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The Definitive 108 Stars of Destiny

You guys should probably play a Suikoden game. Or watch The Water Margin. Or, I dunno, read the book I guess. This is a list for those who have done some of the above, where I expand the central "108 dudes chosen by destiny" conceit to include Giant Bomb's entire video game character database for many laughters and good time (in JRPG speak). Where possible, I'll take characters that suit the roles the game usually reserves for specific stars, just with my own spin on it.
NB: Not a transparent attempt at the Martin Luther Quest, since I already made a transparent attempt at that a while ago and got it. So there.
(Thanks to Suikosource for the names of the stars.)

List items

  • Tenkai - Chief Star of Heaven<br>


    Well, this is the spot for each game's protagonist. As the most famous video game character ever, I guess Mario is the Video Game King. No, not that one. Sup VGK.

  • Tengou - Star of Conflagration<br>


    The Tengou role goes to a powerful general and ally who pretty much gets the hero's whole army started. I can't think of a better commander to get things done than Mass Effect's Shepard.

  • Tenki - Star of Wisdom<br>


    Tenki is always the game's strategist; the smart guy who knows exactly how each battle is to be won and possibly the hero's most important asset. If we're talking strategic geniuses, you can't really beat Batman. Because he's a scientist.

  • Tenkan - Star of Idleness<br>


    The deliberately vague, occasionally helpful and obviously powerful magic-user that becomes the game's guardian of the tablet is invariably the game's Tenkan star. Monkey Island's enigmatic voodoo hint-mistress more than fits this role.

  • Tenyu - Star of Bravery<br>


    This role is often filled with a stoic warrior of some considerable skill. There's no shortage of the strong, silent type in video games, fortunately.

  • Tenyu - Star of Heroic Ferocity<br>


    From one mute to another, this particular star generally has facial hair to go with his powerhouse nature.

  • Tenmou - Star of Swift Courage<br>


    Traditionally, this role is for the leader of a small village who turns out to be a capable warrior. An example of Authority Equals Ass-Kicking. This dude was imposing as a human, moreso as part of Resident Evil 4's Las Plagas spore zombie thing they had going on.

  • Teni - Star of Majesty<br>


    Yuber's star, who is a mysterious black knight that shows up intermittently in the series to cause a fracas. Meta Knight is his equivalent in the adorably cute world of Kirby. He's adorable too, but resents and hides it. Tough break.

  • Tenei - Heroic Star<br>


    Gremio's star, noted battle butler of the first game. Lenny is the butler of protagonist Johnny from the under-rated Shadow Hearts series, who literally phones-in devastating attacks whenever his master is threatened.

  • Tenki - Lofty Star<br>


    This star is often that of a prolific Mayor in the story. I can only think of one Mayor I want on my team.

  • Tenfu - Star of Wealth<br>


    Tenfu generally appears as a traveling merchant. DQIV's Taloon is a useful member of any party, as a moderately strong fighter and a crazy money-making machine. Digging those stripes.

  • Tenman - Star of Abundance<br>


    Tenman is Cleo and Paula's star, good friends of the protagonist who join him in his battles. Tales of Eternia's punchy heroine is the one who spurs the game's hero Reid into action, since he'd rather just sit back and eat monsters.

  • Tenko - Lone Star<br>


    Viktor's star, everyone's favorite video game friendly bruiser type. Well, second favorite, after this guy. Boo has a posse.

  • Tensyo - Wounded Star<br>


    The star of Valeria and Zegai, among others, who are powerful allies who originally sided with the enemy. Winning them over with your courageous spirit (plus the fact they end up in jail following their evil masters and you bust them out) convinces them to join you. Celes has a very similar story too, and becomes one of FF6's most versatile fighters.

  • Tenritsu - Star of the Standing Spear<br>


    The first of many "wild card" stars, who have no fixed constant role in the series. Taking Jeff's advice, it always helps to have a member of your team that's utterly unstoppable.

