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  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post Forza Horizon 5.

    Watching Jeff lose the back end in that drift zone.I'm in this picture and I do not like it.

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post Matthew Rorie’s College Arcade Rivalry - Guilty Treasures #02.

    The game Rorie was trying to think of was Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off-Road.

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post Spiders, Dags, and Cthulhu Lads - Borne to Run #04.

    It has apparently been nine days since my first comment, and I've had time to watch all the way to the halfway point of the episode. This is not important. What is important is that I think is game h...

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post Spiders, Dags, and Cthulhu Lads - Borne to Run #04.

    There are actually over a dozen types of rock that are created from volcanic eruptions depending on the chemical makeup of the original magma, but the quickly recognizable ones are: obsidian, pumice, ...

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post Bak 2 Skool 01: Electricity.

    @pluckylump: This. So much this. I respect Bakalar, but holy cow is he not equipped for this job. There must be at least one skilled physics teacher in the GB community who can break this stuff down f...

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post Introducing The Very Online Show!.

    I like "Gridiron" as an alternative name for American Football.

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message in the forum topic Two Point Campus leaked. on the Two Point Campus board

    As someone who loves management sims, but can't play two point hospital because thinking about the way healthcare is managed is bad for my blood pressure, I'm really looking forward to this.

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message in the forum topic Mahjong Mornings group?. on the General Discussion board

    I've also just started playing, and I've only played one ranked match, but I got a Mangan (which is good?) in it.ID: 78503914Edit: Free name idea for anyone starting an account - TheDoraExplora

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post Nancy Drew: Shadow At Water's Edge (01/15/2020).

    @aires: Because watching other people do Sudoku is like a special level of hell? I actually yelled "It's a six!" at my monitor.

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post 619: The Jäger Cube.

    @rayeth: @tdaonp: @brad: Same here. DoggCatcher gives me a "http.client.ClientProtocolException", but I'm able to stream it.

  • OneDollarWilliam followed jeff .
  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post Jeff Ranks the Faces in WWE 2K20.

    Oh man. When Jeff didn't recognize Jaxson Ryker of the Forgotten Sons? :Chef Kiss:We for-got you! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻The tragedy is, I don't think the Forgotten Sons are bad wrestlers. All three of them are le...

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.

    "You got.........Yamcha."

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post The Final Mario Party.

    In a weird coincidence, as Jeff mentioned, when you google "Donkey Kong Noises" one of the first results is a Reset Era thread, the 3rd post of which contains a gif of Jeff and Dan from Mario Party P...

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post DAAAANNNNNNN!!!!.

    If you told 2015 me that one day I'd be deeply saddened to see Dan leave GB. I would have laughed in your face, but it's human nature to love stories about growth, and Dan's capacity to grow and willi...

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon (10/18/2019).

    Noting Alex's Cabin Boy reference for posterity.

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon (10/18/2019).

    Was I the only person yelling: "Three plus two plus one is six! Seven minus six is one!" At their computer?

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post WWE 2K20.

    How can they say that Humberto Carillo model is OK?! They have removed his defining facial characteristic: his adorable dimples. (and don't tell me it's because he's not smiling, they don’t go away wh...

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post 601: Chief Daedra Officer.

    OK, so if BL3 looks worse in comparison to other, more recent, loot shooters, does that mean, since I never played any of those I'll enjoy it as much as I did BL & BL2? I'm sure the comedy hasn't ...

  • OneDollarWilliam posted a message on the post Nintendo Direct 09/04/19.

    "Wolverine is not a dog. He's a... Canadian." 🤣