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Welcome, to my CollectSHUN! *Cough* I mean collection. I've tried to put this in order of when I first played the games, and I've added commentary for just about everything. This was a big job, and no one will probably read it. Oh, well.

List items

  • My first game. Spent most of my time with Super Mario Bros. 3 & Super Mario World. I've never beaten any of these games, but I did get through most of the Special World in SMW.

  • I spent a ton of time in this game. It was a game I played through to completion with the help of my Step Dad.

  • The first game I really fell in love with. And probably the first one I actually finished by myself. I honestly cannot accurately tell you how much I love this game, or how much it influenced me, without embarrassing myself.

  • One of my favorite games (alongside Mario) from when I was young. I finally played all the way through it on Virtual Console. I nearly tore my hair out.

  • Also loved this game.

  • Played this one the least of the three.

  • Loved this game as a child. I still think it's a fun game, but I'm starting to understand the way people complain about it.

  • This game was kind of weird, but I remember playing a lot of it while listening to the Harry Potter audio books.

  • Loved this game and the music in it.

  • My other favorite Disney game.

  • This mini-game collection stuck in my mind for having a song I couldn't get out of my head. It was decently fun, too. At the time.

  • A surprisingly good game!

  • Played a lot of this.

  • Played a lot of this. Great music!

  • Had this for SNES.

  • Played this in the Eagle's Nest.

  • Played this in the Eagle's Nest.

  • This is the Pitfall that I remember. It is a fun game, though it's sometimes too hard to figure out where you are going. Spent enough time in this game that I started making up stories with it.

  • Got this with my GameBoy long ago. I still put it into my GameBoy Advance occasionally.

  • My Step Brother and I loved this game. It totally traumatized me when a certain character dies. Having played it since then, that scene doesn't bother me at all, but the overall atmosphere still totally scares me. (Yes, I know I'm weak.) I've played this about 5 times at this point and figured out the way to do everything in one playthrough.

  • I spent a ton of time playing this in 8th grade for whatever reason. I mostly listened to a certain CD I made over and over again.

  • Played a lot of this as well.

  • I remember when this was rumored to be a real sequel to Super Mario RPG. *Sighs* Ah, well, still a really great game. <3 I love this series.

  • Played this in the Eagle's Nest. I didn't actually own it until the Virtual Console. Still haven't completed it.

  • Loved this game. Spent a ton of time with it, until someone told me about The Sims.

  • Between my friends and me, we collected all the expansions. I don't think this is an easy game to go back to after all these years, but it should be noted that I loved this game during its time and created stories I still remember fondly and plan to write.

  • Had this in several versions. Loved the PC version and the GBC one.

  • Decently fun for an obsessive HP fan like myself. Loading times on the PS2 were horrid, though.

  • Saw commercials and was dying to play it. I tried it at a friend's house, then bought the game and took it around to play anywhere someone had a PS2 until I was able to get my own. I've almost played the game too many times at this point, yet I still love it.

  • I started this game after reading a Kingdom Hearts fanfiction that had Yuna as a main character. I adore this game; I really do. The story and characters beat out just about every other game out there for me.

  • There are things about this game I love and things I hate. I thought that the main story was beautiful, and I loved the dressphere system. Mostly, I just didn't like the disjointed way of playing through the game. And all the mini-games... well, just the shooting one, actually. I was trying so hard to get 100% the first time through, and that mini-game was the worst for me.

  • The only PS1 Final Fantasy I've actually beaten. It has Vivi in it! <3 And I like it a lot. Uh, that's about it.

  • Fantastic story, but it's quite hard to play for someone who missed it when it first came out. I've gotten to Sephiroth but never beaten him. Can't bring myself to go back to it. My selfish hope is for an eventual remake. I know I'm not alone.

  • Played this on on the PS2. Again, decently fun for an obsessive HP fan like myself. I think this one was a fair bit better than the previous one, though.

  • Bought a GBA for this. Actually, I was going to buy the game just to have it, since I didn't have any money for a GBA, but then, my parents rescued me by letting me have one as an early Christmas present. YaY!

  • Never gotten far in either of these games.

  • I'm a little more obsessed with The Sims 2 than anyone really should be. But hey, at least I admit it? I have every expansion and stuff pack. This game lets me both relax and stretch my creative muscles without pressure. It's my go-to game for stress relief, and I love making characters from my stories.

  • I love the story, but never finished the game. This is what I was playing when everything was kind of falling apart for me. I have restarted it and hope to complete it at some point, but playing it brings back a lot of bittersweet memories.

