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#2  Edited By monetarydread

Since I am not an American, and don't give a damn why there is protests in America, I was bummed to see the announcement that there is no bombcast today. Since the announcement was kind of unclear, due to you guys spending most of your post talking about American problems while barely talking about the real issue of no podcast, i was wondering if there is going to be a makeup podcast this week, or do i have to wait till next Tuesday for the Bombcast? Also, is the companies "protest" going to extend to the beastcast and Hotspot as well?

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#3  Edited By monetarydread

I am in the same situation. My iPad mini 4 has the same version of iPadOS and I cannot view fullscreen content anymore.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the problem I had in Firefox. Basically, the player was showing the site stream with the youtube stream laid overtop of it. So basically I could pause the youtube stream but the site stream would continue playing in he background.

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#4  Edited By monetarydread

So Brad has started including music that constantly plays in the background during the Bombcast.

Personally, I find it annoying to the point where it makes the podcast unlistenable to me. I am slightly hard of hearing and, although thankfully I don't have to crank the volume, the music just makes things harder to understand, like I am finding the conversation in a wall of sound. I now have to actually pay attention to discern what is being said and this has completely changed how I digest this content.

This one thing has turned the Bombcast from a show I can listen to in one sitting to something I keep turning off and then on again later.

What is everyone's opinion on this?

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#5  Edited By monetarydread

Not necessarily. I come to this site because I grew up in the 90’s and I get the impression that this the last bastion of old school gaming coverage. For them to hire the people needed to provide the coverage OP is asking for would pollute this site with the same shit that makes sites like Kotaku or Polygon such trash (edit: I would give reasons why those sites are trash but I fear some overzealous mod would ban me).

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@stantongrouse: Yeah, i felt that splitting up the games really hampered the online experience. Basically everyone likes Stadium so not many people played the different varieties online. This is one of those games that would benefit from a larger playerbase so collecting everyone under one roof will benefit the game. ALso, I wonder how "live service" the game actually will be. Like, I really think the game could benefit from being f2p but then again I doubt I would put as much time into the game if there was a f2p barrier in my way.

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#7  Edited By monetarydread

So Nadeo announced a new Trackmania game for this spring. This time it is a remake of trackmania Nations from 2006. According to Jeff’s wiki update, there hasn’t been much announced about the title. One thing we do know is that Nadeo is going full “live service” this time, which makes sense for a game like this.

So, is anyone else hyped up for this release? This is easily the game I am most looking forward to this year. I have been playing Trackmania for almost fifteen years now, and Trackmania 2: Stadium has recently passed Skyrim as my most played Steam title, so I might be more excited than most though.

My wish list for features:

  • An update to the progression system - The multiplayer in 2 gives you XP based on your performance relative to the other competitors. That means the lower rank you have the more XP you get. My problem with the system is that you can accumulate XP for so long that I eventually reached a point where I was so much higher rank than everyone else that I stopped getting XP entirely. Even just a tweak that awards the player 1-10 XP for making it into the top 5/10 players would be a welcome addition. That way I can still feel like I am progressing even 5 years in.
  • The VR mode from Turbo - I was surprised at how much I liked the VR mode. I really think that it would work for every track without much issue and is a feature that would add a ton of value for me, as someone who has a VR headset and loves Trackmania.
  • better multiplayer server capabilities - I love deadamania but this has to be the version of Trackmania that finally builds that functionality into the game. Hell, I might even be cool if they just added a mod browser into the game, Skyrim style, but it all depends on how it is implemented.
  • A better UI - If they build in Deadamania features into Trackmania then maybe they can make all the info look nicer and less cluttered. I know you can use keyboard commands to hide that shit, but it would be cool if it looked better.
  • Tutorials - I would love a gamemode, or quest system that taught me how to build tracks that don’t suck. The dev’s mentioned that they want to make the tools easier to use while offering more flexibility for the advanced users, but that statement is usually an oxymoron. I feel like a good tutorial that is fun to play is the best option.
  • Allow advanced track design features without having to resort to scripting. I love that scripting is included in the editor, but some things that can only be done using their terminal should be modifiable in the editor with a UI.
  • The ability to turn off FPS view. My friend is sensitive to motion sickness and doesn’t like the first person view in racing games. He bounced off Trackmania because the switching from 3rd person to 1st person was always jarring for him. I don’t know how they would do it, but the ability to play the game without a dramatic switching of perspective would be neat.
  • this might be controversial, but I have always preferred the handling of stadium to the other handling models. The other versions, like Canyon, make the cars feel a little too squirrely for me. So I would like to see cars more consistently handle like the ones in Stadium do.

Is anyone else here a fan of the series and excited? or maybe you are someone who bounced off the game, what would it take for you to get into this Trackmania?

Edit: There is a handicam version of the trailer on Youtube. Here it is

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I have a dial on the front of my microwave instead of buttons, so I guess I can't vote?

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Just outside of Kamloops, BC, Canada. 350 dl, 100 ul, no cap, static IP, $80 CAD.

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#10  Edited By monetarydread

I wish I could remember the game's name (Edit: why I can't remember is because I have owned an IOS device since my iPHone 3G and have almost 20,000 apps tied to my account by now so sometimes old memories get a little cloudy), but the only time I have feel offended by a video game was on IOS. I paid money for a title, then a couple of weeks later the developer put out a patch that turned the game free-to-play and didn't do anything to help out the players who paid for the game. So what ended up happening is that, this RPG now had the leveling curve fucked with, had timers installed, ad's popping up everywhere, there was an energy system in place, and a bunch of IAP that was trying to sell me on disabling these new "features." I was so pissed off and what made it worse is I went on the Toucharcade forums to complain about it and everyone else started saying things like "well the dev's were obviously forced to change the game because it wasn't selling and they are human and need money as well," or "this is standard practice on IOS, get used to it," type shit and completely ignoring the fact that they just screwed anyone who was willing to give the dev's money.