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Day 3: Shit gets real.

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So I'm going to add a random photo taken from within the inner sanctum in every post. Most will have some meaning, none will be explained. Some will hint at some cool stuff coming. Enjoy...

So now that I've got everything building and running I dived into the shark pool. Screw the simple bug fixes. I've taken on a new feature. Its related to videos and no it's probably not anything to do with that bug you've encountered umteen times with videos. Trust me, I am aware of those bugs and they're on my list of stuff to do. If you haven't heard yet, there's going to be an all new and I'm going to do the video related stuff for it. Not the player, just the hosting and CMS pages. Much of my stuff will touch Giant Bomb and Comic Vine too actually.

Today it hit me that I'm in the middle of a gamers paradise. Anything and everything to do with gaming that's available now or about to be available in the future surrounds me. The gaming machines we have run the highest powered graphics cards, more RAM then anyone could ever fill, monitors that surpass IMAX in quality, any and all kids of input devices, you name it, we have it and you wish for it, we probably have that too. Today I got to play with Oculous; it was amazing. I remember back in the 90's Wired was all about VR and how it would change our lives in the future. Well, here we are and it will. I could totally see it as a replacement for monitors. Imagine a 360 degree cubed monitor! A virtual spherical desktop! I shudder and drool thinking about it.

The whole idea about gaming at work still hasn't quite sunk in yet. I still feel like I'm doing something wrong when I'm watching stuff like Daily Dota etc.. It reminds me of when I switched from working on system software to websites. Back then, anytime I had a browser open I felt like I was goofing off even though I was working and the browser was part of my job. Now gaming is. God, I love my job...

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