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Backlog battle - Episode 1 - Debut albums are always the best eh?

So I thought that I try something else here. Doing a review for every game that I play gets really tiring after a while. Plus there is not lot of benefit of reviewing every piece of garbage. Even if the original idea was to have something for myself to remember. Blogging does the same thing. So here goes my weekly or bi-weekly blog of games related stuff I've been doing.

Indie game developer 

My bosses friend, (who is kind of like a half friend) asked if I wanted to getting into games developing with him. He knows that I am big gamer and always "promoting" some weird indie game. It does help that I can code and generally know lot about games and different application. He introduced me to Unity and I've done some tutorials and playing around. Really fascinating stuff. Never thought that it would be so easy to get into. Anyway I haven't time have proper chat with him since our last alcohol infused get-together. Still 100% sure what he is up to since he has his own company on the side and at times it sounded like he was looking for free labour.

Regarding indie games. I will still keep on reviewing and adding wiki entries for indie games I play. And, trying to have one in my playlist all the time. Before starting with a game, just word of apologies. English is not my first (actually not even second) language. I am trying to improve on it my doing more writing and so on. Just tend to forget the articles and occasional verbs. If something is unclear, please let me know.

Starting the blog of with a golden oldie.

Disciples: Sacred Land.

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A PC game from 1999. Picked this from GOG on their holiday sale. As mentioned on the old game thread(which I can't seem to find now). I've never played this before or any game from the Disciples franchise. Wanted to start with the first game and on the franchise. Finished the campaign now with one faction now. Really nice combination of strategy and RPG but maybe bit simple. Each chapter in the story starts with level 1, but you get to keep one of your hero characters and 3 items. At chapter 3-> the hero starts to be so strong that you want to use him instead of other heroes. Making the game slow since you end up killing majority of enemies with this hero. Probably not the correct way to play. Looking forward of starting the second Disciples. Shamed to admit that I've missed this genres completely. 

Space Invaders Extreme 2

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Reason why I picked this can found in Radiangames: Crossfire 2. Played some of that fine XBLA indie shooter. Also reviewed it. Kind of like stylish Space Invaders clone with a interesting twist. Anyway found the game to be very easy and wanted to play some more Space Invaders. First game I could get hold of was the Space Invaders Extreme 2 for DS, which I had not played yet. Just to see if I somewhere along the line had developed a l33t/sick/? Space Invaders skills. And turns I am decent. The point attack on normal was relative easy. Hardest branch giving some grief on the last boss. Not sure when this happened.. that I turned out to be OK Space Invader. Usually I suck at these games (especially shmups). Anyway Space Invaders Extreme 2is pretty good. This is very basic 2D Space Invaders game, had it not been the flashy backgrounds and 2nd screen meta game that is. There is an interesting join between the music and the shooting. End up shooting with the beat of the music and getting really into the music. Not my kind of music but still enjoying the "trance" like gameplay. Strange.

Big Brain Wolf 


Finished and reviewed both. WET is not worth talking about, but Big Brain Wolf is. Nice puzzle adventure ala Telltale meets Layton.


Started Eternal Sonata on Xbox. Liking the occasional JRPG and haven't play on in a while. Very cute looking game. Almost too cute. Sticking to it because of the music, at least for now. I have always problems playing with a female protagonist but Chopin just joined my team so should be able to change to him soon. So far very slow start and no sign of any kind of emergency/danger. All cutesy still.

Tried some Toy Soldiers which I picked up a while ago. Looks absolutely amazing. Didn't know it was tower defence game though.

Co-op stuff

My brother came over from Norway for a weekend. The weather happened to really bad (and wife was working)so we ended up playing(and drinking(but that is given)) too much. It was interesting experienced because even with all the consoles and games I got we were struggling to get a good local co-op game going. Mostly because his weird taste. He is that guy who buys those Tour De France games or dedicated Ski Jumping games. NHL11 was of course a sure pick. Also I happened to get hold of Tiger Woods 2010 for Wii which he wanted to try out. We ended up using most time on that. Motionplus+ makes it bit more enjoyable and realistic-feel. Got some really fierce battles and often the 18th hole being the decider. Only other game worth mentioning is Splosion Man. I had no idea that the local co-op would work like this way. It is of course Splosion Man, just with two dudes in one screen. Both needing to progress equally. Requires good timing on the splosion part, which worked really well. Thanks to the counter thing. By hitting left trigger a trigger will count from 3 to 1. Making it easier to time to elaborate tricks. Helps to have levels so short as well.

We ended up checking out my villages pubs as well. I had only been into few, but as with many UK town there is a pub in every corner. Anyway found this small place that turned out to be this great pool hall. Didn't look anything like that outside. Really relaxed atmosphere and 9 tables. They showed some footie as well which might require me to go back there. That's all for now.

On my previous journals I always added a Youtube clip of a song that has been on my playlist whole week. Recently, for a months time it has been Betus Blues from Super Meat Boy. Very good song, we all know that. Did you know that some piano dude had done a great piano only version? His also done some similar arrangements.