  • I have a strong emotional connection to this game. During a very dark time in my life, Shadow Hearts saved me. I noticed the title on an RPG website, and I had a dream about it. I'm easily persuaded by dreams, so in spite of my bad depression, I just had to check it out. This started my current love of games in general. Along with that, Shadow Hearts is a wonderful game that more people should try.

  • I got this game along with Shadow Hearts during that very dark time in my life. Up to that point, I pretty much played one game at a time. That was blown completely out of the water. Played quite a bit of this at the time, but coming back to it, I've gotten myself completely stuck. I do still have good memories of it, however.

  • I liked this game but got really stuck. Tried to got back to it just recently, and ended up completely unable to figure out what to do.

  • The amazing sequel to Shadow Hearts. It lost just a bit of the darkness that enveloped the first game, but it still maintained the strong connection to it. The story is just fantastic, honestly. This a wonderful game... just as good as any big name RPG. Better than some, in my opinion.

  • I didn't enjoy this one as much as the two before it... probably because I got stuck very early on. ~_~; Oops. Maybe I'll go back to it eventually. Maybe.

  • I loved the first part of the game, but lost interest at the split. I was not happy that most of the characters I collected could not be used anymore. I'd like to start the game over with that in mind. Someday... maybe.

  • Probably the most fun I've had playing a game based on some other media.

  • Started it but never got very far. Might start it over someday.

  • Got this with my GameCube. Fun but probably more so if you play against other people, I'm guessing. I liked having different characters in different worlds, though. That was cool.

  • My first Tales game. My favorite GameCube game. And the game I got my GameCube for in the first place. I really loved this story.

  • It's... different. Not as good as other Mario games, but it was still fun.

  • Fun, but I lost interest with it at some point.

  • Decently fun, but not nearly as good as other Mario Kart games I've played.

  • More Paper Mario! I also loved this game. My only issue was having to go all the way back through the last castle twice to restock on items. That part was extremely annoying.

  • Fun with a cool visual style, but I'm just bad at adventure games, I think.

  • I refuse to let any of my characters die - a restriction that has made getting through the game quite difficult.

  • I remember really loving the music.

  • Played it until Abyss came out, then lost interest.

  • A fantastic game that I made the mistake of blazing through with a guide the first time instead of taking the time to enjoy. I've learned my lesson, believe me. I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to play this game again.

  • Visually stunning for the time. I don't love the story as much as other Final Fantasys, but I found it really fun to play. I think I spent more than 100 hours with this game. I have a lot of love for the characters as well, even if the story didn't really suit me.

  • This game suffered from the other games that were coming out around that time (see: Final Fantasy XII). However, I remember thinking Tear was absolutely awesome. Even if the main character... wasn't. Anyways, I recently went back to my save just to see if I could. Thank you for putting in that journal, developers! Actually enjoying the game again now. Just not the part where I'm constantly getting lost on the World Map. Ugh.

  • I really liked this game a lot, but I got distracted by other games coming out. I'd love to go back to it sometime.

  • Restarted this recently. I still wish it had stronger ties to the story of first two games, but hopefully, I'll see the game through to the end this time.

  • Got this with my Wii, obviously. Lots of fun. I really wish it had been online, though. No one would play it with me at home.

  • Kind of got my Wii for this? I was mostly caught up in all the excitement watching the GameSpot stream, but I definitely wanted this game the most. Beautiful and fun... but hard. Or I'm just bad at adventure games, as I've mentioned before. I'm stuck, perhaps permanently.

  • Very fun. One of my favorite Wii games, though it can get surprisingly frustrating.

  • Got this with my DS. First Mario platformer I ever completed.

  • Adorable. <3 I used to love the Petz titles ages ago, so I really enjoyed this.

  • I love Princess Peach! <3 The game is pretty easy in most parts, and I'm okay with that. But somehow, I've not been able to beat the end. I haven't tried in ages, though.

  • Fun! <3 I loved the different babies.

  • Great game. <3 I'm so glad someone decided to take a chance on something so quirky! I had lots of fun playing it, and even played through a second time.

  • Got this with my PSP. It was pretty fun.

  • So much fun. I bought a PSP for Crisis Core, but I played a ton of this instead before I even started that. Oops! Anyways, adorable music, gameplay, and graphics.

  • Got this for Christmas quite a while ago and didn't touch it for a long time. Is it sad that I find this game scary? ~_~; Lots of love for this game, though. I totally need to play more Nancy Drew games, because this one was very enjoyable... even though I had to play it on my Mom's laptop, since the game is a bit old and didn't run on newer computers. My Mom and I enjoyed playing it together, though. ^_^ Which was good since... it's scary. (I'm so weak...)