  • Tensyo - The Swift Star<br>


    Clive's star, the cloaked sniper dude of the first two games. Nobody's a better sniper than Sniper, except perhaps the fifty million teenagers who play as him online. There aren't many gun-users in Suikoden (nor many that attack people with golf trophies) so this was a hard star to narrow down.

  • Tenan - Dark Star<br>


    The Dark Star is also Flik's star, who was known for his lightning speed in battle. Dante's about as speedy a swordsman as you can get, and being called a Dark Star isn't exactly malapropos either.

  • Tenyu - Guardian Star<br>


    Spear-wielders normally occupy this slot, with Kain being perhaps Final Fantasy's most prolific pointy-stick expert. Sorry Mario, you're no longer the best jumper on this list.

  • Tenku - Empty Star<br>


    Second wild card. Who better for adventuring than the gadget-laden hero of time? Seriously, what's a video game character list without Link? An original one, that's what. This isn't that.

  • Tensoku - Speedy Star<br>


    This star is always the guy who is super fast, and is a pain in the neck to recruit. When talking about video game speedsters, you can't avoid Sonic the Hedgehog. I mean, you can try. You should try.

  • Teni - Strange Star<br>


    Georg Prime's star. As series veterans know, Georg was notable for being stupidly overpowered. Thunder God Cid made the latter half of Final Fantasy Tactics a breeze with his superhuman sword powers, to an extent that you wonder if it was a mistake or a way for less-skilled players to finish the story (except they all left on the Wiegraf/Velius fight, so probably not).

  • Tensatsu - Murderous Star<br>


    This star is often a wild beastman or barbarian warrior. Blanka's one of the few socially acceptable ones, before you head too far into unfortunate furry territory.

  • Tenkyu - Lewd Star<br>


    The star of Milich Oppenheimer, the foppish dandy General of Suikoden I. Mid-Boss is a complete fop too, but has many talents beyond mere comic relief and a flair for the dramatic.

  • Tentai - Retreating Star<br>


    Something about the word "Tentai" reminded me of this guy. He'd be useful in a fight too, no doubt about it.

  • Tenjyu - Star of Longevity<br>


    This is Nanami's (of Suikoden 2) star, the beloved little sister archetype who meets a tragic end (or does she?). IRONIC NAME FOR A STAR, AMIRITA? Stop crying and get Dojima another beer already.

  • Tenhei - Leveled Star<br>


    The Tenhei star is usually a partner (and occasionally brother) of the Tenson star. I'm not sure if it's a "heterosexual life partner" type of relationship (which is why I didn't use Marcus and Dom), so this space is taken by major Capcom icon Ryu. GUESS WHO THE OTHER GUY IS?

  • Tenson - Broken Star<br>


    See above.

  • Tenken - Dagger Star<br>


    Tenken is a star that traditionally appears in a trio with Tenzai and Tenpai. While we have this brief time where people remember what Mega Man Legends is thanks to the new Marvel vs Capcom game, these three stars are the recurring bosses/comedy relief team that is the Bonne pirates. This is the girl one.

  • Tenzai - Star of Sin<br>


    Part 2 of the trio. Teisel is the leader of the Bonne pirates. Generally overshadowed by his little sister, which must be fun for him.

  • Tenpai - The Vanquished Star<br>


    Part 3 of the trio. Bon is either a baby or mentally challenged, I forget.

  • Tenrou - The Goal Star<br>


    Tenrou and Tensui make up a couple (yeah, another one), this time a boy/girl one that's usually romantic. Welkin is the male protagonist of Valkyria Chronicles and likes bugs, flowers and his custom-built prototype assault tank.

  • Tensui - Star of Intelligence<br>


    The female protagonist of Valkyria Chronicles is one of the most effective scouts under love interest Welkin's command. She's also a [SPOILERS], capable of [SPOILERS] a whole [SPOILERS] singlehandedly, with bodies and fire and blood everywhere. She's also a great cook, so that's nice.

  • Tenkoku - Wailing Star<br>


    Tenkoku and Tenbou are yet another fighting duo. There are few partnerships as effective as Sam and Max, with this guy (Sam) being the rational and cool-minded of the two.

