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GOTY 2011

So it's that time of the year again, thought I'd better start thinking about what games blew me away this year. I'll update this with descriptions closer to the end of december. Most of these games didn't come out this year, but these are the games that made my 2011.

List items

  • GOTY to me means what this year meant to me in gaming. League of Legends has been at the forefront of my gaming experience from March. As far as i'm concerned. This is the most fun to be had in a multiplayer game right now. The community can be grating sometimes, but it's a phenomenal game.

  • I played this back in February and I can't get the amazing story out of my head. This game made me full on cry, more than once, and I literally couldn't face another game for about a week and a half after playing this. The whole thing just comes together in the best story i've probably ever read. Definitely in a game.

  • Skyrim is on everybody's list. Everybody who's played it knows why.

  • I played (but haven't' nearly finished) Persona 3 this year. It didn't come out this year, but it would break my heart to not show some recognition for it. It's such a personal, emotive game.

  • This game came out on PS3 this year so it TOTALLY counts. Like my other favourite games this year, it's all about how much the story effected me. This felt more like an action movie to me than Uncharted 3. Watching my Shepard developing her own personality was amazing.

  • A lot of people hated on this game, but this game makes me feel better. It makes me want to be a better gamer. It's EXTREMELY hard.

  • A late entry. Gears of War 3 is the absolute perfect climax to one of my favourite series ever.

  • Came out on PS3 (finally!). As a diehard castlevania fan, I think i'm up to about 30 hours played and i've enjoyed every second of it.

  • A wild card. I really, really, really enjoyed this game. It's got a million things wrong with it, but the combat feels awesome and I loved the gritty world. It's probably the biggest 'potentially awesome but missed' game i've ever played.

  • As was said in one of the featured GB guest goty lists. I've never played a game like Catherine before, and there probably won't be anything like it. Not for a long time, at least.