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Average score of 20 user reviews

Despite some big flaws, Alien Isolation is a good horror game and a fantastic Alien game. 1

If there was one movie franchise that I feel deserves a good video game, it’s Alien (well, also the Avatar TV show, but I’m still sour on the Legend of Korra game so let’s not talk about that). And while there have been plenty of Alien video games in the past, they’ve ranged from okay to miserable; I’m looking at you Colonial Marines. All those games have one fatal flaw; the Alien is not the intimating monster it should be. Rather, it becomes just another video game...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

19 years later, the original survival horror game still holds up. 0

My relationship with Resident Evil largely comes from its later, post RE4 games. Resident Evil 4 is what got me into the series after all what with it being one of the greatest games ever made. However with the HD update to that 2002 remake of the original Resident Evil coming out I realize I never touched any of the franchise’s games of that style. Many people still claim the first few Resident Evil’s are the scariest and best games in the series. Well I finally caved in and bought ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Persona 3 is a unique game that stands apart from its JRPG contemporaries. 0

Admittedly Japanese RPGs aren't really my thing. The combat tends to be too slow and the story and characters too often fall into cliché traps that have never really appealed to me. This makes it all the more shocking that I’d consider Persona 3 to be up on my list of favorite games. Persona 3 stands out with its unique structure, quick combat, and most importantly characters that feel realistic even if the situations they are in at times are anything but.The Dark Hour leads itself ...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A brand new story with gameplay improvements makes Dragonfall worth your time. 0

Despite its flaws, Shadowrun Returns was one of my favorite games last year. Taking place in the “sixth world”, its traditional D&D fantasy crossed with William Gibson cyberpunk setting, provides a unique flavor not normally seen in games. Throw in a murder mystery and an interested cast of characters and you have a story that feels tailor-made for my interests. I’m happy to report that its expansion, Shadowrun: Dragonfall, continues to show off more of its filthy magic-lai...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

It stumbles in places, but Burial at Sea Episode 2 provides a meaningful conclusion to Bioshock Infinite 0

Episode 1 of Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea felt like an hour and half of set up. It was a neat experience but by the time the story really felt like it was getting going, it cut to black and the credits were rolling. Episode 2 is where all that pays off. All the pins that were set up are knocked down, in a 4 hour experience that feels like definite conclusion to Irrational’s world they first brought to us back in 2007.Elizabeth goes to some dark places in this DLC...Taking place right a...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

At times overly ambitious, The Witcher has plenty to offer for those that can look past it's flaws. 0

It has taken me nearly 4 years to beat The Witcher. Why? Well that’s really my own fault rather than the game’s, but it is the game’s fault I kept coming back to it. Whereas most games I’d have given up and moved on, I felt compelled to see the journey of Geralt to completion. Now I finally have and I can say that The Witcher is a game full of ambition, dreaming of being a grand epic, and while it mostly succeeds, a few things keep it from fulfilling its true potential.Ge...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Left Behind is a fantastic add on for a game that didn't need one. 0

The journey The Last of Us provided was certainly a satisfying one but also a very complete experience. I didn’t feel like I really needed more to Joel and Ellie’s story. So it’s kind of amazing that Left Behind, the first and only story DLC for The Last of Us, manages to make itself fit perfectly into the story and provide a meaningful experience for those that enjoyed the original story.Left Behind starts off in-between the fall and winter sections of the main story, right af...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Left Behind is a fantastic add on for a game that didn't need one. 0

The journey The Last of Us provided was certainly a satisfying one but also a very complete experience. I didn’t feel like I really needed more to Joel and Ellie’s story. So it’s kind of amazing that Left Behind, the first and only story DLC for The Last of Us, manages to make itself fit perfectly into the story and provide a meaningful experience for those that enjoyed the original story.Left Behind starts off in-between the fall and winter sections of the main story, right af...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Left Behind is a fantastic add on for a game that didn't need one. 0

The journey The Last of Us provided was certainly a satisfying one but also a very complete experience. I didn’t feel like I really needed more to Joel and Ellie’s story. So it’s kind of amazing that Left Behind, the first and only story DLC for The Last of Us, manages to make itself fit perfectly into the story and provide a meaningful experience for those that enjoyed the original story.Left Behind starts off in-between the fall and winter sections of the main story, right a...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Left Behind is a fantastic add on for a game that didn't need any. 0

The journey The Last of Us provided was certainly a satisfying one but also a very complete experience. I didn’t feel like I really needed more to Joel and Ellie’s story. So it’s kind of amazing that Left Behind, the first and only story DLC for The Last of Us, manages to make itself fit perfectly into the story and provide a meaningful experience for those that enjoyed the original story.Left Behind starts off in-between the fall and winter sections of the main story, right af...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Left Behind is a fantastic add on for a game that didn't need any. 0

