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Ranking Rassling Games WWE2K16

Utter toss. This one will be short, much like my time with WWE 2K16. Initial impressions are great. The game is smoother, runs better and load times are faster. The game looks slightly better also. Oh and no buggy animations. My super kick actually worked this time.

Yeah...If you didn't know I'm working my way through (what was) modern WWE games and ranking them when I'm done.

I started with a 6 man tag, elimination match. Evolution vs The Uso's (old school haka Uso) and Roman. It looked great and was really fun to play. I then moved on to the career, my main focal point with these games. Let me tell you this was complete and utter dog shite.

So dull, seemed never ending. I actually quit when I won the WWE title in less than 5 hours (I played the previous game for 25 hours). The main targets of the career seem unattainable with the game getting ridiculously tedious. Hold the belt for 365 days, have 15 reigns and lose every match for a year were just 3 of the main aims of the career. This just doesn't seem fun. Also it makes you (no way to skip or simulate it) watch your rivals matches. A lot of the time not even giving you an option to jump in and interact with the match. Why????

In the creation suite there were a few more options, championships, shows and the rest a pretty standard affair when playing these games. I made a title....not as pretty as the white Intercontinental belt (oh how I love that strap).

So overall this plays and looks better, but not by enough to make up for the shitty, oh so shitty career mode. My next game...well let me tell you. I'm getting a bit bored of these games, I know they get better but I want something fresh. So my next game will be. (Drum Roll please) WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2006 on the PlayStation 2. I'll play the career, unlock as many legends as I can and then take them along with the regular stars and play a season or two of GM mode. I can't wait. Something different. Something I remember being amazing I picked it up online for 29p. i have dusted off my PS2 and the gear. Lets gooooo!!!!!!!!!

Oh the ranking so far....If you didn't already know

  1. WWE 2K15
  2. WWE 2K16
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