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Data Dump: Who Won E3 2019?

The Real E3 MVP
The Real E3 MVP

It's always been a dumb question. But, what if we applied a little math and science to it anyway? If you were in chat during any of the press conferences media briefings showcases, then you may have seen a poll at the end asking you to rate the show from 1-10. Well, I took all that data and used it to determine who the Giant Bomb Community thinks "won E3 2019."

I'm only running data on the conferences that Giant Bomb was present for because the others, while available in chat, had far fewer viewers than these main five.

Unfortunately, there was something wrong with polls during Xbox, so the totals are lower than how many actually voted, but I still think it's enough of a pool to say it's an accurate representation.

Of course, the true winner of E3 was the gamers a tie between Keanu Reeves, Ikumi Nakamura, Bam Bam the Dog, and Gooigi. But, here's the data anyway...


While Xbox brought a lot of stuff, many felt underwhelmed by the Scarlett announcement and Halo trailer at the end.
While Xbox brought a lot of stuff, many felt underwhelmed by the Scarlett announcement and Halo trailer at the end.


People were hype for DOOM Eternal, but not much else it seemed.
People were hype for DOOM Eternal, but not much else it seemed.


Ubisoft announced a slew of Clance games, which didn't seem to connect with the GB crowd. And their big dog leaked ahead of time, which probably hurt them.
Ubisoft announced a slew of Clance games, which didn't seem to connect with the GB crowd. And their big dog leaked ahead of time, which probably hurt them.

Square Enix

Square put on a solid show, but their big reveal of Avengers left people confused, which I think left a bad taste in people's mouths right before the reaction poll.
Square put on a solid show, but their big reveal of Avengers left people confused, which I think left a bad taste in people's mouths right before the reaction poll.


Nintendo straight up killed it this year according to the GB Community.
Nintendo straight up killed it this year according to the GB Community.


Prior to the first GB @ Nite show on Tuesday, I asked everyone who they thought won E3. This was the result:

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So, if we take this data and compare it to the data collected after each conference, what do we get?

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Hey! They're in the same exact order. That worked out pretty well.

Either way you look at it, Nintendo dominated this year's E3 according to the Giant Bomb Community.

Until next year, <>.