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F.E.A.R. 3

Finished F3 today. Little over 5 hours on recruit, only replayed two of the missions as Fettel. Apparently you get a different ending that isn't actually that different when you finish it with him. The alternate ending is probably more meaningful for a co-op play through. I suspect on a higher difficulty there's fewer game accelerating Rambo moments.

I've read some reviews here n there- and while I wont get into the gameplay complaints because there's plenty of small ones, the complaints leveled at the scare factor of FEAR 3 are kind of interesting....

I personally dont feel this game, with the same story/characters, could have been made scary even under Monolith. What's to be scared of? Youre the product of the big bad in the game- youre a freak of nature and along for the ride this time is an ever bigger freak. WTF is there to be scared of? I mean boiling it down its a game about two dudes and their mom.

So yeah- I doubt the FEAR series will ever provide scares again without a reboot of sorts. In fact, I think a good argument can be made against even FEAR 2's ability to provide scares, a game that instead depended on being just kinda fucked up and disturbing.

Id give this game a C+, cause I liked the gunplay and fairly aggressive AI. Modern Warfare Rail Shooter this is not. Game wasnt scary- visuals were a slight notch above 2- people may have expected a better looking game but I dunno, not every game is Crysis 2.See More