  • Tenbou - Savage Star<br>


    Max, a savage star in his own right, is the second half of the Sam and Max Freelance Police team. He loves to rough up wiseacres and play poker really, really badly.

  • Tenkou - Clever Star<br>


    Tenkou is usually a precocious child, which is why I went with child prodigy and space adventurer Commander Keen. Because every other precocious kid annoys the hell out of me. Screw you, Genis.

  • Chikai - Chief Star of Earth<br>


    The secondary strategist, sometimes working for the enemy when you first meet them. Eternal Darkness' Mantorok is an evil (maybe) eldritch abomination that used both time and space in a grand scheme to destroy its three eviller rivals in one fell swoop. Military operations would be a snap after that.

  • Chisatsu (Chiretsu) - Violent Star<br>


    Another wild card, another horribly overpowered fighter for my running crew. Take that, game balance!

  • Chiyu - The Brave Star<br>


    Chiyu is often an artisan and sculptor. So is Sander Cohen, when he isn't being completely insane which is all the time. Can't say he'd be particularly useful, but how many sculptors are there in the video game world?

  • Chiketsu - Star of Noble Wisdom<br>


    Chiketsu is always Jeane. No exceptions.

  • Chiyu - The Heroic Star<br>


    Chiyu (this Chiyu anyway) is usually a martial artist. Giant Bomb's beloved martial artist Chie Satonaka more than fits this position. She had to appear somewhere, right?

  • Chii - The Majestic Star<br>


    This star is usually the leader of the Maximillian Knights, a recurring heraldic group in the Suikodens. Alistair's pretty much the valiant knightly type, his acerbic sense of humor besides. There's few dudes more trustworthy.

  • Chiei - Star of Courage<br>


    This star is always the squire or servant of the lead Maximillian Knight. Frog starts his tragic tale as the squire of Sir Cyrus and later becomes a pretty decent knight in his own right on the path to vengeance. Forsooth and such.

  • Chiki - The Strange Star<br>


    The last of the star partnerships, Chiki and Chimou are traditionally thick as thieves. Ratchet is a heavy-ordinance wielding rabbit rat thing.

  • Chimou - The Ferocious Star<br>


    Partners with the above. Clank's a persnickety robot made with technology that is apparently compatible with almost every ancient mechanical race ever created. He can also store stuff in his tummy garage door thing. It all comes in handy.

  • Chibun - The Learned Star<br>


    This star was used twice for dwarves who are good at digging. If we're talking pint-size diggers, then you can't go far wrong with Dig-Dug's pneumatic hero.

  • Chisei - The Guileless Star<br>


    Chisei is always the Castle Appraiser, an invaluable service for discovering equally invaluable treasures. Diablo's Deckard Cain can handily identify anything you're holding, as long as you're willing to stay a while and listen.

  • Chikatsu - The Eminent Star<br>


    Lorelai's star, the whip-wielding huntress. Anyone who has played the first sequel in the Ace Attorney series has Franny's whip-cracks indelibly printed in their heads. Apparently that is totally a thing you're allowed to do in a courthouse.

  • Chitou - The Folding Star<br>


    The Castle Gardener. Turns out there aren't many prolific video game gardeners, besides that renaissance woman [blank]ing Mama. Seedos is a masked weirdo who occasionally visits your garden in Viva Pinata to dispense seeds, who is often a welcome distraction away from watching your carefully raised candy creatures constantly dying in random incidents.

  • Chikyou - The Strong Star<br>


    Wild Card #3. This dude's been getting a lot of attention recently. Fair enough, after being roundly ignored for a bunch of years by people ostensibly supposed to be working on his game. Maybe when Forever fails to show up once again this year, he can kick ass in this team.

  • Chian - The Strong Star<br>


    Wild Card #4. Garcian's the cool-headed functional leader of the Killer 7, though Harlan's usually the one who gets all the praise. The truth, like many things in this game, is a little more difficult to wrap one's head around.

