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Remember when I used to blog? I tried doing that again.

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Notes on the new search

Some notes on the new search:

  • Can click "options" to filter by page type.
  • Typing a new search term hides the previous results while the new results load.
  • The first time you click anywhere in the options box all the options clear. This means that unchecking a single checkbox unchecks all execpt that one. This is not what I expect, and probably not what anyone else expects.
  • The dedicated search page (/search/) does not work. To search you must wait for the JavaScript to load and use the Ajax-based search.
  • Perfect matches float to the top.
  • Typing a second word requires a full word match for all previous words. "leg zel" and "zel leg" no longer match The Legend of Zelda. "legend zel" and "zelda leg" will.
  • Aliases containing words already in the title result in odd results. Searching "time" causes Frequently Asked Questions about Time Travel to appear as the tenth result as an alias match, even though it would have matched without the alias and is not popular enough for tenth place.
  • ADDENDUM: Unchecking all has the same result as checking all: everything is searched.
  • ADDENDUM: Changing search options does not cause it to search again with the new options. The search string must be changed to search again. Simply adding a space will do the job.
  • ADDENDUM: There is more than one page of results. (This should be obvious, but is still worth mentioning)
  • ADDENDUM: Clicking "See next/previous 10 results" causes the results to disappear. Clicking the search box will bring the results back. This may only happen in some browsers. I have not tested it extensively.