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Phone service (Boost)

well I recently got my phone an considering that I'm low-middle class I thought I had to settle for shit phone service  BUT I was surprised to find that its not as much bullshit as I thought it would be..I hear so much crap about boost like dropped calls/crappy phones/crappy sound,sure the texting is slightly slow but its not anything to complain about  plus you still get internet and unlimited talking for only $50 a month..who can complain! def not me! Goodness I feel like a spokesperson lol but anyways I recently got one of there newest phones i856w  so far it seems pretty sturdy..its actually somewhat nice looking an you can upload music onto it 
I have not had one dropped call yet..the sound quality with this phone has been amaaaazing and depending on what area your in this could really save alot of people some money, I mean..I know I'll take all the money I can save! lol =P hope you had fun reading my  slow boring ,entertaining phone/service go get yourself a good provider! ;)  (stiff laugh) ha...ha..ha....(get it) ? =|