  • Chiziku (Chijuku) - The Axis Star<br>


    Wild Card #5. Little reluctant bringing this psycho to our merry band, but if we need a god or two killed (and let's face it, since this is a JRPG it's exceedingly likely) he's pretty much at the top of the Yellow Pages' Deicide section.

  • Chikai - The Star of Gathering<br>


    This has been the star for many flamboyant fighter types. Bayonetta pretty much personifies over-the-top flamboyant murder.

  • Chisa - The Aiding Star<br>


    The Chisa star is a mysterious musician that can change the game's sound settings or play specific tracks from the soundtrack. This is more or less KK Slider's role as well, as Animal Crossing's magical blues traveler dog.

  • Chiyu - The Helpful Star<br>


    This star is reserved for the castle's armorer. I don't know about you, but I tend to think billion-dollar powered armor that can blast dudes with giant energy beams might be useful for dungeon crawling.

  • Chirei - The Clever Star<br>


    The Castle's main physician. All good doctors speak German and always, always need to be killed first.

  • Chijyu - The Beast Star<br>


    The Castle's other healer/nurse. If Tales of Phantasia's Mint had a personality beyond "healer chick", I didn't notice it.

  • Chibi - The Least Star<br>


    Futch's star, recurring Dragon Knight. There's a few video game dragon riders, including the psychopathic Caim of Drakengard. He's not the most stable of game heroes, but he'll get the job done. If "the job" is murdering thousands of faceless pawns of an evil empire.

  • Chikyu - The Intelligent Star<br>


    Kasumi's star, kunoichi. Taki's the ninja lady from the Soul Calibur series, and like almost all lady ninjas is sexualized to heck. Are ninjas really supposed to be that attention-grabbing?

  • Chibaku (Chibou) - The Barbarous Star<br>


    Wild Card #8. Samus is the galaxy's most effective bounty hunter and another user of state-of-the-art powered armor. She also has experience fighting dragons and pterodactyls, so that's bound to come in useful in JRPG land.

  • Chizen - The Silent Star<br>


    The Castle's mage. When selecting a mage, you might as well go for the most powerful one in the universe. The Ethereal Queen is a recurring superboss in the Tri-Ace games and monstrously powerful. Pfft, superbosses, am I right?

  • Chikou - The Wild Star<br>


    More ninjas! The Suikodens love ninjas. Occasional DOA visitor and often dead ninja Ryu Hayabusa is dependable enough. Anyone who can (canonically) survive the Ninja Gaiden games is worth having on your side.

  • Chikyou - The Star of Ambition<br>


    Even more ninjas! This one is also a skeleton.

  • Chihi - The Flying Star<br>


    This star is the Castle Innkeeper. Who better than the perverted cuboid murine proprietor of the Horror Show? Probably a lot of people!

  • Chisou - The Walking Star<br>


    This star is the Elevator inventor/operator, when the player's castle becomes so large that an elevator is a necessity. Agent 17 may not know how elevators are built, but as the star of Elevator Action he sure does know his way around them.

  • Chikou - The Cunning Star<br>


    This star is for the dude who makes all the scrolls for the heroes to use in battle. Haggle Man, robotic ninja expert, uses scrolls for pretty much everything. Sort of a given, seeing as how he's a Ninja Gaiden proxy. Plus you can't have too many ninjas.

  • Chimei - The Clear Star<br>


    The fighter for this star is more often than not a tad on the flirtatious side. Zelos apparently can't help himself, with the ability to procure items from any woman in the world by talking to them. It's actually kind of icky.

  • Chisin - The Forward Star<br>


    Remember when I said there weren't any more duo stars? Well, I lied. Banjo's become an even more useful addition since he became a mechanic. If you want a vehicle built out of Duplo blocks, he's your dude.

  • Chitai - The Retreating Star<br>


    Banjo's other half. Now completely useless as of Nuts & Bolts. Platformers are dumb; horribly complex car-building racing games are where it's at.

