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Tonight...the historic night in TV History

 As many of you know, 24 and Law Order end tonight. Two TV shows that, in many different ways have shaped modern Television. Law and Order, the longest running prime time drama show in TV history, has abruptly come to a close, in a way that was probably shocking to so many people. I'll admit that I agree with "Screened" that the show was at its best when Ron Livingston was the trial DA and not the "Head DA" , but all that aside the show's writing and production has still been excellent. It also has Olympic Gold Medalist Lindsay Vaughn guest starring as a secretary (she's really hot btw). Also, from what I've heard I'm assuming that when it was filmed they didn't anticipate it would be the show's last new episode on NBC which may make the episode feel anti-climatic, but who knows, that might make the finale fit more with the theme of the show, that although it may end, crime doesn't. Hopefully Law and Order will get a revival on cable as did its CI comrade. Additionally Law and Order: LA is starting up, which could potentially turn out to be a very interesting show.  
24, a show with an extremely unique, yet brilliant concept on how to tell a story that takes place in one day, with every episode taking place in real time, on the other hand is going to be much tougher for me to let go of. I have been a very huge fan of 24 always, and then I just kind lost track of it in seasons 5 & 6, but last year in Season 7 it really caught my interest again, and I along with a few friends became really avid fans again. This season left the door open for so many possibilities and it started off pretty well, but some of the middle episodes were pretty slow and unimaginative. It picked up around Episode 14-15, and ever since then the tension is mounting and my adrenaline has been flowing faster and faster. I hope tonight will do the show the justice it deserves, and at least closes the door on this season and doesn't seem like a teaser for the possibility of "24 Movie". 
All the speculation of what will happen to these shows after the leave their current slots and networks aside, I believe this to be one of the most historic nights in television history, up there with the end of MASH and the Fugitive, although it will never receive as many viewings. I just hope that these two brilliant and excellent shows get the finales they deserve, something that will leave fans of both wanting more, and regretting that the end has come. What do you think?