The journey The Last of Us provided was certainly a satisfying one but also a very complete experience. I didn’t feel like I really needed more to Joel and Ellie’s story. So it’s kind of amazing that Left Behind, the first and only story DLC for The Last of Us, manages to make itself fit perfectly into the story and provide a meaningful experience for those that enjoyed the original story.Left Behind starts off in-between the fall and winter sections of the main story, right af...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Left Behind is a necessary add on for a game that didn't need any. 0

The journey The Last of Us provided was certainly a satisfying one but also a very complete experience. I didn’t feel like I really needed more to Joel and Ellie’s story. So it’s kind of amazing that Left Behind, the first and only story DLC for The Last of Us, manages to make itself fit perfectly into the story and provide a meaningful experience for those that enjoyed the original story.Ellie and Riley's relationship is the core of the story.Left Behind starts off in-between ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Left Behind is a necessary add on for a game that didn't need any. 0

The journey The Last of Us provided was certainly a satisfying one but also a very complete experience. I didn’t feel like I really needed more to Joel and Ellie’s story. So it’s kind of amazing that Left Behind, the first and only story DLC for The Last of Us, manages to make itself fit perfectly into the story and provide a meaningful experience for those that enjoyed the original story.Ellie and Riley's relationship is the core focus of the story.Left Behind starts off in-b...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Pop some "Missionoyl" and get comfortable, cause Jazzpunk is ready to mess with your brain. 0

It’s not so often that I find a game where I can’t really properly come up with the words to explain why it’s so appealing. Instead I end up saying nebulous phrases like, “trust me, you have to play it.” Such is the case with Jazzpunk, a bizarre game that breaks classification and provides a wonderfully unique and completely insane experience.You won't find another game that looks quite like Jazzpunk.Jazzpunk follows a similar trend in structure to games like Gone H...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

10 years later, Fable is still a fun adventure. 0

Your heroes relationship with his family acts as the core motivator throughout the story.Fable is a franchise I've had a bit of a rocky relationship with. My first experience was Fable II (having completely missed the original), and it is one of my favorite games of the Xbox 360 era. Fable III, not so much. With Fable Anniversary coming out soon, the remake of the now 10 year old RPG, I figured why not just get a cheap copy of the original and see what it’s all about. The premise starts you as a...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Mysterious and stylish, Kentucky Route Zero should be played 0

Visually the game looks stunning.In my opinion atmosphere can go a long way when it comes to the quality of a game. Even if its gameplay is nothing new, a solid story mixed with a unique art style and some creepy atmosphere can really carry a game. That’s the case with the first episode (or Acts as the game calls it) of Kentucky Route Zero, a Kickstarter funded adventure game about the mysterious route zero on the Kentucky highway.I only bring up the whole Kickstarter thing because I feel like i...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

A worthy sequel to the cult classic 0

The original Darkness is one of those games I’d label as a cult classic. It didn’t sell amazingly well, but it has a passionate fan base that has seem to have grown over the years. The gory combat and unique darkness powers alone were awesome, but it was the dark hopeless story of mafia hit man, Jackie Estacado, and the struggles he went through after obtaining the demonic powers of the Darkness that made it so interesting. With the original developer Starbreeze having moved on, there was a lot ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

More Uncharted is never a bad thing 0

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception isn’t a surprising game for those familiar this the series. It still provides those thrill a minute moments that were so ground breaking the 2 game, but this time it feels more of the same. Still saying its simply more Uncharted 2 isn’t a bad thing and with an improved multiplayer and co-op features, Uncharted 3 is a still one the best games this year.The relationship between Drake and Sully can be very heartwarming at times.The campaign follows the continuing adve...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A great piece of content that reminds me why I love Dragon Age 0

Dragon Age II Legacy is the first major downloadable content for Dragon Age II. Simply put, I thought it was fantastic and the best DLC I’ve played so far this year (To be far, thats not that much). If you’re someone like me who enjoyed Dragon Age II, you'll love this.  It may still look brown but at least its not Kirkwall  First off I’d like to point out something really clever about the way Dragon Age II presents its story that hasn't really come up till now. Because it’s presented as a sto...

3 out of 6 found this review helpful.

A new change of format for Sam and Max! 1

 Sam and Max: The Penal Zone is the first episode in the third season of Telltales Sam & Max series. It seems that Telltale is looking to change up the formula that they have been sticking to since the first season, and meet this with lots of success.    The story takes place after season 2 and begins with Max gaining mysterious psychic powers. Soon an alien by the name of General  Skunk-a'pe lands on their street, searching for special artifacts of psych power. After a  rather climactic ope...

36 out of 36 found this review helpful.