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OK so Mario Kart 7 Tipped me over the edge

Last year I was adamant....I was being down right stubborn. No I am not buying a 3DS no way. There is no game that will make me purchase it. Nothing. I guess I was wrong....oops.

As you can probably tell from the above paragraph, just this second I have ordered a 3DS (aqua one it looks nice). I guess I have Ryan, Brad and Patrick to thank for my purchase. Well them and their quick look. Was it the wrong decision? Probably. Will I play it? I doubt it, maybe on my holiday next August. But even then I have a kindle coming on the 25th.

It wasn't that bad really £130, it will arrive Tuesday along with Mario Kart 7. I guess the only question to ask now is. What games should I get? This and Super Mario Bros. are a given but what else? Maybe Zelda? Suggestions please.


I WILL NOT BUY A VITA....NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.P.S Uncharted: Golden Abyss looks pretty good ;)