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Yeah I'm back!

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I'm back everybody!

Hi guys, it has been a minute or two hasn't it?

So as some of you may remember I was a very active user in the GB forums, one year I got like most comments in one year or something like that. I was often noted for my funny and generally stupid threads, but I also contributed to the wiki. I was banned from the site in 2013 during the weekend where the site was transitioning and the forums had a period where for the next 3 days anything you say will be deleted after the period. I then wrote a comment about a certain adult website and got banned for it. Ever since then I've been trying every year to get back on and looks like 2021 was the year they said you know what, lets give this Hizang guy another go!

Since 2013 wow, what has happened, how about some bullet points in somewhat chronological order?

  • Joined the Giant Bomb mumble server. (Remember mumble?)
  • Got a gaming pc and far to many games that I never played.
  • Got a New 3DS.
  • Got a PS4.
  • Got an Xbox One.
  • Quit my job at the nursery and got a retail job. (Still there)
  • Got way into the Yu-Gi-Oh card game and played in local tournaments.
  • Went to my first comic con.
  • Met Warwick Davis.
  • Moved out of my parents for the first time into a house share.
  • Had a whole lot of gay sex!
  • Did a whole lot of the Weed!
  • Tried to commit suicide.
  • Went to therapy and rehab.
  • Came out as bisexual.
  • Set up a group in my community for people with mental health problems and ran it for 3-4 years.
  • Bought a Switch.
  • Helped run a local board game group.
  • Played Dungeons and dragons for the first time.
  • Moved into my grandparents house cause my landlord was a huge dick.
  • Got rid of like 70% of my gaming collection.
  • Attended a Buddhist church and took part in meditation lessons.
  • Went to college and studied creative writing.
  • Got a PS5 (At launch even!)
  • Got a huge CRT.
  • Spent a bit to much on Fortnite.
  • Bought Skyrim like 3 more times.
  • Worked all throughout Covid and never caught it, wear a mask you fools.

So yeah that's about it! I'll be uploading my game of the year lists from 2013-2020 over the coming days so if your interested in that look out for it. I hope to be more active in the forums and also the wiki, went to the resident evil village page and there's like nothing on it, you guys be slacking! Hope to hear from lots of you soon, are any of the og forum people still about, where's Claude at?

Thanks guys and hope to speak to you all soon!