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  • ian3d posted a message on the post Young Souls.

    @drunklefrank said:@missashley: I am having the same issue as of late. Let me know if you find a fix plz.One option until they fix it is using the download button.

  • ian3d posted a message on the post Tunic.

    @rorie: ad blocker also stopped the video for me. Looks like and a bunch of other domains are being blocked. So much user tracking! yikes

  • ian3d posted a message on the post 723: Fuzzy Crime.

    Add another vote for bad theme song. That is so hard to listen to, yikes.

  • ian3d posted a message on the post 684: Brad's Leaving.

    @brad, @vinny, @alex You guys are so awesome! I really hope you find something great to do next. I love how you guys are so raw on camera. There are so many people out there now who just do what's pop...

  • ian3d posted a message in the forum topic DJ Jan Ochoa Appreciation Thread. on the General Discussion board

    Absolutely killing it Jan!Does anyone know the song played today during the break around the 2:06:00 mark? Sounded like anamanaguchi but shazam was getting a different song every time and none were ri...

  • ian3d posted a message in the forum topic If the Play button is not working for you on videos, please report here. on the Bug Reporting board

    @wcarle: Awesome! Thanks Will!

  • ian3d posted a message in the forum topic If the Play button is not working for you on videos, please report here. on the Bug Reporting board

    @wcarle said: Unfortunately there's no getting around that because it's a legal thing we have to have on the page for privacy reasons. That's not a good answer, especially since we can download the v...