  • It feels like a pretty lighthearted continuation to FFXII, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. The gameplay isn't particularly my thing, though, and I lost interest. But who knows? Maybe I'll finish it someday.

  • I got really excited for this game after the marathon Alex and Jeff did on GameSpot. It was as much fun as it seemed, though sometimes the running upside-down and such on the planets made me a little motion sick.

  • The reason I got my PSP, but I haven't finished it. So far, though, it's a brilliant game. ^_^ Looking forward to playing more.

  • Once upon a time, Amazon put this game on my recommendations list. Reading about it, I was positive it was way too violent/scary for someone as sensitive as me. But something got me hooked enough that I couldn't get it out of my mind. So, in order to free myself, I read the entire script on Game FAQs. And I was done with it... for about a year and a half. Somehow, I began to think about the game again and thought I was just blowing things out of proportion. And I thought maybe I could try watching it via YouTube. However, in my researching of the game, I found an awesome website dedicated to figuring out the mysteries left behind in the game. And something in one of the blog posts traumatized me so much that I had trouble being alone or at night for MONTHS. Funny thing for me is that watching the game is not nearly as scary as the mystery exploring that goes on at that site. I finally bought the game, and I am trying to play it, but... it's probably not a good idea. Especially not alone. ~_~;

  • Wacky painting fun! Occasionally frustrating!

  • Got this with my Xbox 360. It was okay, even without knowing or caring anything about Indiana Jones. (I'm a big LEGO fan, so that probably helped.) Near the end, though, I found the constant enemy attacks beyond annoying.

  • The first game I bought for my 360. Amazingly beautiful and extremely bizarre at times. I really, really loved it.

  • I adore the text stories, but the main story has yet to thrill me.

  • I actually had a lot of fun with this game. It's not the best RPG out there or anything, but I really liked it.

  • I spent way too much time playing this for a while. I'm so glad it came back!

  • I remember being crazy excited for this when I heard about it, but I felt sure it would not be brought over. I was completely thrilled when I finally found out it was!

  • I totally love this game. I pretty much chose to buy the PS3 to play it, and I'm so glad I did.

  • Gorgeous imagery. More of an experience than a game, but simply amazing. Gives me chills every time I play.

  • A really fun game. Though... to be honest, after a few hours in, I've found myself having more fun taking screenshots of characters than really battling. *Shrugs* Crazy, but true. And I'm not the only one. I spent like 5 hours mostly taking pictures and only casually fighting with a friend the first night. Yeah, seriously.

  • I put so many hours into this game. A few too many, if you ask me. I like this game a lot, but I thought certain parts stretched too long for a handheld game. It took me years to finally finish it.

  • Really fun! I've almost gotten all the coins in World 9.

  • New worlds, new characters, new adventures. My favorite game of 2010, just barely beating out Final Fantasy XIII. I'm loving replaying it in HD.

  • After watching the Endurance Run, I fell in love with this game. I love the characters, the story, the gameplay. The fusing system did need a bit of an overhaul, but other than that, I pretty much love every bit of this game.

  • Beautiful graphics and wonderful characters. It's one of my favorite Final Fantasy casts, and the game is just gorgeous. I honestly don't understand why people were so negative about it.

  • I'd been wanting this since they first started making Lego games. My first platinum!

  • Found it for cheap used, and it looked cute, so... HeH. It's pretty wacky, but that's nice for a change. Got bored with it eventually, though.

  • I feel like people have said this is one of the best Tales games, but I just couldn't get into it the first time around. It seemed harder than what I was used to, and I didn't feel connected to the characters. But now that it is being remastered for current consoles, I'm ready to give Vesperia another shot!

  • Some interesting gameplay twists in this one, but the platforming and camera are sooo bad. Not really worth the headaches. And yet, I'm determined to finish it.

  • As predicted, the puzzle-nature of this game was a challenge for me. But the game was just too interesting to pass up. I really enjoyed the bizarre story, but getting the "best" ending was almost a bit of a let down. It was a little too clean and perfect, and that didn't really feel like it fit the rest of the story.

  • While I getting used to the first-person gameplay, I thought this game was getting traded in for sure. Riding on a horse in first person made me motion sick, and I was constantly getting lost. But there was something really compelling about this different sort of game for me. I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would.

  • Quite adorable, but the gameplay didn't really catch my interest.

  • Again, great fun. These games are among my favorites on this gen.

  • Part of my quest to play some older RPGs that I missed. I really enjoyed it, and I hope to enjoy the second game even more.