass proved to be both innovative and a great reminder that Nintendo knows what they're doing when they design a system exclusive title. But Phantom Hourglass was not without a problem or two, such as the repeated visiting of the timed dungeon the Temple of th...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Dark Void Review 0

Adding a jet pack to a video game can open the window to some innovative ideas and unique gameplay mechanics, just as long as there's enough game underneath to hold them.When a new game character comes around it's a chance for game designers to get crazy, there's no rules to follow about the world or its citizens, it's a blank page where anything is possible. In the case of Dark Void there sure is the feeling that the jet pack came first and then the world formed around it, but jet packs do have...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

BioShock 2 Review 0

Rapture feels a little different the second time around as you see through the eyes of Subject Delta, one of the cities armoured abominations known as a Big Daddy. Life as a Big Daddy really keeps you slow compared to the splicers. This change isn't all bad as this cumbersome nature does give you the ability to equip plasmids in one hand and a weapon in the other, now making combat actually feel less cumbersome than before. Plasmids are the super powers of Rapture, by collecting ADAM you can pur...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Dante's Inferno Review 0

There's no shortage of hack 'n' slash games that have already appeared on the market this year but none have been quite as shocking as Dante's Inferno, both in build up and in content. It's not the biblical haven and hell that sets this game apart, instead it's a fifty foot naked Cleopatra with mouths for nipples that spurt demonic unbaptised babies and an achievement for killing said babies. To give a little context; Dante's Inferno is an adaptation Dante Alighieri's poem "Divine Comedy", in wh...

7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Review 0

    It's been a rocky road for the F.E.A.R. franchise over the last three years, squabbles over the game's ownership between Monolith and Vivendi made it seem that a true sequel with the F.E.A.R. name had become impossible. A few months ago however, both companies were able to bury the hatchet (under a bundle of money) so Monolith could present us with the continuation of the story that they began with the original F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon, forsaking all previous attempts by Time...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Rise of the Argonauts review 1

I consider myself to be rather well informed about upcoming games but there’s always a few that manage to creep up out of nowhere, for me Rise of the Argonauts is one of those games. Very loosely based off some ancient Greek mythology, Rise of the Argonauts tells a tail of Jason and his companions in their quest for the golden fleece which the astute amongst you may remember as an item in God of War 2. I’m a total sucker for any Greek mythology, even when it is rather twisted from the original t...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - Review 0

In my book if you want to be called a gamer then you've already played some iteration of Street Fighter II, as well as the original Mario Brothers, Pong and have completed your pilgrimage to find a working pinball machine (sorry, but those are the rules). Anyway for those who aren't versed in the Street Fighter series then it's as simple as can be; It's a 2d fighter with 3 punches, 3 kicks and a wide variety of stereotypes to kick and punch in the face. This new HD remix is based off of the SSF...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Animal Crossing: City Folk review 1

Nintendo's mortgage simulator arrives on the Wii with new places to visit and greater connectivity options.Animal Crossing keeps the formula from the previous two games, make a life for yourself in a village full of anthropomorphic creatures with some bizarre dispositions. In your new village you'll experience a very open world of choices that can be compared to The Sims or Harvest Moon, you have no defined goals and it's up to you to make this sandbox into a game. After building your character ...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Midnight Club: Los Angeles review 0

After a long hiatus, Midnight Club brings the LA streets to the PS3 and 360When the Midnight Club series first started back in 2000 it didn't have much notable competition in the street/import style racing games, however since then Need for Speed underground has stepped in and has been causing Midnight Club to evolve to keep up with EA's giant racing series. There's been no bigger jump for the series than the jump to the current generation systems, some changes for the better, and sadly some for...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Fallout 3 Review 0

When a game is released with the Fallout name in the title it brings with it a certain level of expectation, now finally after 10 years we have the chance to see if Bethesda has cooked up something worth the wait.For those that cannot remember, or simply weren't gaming when Interplay began the series in the late 90's you can rest easy that Fallout 3 doesn't require any prior knowledge, but as a bonus, let me fill you in a little back-story to save you checking the World Wide Wikipedia. Fallout 3...

12 out of 12 found this review helpful.

Kudos 2 review 1

You'll most likely not heard of Positech Games or their life simulations since they are a independent UK development company staffed solely by former Lionhead coder, Cliff Harris. With little time spent on advertising and the rather niche nature of the games, Positech remains an unknown, although Cliff's discussions with pirates have earned him some attention a short while ago the company and it's games tends to fall beneath the radar of most 'mainstream' video game media. Kudos 2 has been in de...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

After 8 years is it overripe? 0

Way back in 2000, when we could count the hundreds of MHz of our computers had with just one hand, Will Wright had just wrapped up work on Sim City 3000 and the original Sims to begin work on Spore. How anyone can dedicate nearly a decade of their life to a single project blows this writer's mind but he's the creator of the best selling video game of all time so what Will wants, Will gets. Now that the day is here does Spore live up to the tremendous hype? Or after 8 years is it overripe? In an ...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

McGee's next attempt is free on GameTap 1

McGee's last title of Bad Day L.A. wasn't too well received, after winning coaster of the year award and getting a Metacritic score of under 3/10 it seems things can only get better.In Grimm you are tasked with changing fairy tails from their usual happily ever after to a far more twisted and grim version spread between 24 separate weekly episodes that'll supposodly last half a hour each, although the first episode timed in far closer to just 15-20 minutes of usual gameplay. Each episode will te...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Being a Ninja at its coolest 1

After a long 4 years with the Ninja Gaiden 1 iterations of Ninja Gaiden Black, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Turbo and Ninja Gaiden: Championship Edition (where you place the bosses), Team Ninja has released the first totally new Ninja Gaiden game for a current generation system. The Ninja Gaiden series has been running since the late 1980's and has been doing very well for its self the past few years with its 3D re-imagining under the guide of Itagaki, however the future now looks a little rocky with his ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The Petz Hamsterz is a lie 0

Petz Hamsterz 2 is unsurprisingly the sequel to last years hit Petz Hamsterz 1, those of you who missed the first game in the series would do well to go back and play it before starting on this, as this latest venture into the Hamsterz word does little to explain the back story. You play the part of the unnamed Hamster who has been trying to piece together his memory using the clues that are scattered through an open-ended free-form gameworld. Flashes of memory are sporadically shown through bri...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.