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  • monosukoi posted a message on the post It's Time to Check Out That Xbox Series X.

    It's kinda hard to get excited for Xbox's idea of a new generation that looks and plays identically to the one I've just come off.I understand the back compat stuff is really cool and seeing the perfo...

  • monosukoi posted a message on the post Breakfast 'n Brad: Watch Dogs Legion.

    These Ubisoft PC ports always seem to be busted in one way or another. :/Even people with 3080s and the fastest CPUs are struggling to have a consistent experience.

  • monosukoi posted a message on the post Fallout 76: NPCs Are Here?.

    Jeff: "I didn't care for Fallout 4"Jeff: [Gave Fallout 4 four stars]

  • monosukoi posted a message on the post Doom Eternal.

    Thanks for the QL Brad

  • monosukoi posted a message in the forum topic Livestreamed videos are very dark, archives look fine. on the Bug Reporting board

    Same here, YouTube looks much brighter and there's more visible detail.

  • monosukoi posted a message on the post The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Nintendo Switch).

    I'm glad more people will get to play this, but I'm not sure the severely compromises made to get it running on Switch are really worth it. It looks awful.