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I just started using the Chewiebomb app for LG. Has anyone else had an issue where the video doesn't resume where you left off?

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#2  Edited By helo189

I am having the exact same issue as the above, however it's on the Microsoft Edge app on my xbox one. It started last Friday and hasn't worked since.

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Like everyone else, I'm dying to play Breath of the Wild. I currently have a Wii U and that would be the most financially sensible way to go. I haven't been able to find much about significant differences between the two versions (aside from what has been officially said) and I'm hoping I can get some insight from anyone who has their hands on the Wii U version

Really, I'm only worried about issues with the Wii U version specifically that would significantly impact the overall experience.

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#5  Edited By helo189

Instead of creating a new thread, I'll just throw my specs on here. I'm really hoping to get the PC version, so long as I can at least match the performance of the consoles.

CPU: AMD FX-4100 Quad Core

GPU: GTX 750ti

8gb RAM

Thoughts? If I can get it to run at medium I'd make do. I'd like to see it on high settings at a decent fps though. At this point, I'm mostly worried about the CPU not being up to the task.

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#6  Edited By helo189

@devildoll: my apartment is only 900 sq feet so I'm fairly certain its not a range problem. Further, even when sitting right next to the router I have the same issue. I also don't have any problems web-browsing on my phone. The problem is exclusive to apps--primarily social media and email.


Also, recently I've noticed issues with my Wii U remaining connected to the network, specifically while watching netflix. I do not know if this is related or not.

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#7  Edited By helo189

So I just moved into a new apartment. Part of this move was buying my own router/modem so I no longer have to rent one from Time Warner. I went with the Netgear AC1750 c6300 model. All seemed to be working well with my Xbox, PC's tablets etc. However, I started to notice that certain apps on my Motorola Droid Maxx (snapchat, instagram, facebook, twitter, gmail) were either failing to update and give me notifications or taking an incredibly long time to send me notifications--often times hours after I received an email, snapchat, social media notification, etc. My girlfriend's Iphone 5 is having similar issues so I know it's not just my phone. Further, if I turn off wifi and use my mobile data everything seems to work fine. Also, my phone works just fine over wifi at work.

All of these things are leading me to believe that my phone is having an issue communicating with my route. All of my other devices are not having any issues. I admit, that I am not tech savvy enough to figure this out on my own and the various google searches that I've done have not been very helpful. I've tried resetting my router but that did not fix the problem. If anyone could offer any insight at all I would greatly appreciate it!

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#8  Edited By helo189

@thomasnash said:
@helo189 said:

Right, but like I said both of these quests were still green on my quest log, not grey. I was under the impression that this meant that I am supposed to get the full amount of exp, unless I'm missing something.

I've seen it said that there's a mistake with the colour coding: quests that are still green, but are 5 levels below you, should actually be greyed out. Potentially. I had a similar thing with the first main story quest I did.

In fact as of now I'm not sure I have had any xp since the patch for quests...

Man, this whole thing seems so unnecessarily convoluted. I've heard that it's only grayed out for 6 levels below you and only for 5 levels below you. For the record, my issue is for a quest that was 4 levels below me.

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@lawgamer: I'll have to start paying closer attention the experience bar itself from now on. I still think I've got something else going on though. I had just hit level 14 when starting Pyers and by the end had only just over 100 total experience towards 15

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#10  Edited By helo189

@sterling: That is a possibility I suppose. However, I'm more concerned with the fact that I only received 5exp for Pyers of Novigrad which is a main story quest (that is still green in my log) which is supposed to give out the most overall experience (several hundred at least).

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