  • Chiman - The Full Star<br>


    Since the Suikoden games have a lot of war combat, often on water, there's usually at least one naval engineer who is always this star. Ship engineers don't come more friendly and curiously-accented as Mass Effect's Tali. Everyone loves Tali. She's like this generation's Gadget Hackwrench, complete with creepy demi-human fetishes.

  • Chisui - The Fulfilled Star<br>


    Chisui is the star of the Castle Librarian. Lord Zetta, formerly the most powerful Overlord in existence, is currently a magic talking book. It takes a book to know books, right? That's certainly not spurious logic right there.

  • Chisyu - The Complete Star<br>


    Another mage star. Lillet Blan, from Vanillaware's RTS GrimGrimoire, becomes almost godlike in her magic powers after finally fixing the repeating time cycle the game takes place in. Which technically makes her a cute lesbian magic-using Bill Murray from Groundhog Day. Awesome?

  • Chiin - The Hidden Star<br>


    The Castle Dancer. Rouge is one of the many oddball characters from the equally oddball arena fighter series Power Stone. It's a pretty good idea to stack your castle crew with people who can fight as well. Maybe leave a bunch of laser guns and umbrellas around just in case.

  • Chii - The Peculiar Star<br>


    Another Dragon Knight star. Outside of Suikoden and Fire Emblem (which I haven't played any of), there aren't too many dragon riding games out there. One of the more famous ones are the Panzer Dragoon games, with this girl being the protagonist of the most recent.

  • Chiri - The Star of Justice<br>


    This star is reserved for the guy who changes your window colors in-game. It's such an odd feature that they shoe-horn in in such a weird way. So with this spirit of weirdness, this role goes to master craftsman Steve: the default character for Minecraft.

  • Chisyun - The Elegant Star<br>


    Gadget's star, a robotic buddy. Robots are fortunately few and far between in the world of Suikoden (anachronisms make me sad, not that Suikoden is exactly historic). R2D2 is pretty much the prime example of a robotic pal.

  • Chiraku - The Star of Music<br>


    Chiraku is the Castle's musician. I thought of using Parappa (the original rhythm game), but remembered that I preferred the guitar-slinging sequel Um Jammer Lammy. So now it's Lammy. Dojo, casino, and all that.

  • Chitatsu - The Quick Star<br>


    Another Suikoden constant. It wouldn't feel right to switch out the ditzy teleportress.

  • Chisoku - The Star of Haste<br>


    Wild Card #9. Are you going to tell me that a robotic samurai with rocket legs and retractable arm blades isn't going to kick tremendous amounts of ass? I didn't think so.

  • Chichin - The Supressing Star<br>


    This star is always a narcissistic dandy. So why Simon Belmont, vampire slayer extraordinaire? Watch an episode of Captain N and find out. Or maybe don't, since I'm not sure that show aged particularly well.

  • Chikei - The Halted Star<br>


    This star is usually a little girl with a trickster streak. Eiko's annoying before you get her, and annoying afterwards. I'd probably just dump her in the highest room of the castle and out of the way, where she can occasionally summon Alexander.

  • Chima - The Devil Star<br>


    This star is reserved for the leader of the demihuman animal group that help out the "good humans" when you come to their rescue. Fox is a leader of demihumans too, plus he comes free with a set of top-of-the-line star fighters and/or a stick. Depending on the game. Either is useful, but one moreso than the other perhaps.

  • Chiyou - The Magic Star<br>


    The Castle's reporter, getting all the facts from both internal and external matters. Jade's an intrepid enough reporter to find out anything you'd need to know and is, once again, a capable martial artist to boot. Considering how many weird races we have in this list already, she'd probably make a bit of photography cash on the side too.

  • Chiyu - The Obscure Star<br>


    Working with the reporter, the Castle Detective (always this star) is the best source for information on fellow recruits. Even with his penchant for critical thinking, I think even Layton would struggle with the oddities on this list. Unless he hit up the Giant Bomb wiki of course, but that's too easy. Dave and Drew should force users to solve some mandatory sliding puzzles before people are allowed to read the site. <i>It's a financially sound plan</i>.

