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My first thought when reading this was "huh, I wonder what the Bioshock 2 team went on to do", and then I remembered.

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This looks pretty cool. Also it seems like they watched a lot of 70's/early 80's anime before making this.

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I like Final Fantasy VII, but I really would like to see Square give VI some love. And by that I mean marrying the better translation of the PC version with the vastly superior-looking sprites and artwork of the original version and released something that runs much better.

I know that mods and ROM hack fuckery can get you there, but I'd buy the game again if I could get a version with the best translation, that isn't censored at all, that runs well, and that has some of the quality of life improvements that this port of VII has. I don't want an "easy mode" thing where Limit Breaks just completely fill up, but I do like the idea of a "fast mode" option for getting everyone up to snuff in the World of Ruin. Also some kind of journal to keep track of everything you come across in the World of Ruin would be cool, and some way to turn off random encounters for when I just want to explore - that sort of thing.

If VII should have received anything, though, it's a new translation. As in, the old one should be thrown out wholesale and they should get someone decent to do a new translation straight from the original Japanese script. Overall, the major problem with it is that it just needs a little more finesse - sometimes it's confusing, sometimes it's offensive (partially the casual throwaway use of the word "retard", but also Barrett's racist speech patterns), but mostly it just comes across like it was done by amateurs.

@beartaco@pxbart: Sorry if I was ranting, comments like yours just strike a nerve with me.

I'm a sound designer and it's become depressingly common to have to rerecord dialogue because a studio is afraid someone will be offended and clickbait journalists and twitter mobs will give them bad publicity.

I hate talking to writers and other creators and hearing how they feel increasingly suffocated by this kind of rhetoric. Where instead of just focusing on what they want to create, they have to be continuously vigilant of how any tiny group could misinterpret or take offense over what they're making and self censor themselves, or be forced to redo parts of their work because higher ups want to avoid controversy.

Every post like yours, no matter how well intentioned, is another nail in the coffin of unique and innovative art. Art is supposed to provoke and offend, and yet the people funding the creation of art are growing more and more afraid of internet mobs who find anything vaguely offensive as an attack on their very existence.

So there's art that provokes and offends for the sake of making a point, there's art that provokes and offends for the sake of provoking and offending, and there's art that provokes and offends without really meaning to. Final Fantasy VII is the latter - that doesn't make it OK, but I don't think it's worth raising hell about it. The only one that's actually OK is the former, and whether or not it's OK depends on who you're talking to (see: Spike Lee being offended by Quentin Tarantino's frequent use of the n word while audiences might as well assume that Samuel L Jackson is going to play a major role in whatever Tarantino's next film is). In any case, studios should be asking "why is this here" and the writer in question ought to be able to give a decent answer. If they can't, it's more than likely just bad writing.

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@vinny@alex Holding X will quickly swap between your current weapon and your last selected weapon.

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@leraa said:

Edited By LeraA

Unlike some other commenters, I like watching Alex scan planets. I scan the hell outta everything when I play.

There are a TON of planets in the game. More than enough to buy all the upgrades. Because of that, I ended up with lots of leftover resources. On subsequent play-throughs I generally followed this plan:

  1. -Every planet, from depleted to rich, gets a probe. I'm marking my territory! No planet remains unmolested. "Shepard wuz here"
  2. -Probe rich planets down to about medium. Lots of reward, little time, itty bitty dopamine spikes each time I hit a payload. I think that's why some of us like planet scanning and find it relaxing.
  3. -Milk eezo planets down to the core. Wring them out.

That's it, no additional scanning. Anyone else do this?

I finished replaying this game not too long ago. While there have been some times where I've just chilled out doin' some planet scanning, I've done enough of it to never want to do it again - so this time, I installed a mod that auto-wins all hacking and gets me everything on every planet with one probe shot. Cheating? If you want to call it that, but I find the hacking and planet scanning to be a pain in the ass more than anything and I've done enough of it to prove that I don't need to do any more of it.

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I am having a lot of fun watching Alex play through Mass Effect 2!

That said, I really, really wish they were more vigilant about moving the mouse off the screen.

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@drew327 said:


Real interesting to see some fans of Zaeed here. He was the most forgettable part of the game for me.

I liked him well enough but I would much rather have had an actual conversation with him and Kasumi on the Normandy, rather than just some short quips about his some of his past adventures.

Jacob is so forgettable that it took me a little while to remember who the most forgettable Mass Effect 2 character is.

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I recently finished replaying this. Still an incredible game, but this was my fourth playthrough and I downloaded a mod to auto-win hacking and auto-probe all resources off of a planet and I am so, so, so glad I did.

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@scojoe66 said:


Of course Vegeta, the guy who let Cell become perfect, is the smartest character on the show

Love the show tho lol

They completely forgot about the time they said that Videl is the smartest character on the show, a statement which is pretty much true throughout the whole thing.

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I really, really, really would like to see them at least give GT a shot.