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Rest In Peace, Paul Gray (1972 - 2010)


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It is with deep regret that I have been informed that Slipknot bassist Paul Gray has passed away today on the 24th of May. The cause of his death is yet to be revealed, which I am eager to find out real soon. He was only 38 years old. Slipknot has been a part of my life since their debut in 1999. Their music, energy, and image are truly inspirational to me and have affected my life in positive ways and I owe them for that. Even though regular musicians can’t appreciate his low end bass sounds due to the heaviness of their songs, we “maggots” are fully aware that without Paul, there can be no Slipknot.

I am not certain what will happen to Slipknot because the band members have quoted a few times saying that if one of them leaves the band or due to natural causes, Slipknot will be disbanded. No compromise. If they stay true to their word, then I have no choice but to respect their wishes. To Corey, Mick, Clown, 133, James, Chris, Joey, Sid and Paul’s family members, you have our deepest condolences.

Rest In Peace, Paul. You were a true Rock Legend.


 Your fan,
