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Average score of 2 user reviews

Better Than Going to Medieval Times 0

I just bought this game over 4th of July weekend after trying the demo on Steam, and I must say its one of the best games I've played since Interplay's Fallout. Yeah the graphics aren't amazing, and the animations leave a lot to be desired - as a  3D animator myself, I see a lot that could be improved. Actually I've already started on an animation pack that includes better animations for the Quarterstaff and 2 handed weapons, I'll post here when its done! It's true that there's no set "story" in...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A Revolutionary RPG That Holds Up To This Day 0

I remember it clearly; in 1999, my buddy got a new Dell PC, which came with a variety pack of games. Among those games was Fallout 2. Even at the tender age of 14, Fallout 2 completely blew me away. The sheer amount of freedom, not just in character customization but in actual quest follow-through, and the choices the player can make in gameplay, all add up to create a beautiful masterpiece RPG that still stands to this day as my favorite video game of all time. ...

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.