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  • hiend83 followed Run for the Hills .
  • hiend83 followed Play it Forward .
  • hiend83 followed Endurance Run .
  • hiend83 posted a message on the post Passpartout 2: The Lost Artist Demo.

    Jess, if you're in the market for a really good drawing tablet that's reasonable on the wallet, look into a brand called HUION. The one I bought is quite comparable to a Wacom Intuos 4 (tablet and s...

  • hiend83 posted a message in the forum topic Reviewing Rigbarth. on the Rune Factory 5 board

    Also, this probably comes off as harsh against Rune Factory 5, but I've noticed that the main "dungeons" remind me of Dark Cloud 2/Persona 4 in their simple, somewhat templated design. I know that lin...

  • hiend83 followed Arcade Pit on Giant Bomb .
  • hiend83 posted a message on the post Video Game Website, Coney Island Edition.

    I don't know why this national treasure popped up on my feed, but I'm glad I could delight in its majesty.R.I.P. Ryan Davis.

  • hiend83 posted a message in the forum topic Are you bothered by games where the promotional art and in-game art don't match? Or: why is Bravely Default so ugly. on the General Discussion board

    In relating to the disconnect of the concept/promotional art vs the in-game aesthetic, it really grinds my gears that they already made 3D models strongly representing the former and have been include...

  • hiend83 posted a message on the post Mass Effect 3 - Part 26 (The Finale).

    I'd love to see a stream where Alex, Vinny, and Brad get lost in the Multiplayer mode. It was such a good addition to counterbalance the campaign.... or, dare I say, seeing Alex's reaction to experie...

  • hiend83 posted a message on the post Resident Evil 4 (08/07/2019).

    Boy am I enjoying this Playdate series. It reminds me of how S.O.L. I was my first playthrough back on the Gamecube. So hilarious reliving my crappy gaming memories by watching Abby endure this horr...

  • hiend83 posted a message on the post Mass Effect - Part 22.

    Now begins the rise of Legion and Tali's drone army.

  • hiend83 posted a message in the forum topic The 11th Annual E3 Banner Contest. on the E3 2019 board

    Entry 2 - EA Play 2019* Noticed there was no starting time listed on Giant Bomb. So I had to look it up on

  • hiend83 posted a new image.
  • hiend83 posted a message in the forum topic The 11th Annual E3 Banner Contest. on the E3 2019 board

    Entry 1 - EA PLAY 2019

  • hiend83 posted a new image.