  • Chifuku - The Hiding Star<br>


    This star is usually a fangirl of the main strategist, which I've designated on this list as Batman because Batman. Catwoman's the only one that fits, what with their (largely one-sided) flirty relationship.

  • Chihi - The Orphan Star<br>


    When selecting your martial arts trainer (who always has this star), it's best to pick someone who has the versatility to know how to defeat a dude with a stick AND a dude with a chain whip. Yie Ar Kung Fu's protagonist is pretty much your guy in this case.

  • Chiku - The Empty Star<br>


    This is traditionally a character with an affinity for animals, and training them. It's usually a girl too, but I guess the gender of "Pokemon Trainer" is usually selectable for modern Pokemon games, so pretend this is a female one.

  • Chiko - The Lonely Star<br>


    The Castle Blacksmith. Obviously, we'd need to shift some earth to fit the blacksmith god Hephaestus in our castle somewhere, but his godly equipment would be worth the trouble. There'd be a similar problem with accommodating Biggoron too.

  • Chizen - The Finished Star<br>


    The Castle Gossip. Or, if you'd prefer, the Castle Spy. Psychonauts are the most effective spies, being able to sneak into someone's head and steal their thoughts WITHOUT needing to "go deeper" and spend fifteen years trapped in there like some inept knock-off.

  • Chitan - The Short Star<br>


    Yep, another two-part star. This one is always non-human. Diddy's pretty non-human too. Like we'd come up with something as stupid as a peanut gun.

  • Chikaku - The Corner Star<br>


    Diddy's partner in crime and one of the oldest Nintendo characters ever. Unless you buy that Cranky is the original Kong. It's because of all these complications in Donkey Kong continuity that makes it such an intriguing series for the intelligentsia.

  • Chisyu - The Prisoned Star<br>


    So our main chef star is this guy, since he can make hamburgers. Yep, perfect, I guess we're all done here.

  • Chizou - The Hoarding Star<br>


    Another Chef star. He can be the back-up, if anyone can find out which unusual item he's camouflaging himself as this week.

  • Chihei - The Smooth Star<br>


    Wild Card #10. Can't have too many robots, right? We're going to have to make sure this castle has a world-class laboratory to fix all these guys.

  • Chison - The Wounded Star<br>


    If you need a guy for storage (this star) you could do a lot worse than Guybrush Threepwood and the apparently infinite storage space down his pantaloons. That's if you don't mind what the items are sharing space with. By which I mean pulley chickens and the like, wasn't necessarily going for a balls joke.

  • Chido - The Serving Star<br>


    This star is usually a creepy weirdo that joins the army for no apparent reason. G-Man is intensely creepy for many reasons, yet is friendly enough to keep an eye on what you're doing. Always. With that eerie monotone.

  • Chisatsu - The Searching Star<br>


    Wild Card #11. Before I recognized the inherent endless time-sink oblivion that signifies the entire NIS strategy RPG range, I actually bothered to level up Disgaea's Laharl to something ridiculous like level 2000. It'd be pretty handy to have THAT guy around.

  • Chiaku - The Fierce Star<br>


    This star is always some manner of Amazonian warrior woman. I just beat FF13 so you'll have to forgive me for this one.

  • Chisyu - The Ugly Star<br>


    The Castle's Gambler, ready with the gambling mini-games in case you felt like you had too much money. Setzer is, of course, the airship-owning gambler of FF6. It might be useful to have an airship on call, especially if you need to go out and earn more money after losing it all.

  • Chisu - The Mathematic Star<br>


    Wild Card #12. Shadow Hearts' badass shapeshifter seems like a worthy addition to any fighting team. Looks a bit feminine in that pic though.

  • Chiin - The Shadowy Star<br>


    This star is usually a maternal type who runs many functions in the Castle's Inn. Though apparently forced to do any and all hard labor, Cooking Mama is best with food. And not shaking the baby.