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  • LovelyMysticism wrote a review of Castlevania: Curse of Darkness.
    Not bad, but not soulful, pure mechanics.

    The game as a whole seemed to me fascinating, at least you're interested in knocking out rare drops of monsters, each picking up his approach during the battle, and then produce from them a new weapon...

  • LovelyMysticism wrote a review of Castlevania: Lament of Innocence.

    Truly the best part of Castlevania for me. Probably what I fell most in love with was the incredible soundtrack and the interesting bosses. The music in this game is noticeably better than in Curse ...

  • LovelyMysticism created a list My arsenal.
  • LovelyMysticism wrote a review of Spartan: Total Warrior.
    Favorite game from my childhood

    I absolutely love this game, especially its complexity in places, the bellicose atmosphere and the need to think fast, otherwise there is a risk of losing many of your men or missing the moment. I als...